Monday, August 14, 2023

T Stands for a Very Bad Good Day

Hi everyone. Happy T day to you. A week goes by so quickly, doesn't it? And it is now already the middle of August. Holy cow!

This past Saturday was a frustrating day. As some of you have already read, my husband and I were supposed to go to a cookout at some friends' house, and then one of the hosts came down with covid. Hopefully they'll have a speedy recovery and no secondary effects. And then there were some family issues with one of my husband's sisters. My husband has 2 sisters, and we could say it is like in the Wizard of Oz. One is the good witch and one is the bad. One is lovely and easy to deal with, and one is not. Anyhow, we had an issue with the bad sister, and it left both my husband and myself feeling very used. And that made us CRANKY. To make a long story short, we both were wishing that a house would fall on her, and even if we don't want her dead, we wouldn't mind if she went off to Oz and stayed there.

OK, that's enough of me being crabby. When you're annoyed or feeling down, what do you do? Besides talking about it like a million times, I eat. You could say I am an emotional eater. 

It didn't take a lot of arm twisting to get my husband to stop for an ice cream as we were driving home from his Mom's house after the annoying event happened.
And since it was lunchtime,  I said the heck with just an ice cream cone.

I haven't had a hot fudge sundae since the last day of 2022, and boy it was delicious! 

The funny story is my husband was telling the girl at the ice cream counter what a bad morning he had had, and asked if he could maybe have an extra cherry. And she gave him 6 cherries. Of course there was only one on my sundae. Smile  At least there was something to make us laugh.

Instead of sitting home stewing, my husband and I went out to run some errands. There was the printer ink I needed to return since last week when I needed ink I couldn't find the package that I swore I had already bought. Of course after I bought a new package, I found the old one. 😕

And then there was the fact that my sneakers had holes in the toes. Oh no.

I didn't need 2 pairs, but I found a great back to school sale. Now I can walk without dirt getting on my feet/socks when I walk. 😀 And I do love the purple soles on the bottom pair!

And finally, I need a drink to share for T over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.
It took awhile for us to run all our errands, and by then, the hot fudge sundaes  had worn off. We stopped for dinner, and I ate too much. And I did have a giant sized beer. The hubby and I were still steaming and a big beer was called for. 

I forgot to take a photo before I managed to gobble down everything on my plate, but here's what's left to my dinner. For  my ticket to T, here’s some of my  beer. It was Sam Adams summer brew.

As you know it's not worth staying annoyed, but getting over being annoyed doesn't mean things are forgotten. I don't expect there will ever be an apology though.  Sadly, because an apology could fix a lot! 😞
But it's a new week, and there are too many things to be happy about  rather than lingering over sad family feuds.

Happy T day everyone.


  1. Yummy i can never say no to ice cream.
    Hope you have a lovely week

    Monday WRites is HERE


  2. Hi Erika, Wow family can be such a "pain" can't it we have gone through similiar with Larry's sister, and my brother has pulled some really bad stuff over the years so I pretty much never deal with him any more-and he is still in our home state of Indiana so won't need to worry about bumping into him-smiles
    ah your ice cream treat reminds me of my father-he Loved banana splits-so that was always his go to ice cream to "mend" a rough day.
    Hoping things get better-hugs

  3. Sad story, when your relatives give you trouble! Ice cream cures a lot. Our elderly neighbor when I was a child always advised giving sick children ice cream to cure them. She said her father, a doctor, recommended it. I believe he became a doctor in the mid or late 19th century when there were no US medical schools, but medicine was an apprenticeship, so maybe that was a medical tradition in Arkansas where they lived. Or maybe she just made it up. Anyway I'm glad you could enjoy the ice cream even though the day was a tough one.
    best, mae at

  4. Sorry that you two had a such bad day. When I am feeling down, I meditate or practice some deep breathing.

  5. Sorry you had a bad time with the SIL. But there is nothing like hot fudge sundae, beer and new tennis shoes. Have a great evening.

  6. Here you find signs all over about how to deal with "long COVID". Horrible.
    We kept the distance and are fine.
    No idea how in your country but here the "shots" were not really tested and this is the outcome.
    Those who got the shots are sick (well, many).
    I work from home - not a worry.
    Ingo had to get tested every day! Every day. But it was worth it!
    Is "Long COVID" an issue in your place?

    Family. Oh. Am I glad I have but one Brother and mostly we are good!
    Hey! Wish me to OZ, preferably Perth ;-)
    Or Darwin, Broome. Wish her to Sydney. She can freeze her butt off there. In the hectic.

    Oh, boy.
    Ingo sure would love your ice-cream... Pizza, please? My emotions are salty.
    I never had a "hot fudge sundae" and no idea where to get that, I never heard of this, Maccas?
    6 cherries, awwww, that made me smile very big, thank you.
    Oh. Murphy hit you. He is plain everywhere.
    Cool sneakers!
    Wow, that IS a big beer - and summer brew sound great! What was the taste like, honey maybe? We need to pay our local brewery a visit, I reckon...
    Happy, yummy T-Day! Here, dark. Rain to come. Alas. My day off... Hugs and to rain!

