Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Waterfalls in Iceland

Hi everyone.  Happy Wednesday to you.

August is winding down way too fast, but since I can't stop time, let me  post another page for Chris' challenge over at Art Journal Journey.  Chris’ challenge runs through this Thursday. Waterfalls are all over the world, but this page is in my Iceland journal because we saw a lot of waterfalls in that country.

 I  have already shared photos  of many of the big waterfalls we saw in Iceland,  including this one on my journal page. To make my page I used a napkin I received on the plane, added a postcard I picked up at some point in the trip and also included the parking ticket to this particular waterfall's parking lot. This lot was  crowded; you can tell this is a popular waterfall to visit. (Probably because you can walk behind it.)

I'll be back with one more page for Chris' challenge before August wraps up.

To go along with this page, let me share a few more photos from Iceland. These are some "small" waterfalls we came across. (Along with a few other views also.)

And I'll add a turfhouse that was "next to" one of the small waterfalls.

Even these small waterfalls can have deceptively strong flows. This next one had a trail you could walk up to the base  (not the top) of the falls.

I still have a lot of photos to share from my June trip, but this is all for me today. I hope your week is going well.



  1. Hi Erika, even though my computer shows pinks and whites haha I enjoyed this post. I love waterfalls. does anyone live in that house near the waterfall? that would be cool.
    thanks for sharing more Iceland hugs Kathy

  2. ...Erika, you sure saw some rugged beauty!

  3. The country of waterfalls! Your page is beautiful, Erika.

  4. Making sure yesterday's comment wasn't a fluke.

    I love your waterfall page. I laughed at the napkin you got from the plane. You found some stunning waterfalls and I really love how you captured that essence in your art journal. Thanks for this great entry for Chris's theme at AJJ.

    Your photos are amazing. I was really impressed with that tall one that you couldn't get to from the top.

  5. The flowers are lovely. How widely spread are they and in how many months of the year do they flower?

  6. That are fabulous Journal page and the Fotos are so wonderful from waterfall!
    Hugs Elke


  7. That´s a beautiful page! Fun hint on the napkin :-)
    The sign, though... sad that even there people seem to litter.
    Beautiful pics. You make me want to turn on my Henry-fountain - I will do after work.
    Thank you and hugs

  8. You are making great progress in that travel journal. Magnificent falls pics too. And that town in Maine looked very interesting. As for it being almost Sept., I usually feel like you that time is moving too fast, but this summer has changed me. I cannot wait for October to get here without a hurricane in Sept., lol. And lower temps. And dare I also ask for some rain! Have a good week, xoxo

  9. Beautiful page and amazing photographs. The scenery is so very different from what we have around here. I hope you're not getting drenched. We didn't get the heavy rain they said we would. The rain seems to have stopped. No complaints.

  10. What beautiful scenery! Your photos capture the water's movement well. I imagine it's _loud_ close to some of those falls.

  11. Oh Erika! Iceland really is paradise on videos and photos I see but on these particular ones you shared, oh it truly is gorgeous! It's always far on my list because they say it's super expensive to travel there but hopefully I can someday but for now your photos are more than enough to make me love it!

  12. How interesting is that turf house. I wonder if you have ever seen inside one of them.
    The waterfalls are gorgeous and those last ones look massive. No wonder yu chose to use one for your page at AJJ.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  13. It is a wonderful, rugged, interesting, stark landscape, that makes me want to visit every time I see it. Amazing! Hugs - David

  14. This is right up my alley as I am a fan of waterfalls. Haven't been to Ireland, so I get to travel there vicariously through your blog. Thanks! There are quite a few lovely waterfalls here in TN also.

  15. These photos are all so beautiful. Your page really does show your love of Iceland. Thanks for all the support this month and of course for sharing this page, hugs, Chrisx

  16. Dazzling. Isn't it a shame that we have to have signs to tell people not to litter?

  17. Seeing these waterfalls now gives me another reason we need to visit Iceland, Erika. There is so much power even in the seemingly smaller ones.


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