  7. Thats's what I call an ice cream, looks totally delicious, some things can go a long way to cheering us up, I was given ice cream in hopsital as a child after I had my tonsils removed.
    I agree saying sorry would always help but some people aren't capable, my DH has a sister the same, uses everyone without a thanks.
    Pleased to see I?m not the only one who forgets to take a photo of food, haha
    Happy T Day Erika Jan S

  8. I totally get it. Dealing with unreasonale family members can be the most draining thing. You hit all my ways of dealing with it too - food, talking about it, shopping, laughing, imagining an Oz event, a big drink, and dessert. Plus a bit of journaling - isn't blogging a way of journaling? Hope you are feeling a bit better now.

    Love those brown shoes.

    Happy T-day and extra hugz

  9. Dear Erika,
    as the saying goes: you can choose friends, but not family ;-) You ask, "When you're annoyed or feeling down, what do you do?" I have a good trick that I got from the late German management trainer Vera F. Birkenbihl: SMILE!
    ("Go to a restroom and smile intently for at least a minute. You'll feel better after this minute - if not: smile again. Because when you smile, your muscles put pressure on nerves that send messages to your brain. The brain thinks you're happy and thuds Happy hormones off!") Try it, it really helps! :-DD
    Buying shoes and delicious food is certainly not a bad therapy either ;-)
    All the best from Austria!

  10. ...I hope that your days are mostly good.

  11. Oh dear, family. I have no contact to any of my family aymore, and I don't want to. I prefer to choose my friends! And having good food is always the best way to deal with it, and that ice with fudge looks irresistable, yummy! Lovely new shoes, too, love those colourful soles. Have a great week and don't think back on the bad things, just dream of fudge ice and new shoes! Hugs, Valerie

  12. My sympathies in your bad sister dealings :( Families -or parts of them- can honestly be not worth the hassle. Some people never see the damage they cause; but if they did see, they wouldn't care. Oh, well... they make their choices, and I've come to live in that knowledge.

    The hot fudge sundae looks like a real treat. I can't remember the last time I had one. I've never seen brown sneakers, but I'd love to find a pair. I do look at the Rack Room sales where all my shoes come from.

    Happy T Tuesday!

  13. Family.... enough said... lol Hope your feeling better Erika! That icecream would have went a long way to repair my nerves...BIG hugs and Happy T day! deb

  14. Your Hot fudge Sundae looks delicious, and it is nice to have an excuse to eat one, even if it is unpleasant drama. Your purple shoes are lovely! So glad that you and your Hubby made the most of the remainder of the day and spent it together.
    Happy Tea Day,

  15. I'm sorry you had a falling out with you SIL. Not nice. Your delicious ice cream was certainly deserved. I would have done the same. And spending money (buying shoes is a good way to spend money) is also a way to feel better. But my way of combatting that sort of situation is like Traude (Rostrose). I stand in front of the mirror and smile. Or I go for a walk through the village and say hello to everyone with a radiant smile. (here in the village we all say hello to everybody even if I don't know the person). Smiling helps.
    Happy T-Day,

  16. Strange day but the possitive is that you writed a real good story. I hope that the Next days in August Will be possitive for you, full of Joy, and happiness. Greetings from Mallorca.

  17. Ice cream therapy was a good solution, Erica, and of course the references to Wizard of Oz made me smile, as you know my name is Dorothy. Shopping is good therapy as well and I really liked your brand of shoes choice as New Balance is my preference. Where did you find yours? There is a New Balance outlet in Merrimack and I wondered if you went there.

    Sorry to read about the family issues, but you are right in saying that staying annoyed is not the best approach as well. I read somewhere that it means the other person has power over your emotions when that happens.

  18. Ugh, Covid. It's what caused Teague and I to postpone the Newport trip. Her husband was visiting his sister. Teague was just pulling out of the driveway to pick me up. The sisters 2 girls and later sister tested positive for Covid. Neither Teague and hubby got Covid, but we postponed out of an abundance of caution. After we had to postpone the Ogunquit trip in April because Teague and her husband did get Covid. I am an emotional eater, too. I hope today was a much better day. Happy T Day

  19. Bummer about your bad day with the Bad Sister. I'm glad you found a way to celebrate getting out of there and heading home. It looks delicious. (I hope he shared some of his cherries!)

  20. Oh dear, Erika, I do feel for you with the bad witch. I hope you guys stood up for yourself. Narcissism is not negotiable. If you did, feel the positive power of that because there is never a feel good outcome with a narcissist. Glad you guys could drown your sorrows with some good food and retail therapy. Just concentrate on her not stealing your good moods any longer and be grateful you are not like her! XOX

  21. Families!! They say your can choose your friends but not your family and iat is so true. Having just had a 4.5 year feud with my son I am pleased to say he wants to reconcile. Hard to forget the hurt but I have to be the bigger person I guess.
    Anyway, your post made me smile. Two pairs of shoes from the back to school sale - but you have retired, had you forgotten? (me attempting a joke)
    A hot chocolate fudge sundae sounds the perfect thing. Glad you had one and then a lovely big beer a bit later. Sometimes we have to don't we.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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