Sunday, September 17, 2023

A Cat in the Window

 Hello there.  How was your weekend?

I had a nice weekend. I was a little bit busy, but fun busy, and that worked.  Saturday we went down to the shore to see some wild waves from the Hurricane that moved  out to see, which I will share with you for T this week.  Sunday I went and picked up some apples at a local orchard because apple season, like all fresh produce seasons,  doesn't last all that long. And how can you go wrong with a crispy crunchy fresh apple when it is starting to feel like autumn? 😀

Today I want to share another page for Elle's Books, Cats and Tea challenge at Art Journal Journey I am also liking my page up to Creative Artiste Mixed Media Challenge. This time it is challenge # 97, and you can link up art creations as long as you use various types of media.

I made this page by using a yellow ink pad and rubbing it to give the background a little bit of color. I then made the window. The frame is from a die cut, and the inner window  is embossed. I then colored the window glass in, but I thought the colors were a bit too bold so I used a bit of gesso to dull them down. 

The birds are cut out from some printed tissue paper. The book is cut out of a printed page of paper, and the cat is a sticker from a vintage image sticker book.  And I finished my page by stamping a few small reading quotes. 

I really like this page and how I was able to use some random images and make them all work together.

That's all for me today. Enjoy the start of the new week. 


  1. Hi Erika, I miss not having fruit orchards nearby especially the u pick ones. Like your newest journal page too-
    Have an awesome new week hugs Kathy

  2. much is that doggie, I mean cat in the window?

  3. This weekend was Jewish New Year, starring apples dipped in honey. Apples for a fruitful future and honey for a sweet one :)

  4. Oh my gosh, I cannot believe you went down to watch those waves! Well, heck fire, why didn't y'all rent a surfboard while you were there? heeheehee I kid of course. Love getting Kiwanis apples in the fall, my dad always ordered for the whole family and our Kiwanis banker saves us back half a box and we split it with friends. It's their big fundraiser. I'm having an Arthur flare, not feeling good at all, so I indulged a little online reading. Stumbled onto a very witty short story / essay in Paris Review by novelist Lisa Carver and it has New Hampshire in it! It's not long and free to read:
    I gotta look her up! I love how she describes the fall leaves up there:
    "Driving down the street in France in fall, you don’t get the feeling you do in New England—that you’re Moses and God parted the sea for you except it’s a sea of fire. A giant sea of fire."
    Now, I get why people travel there to see them. :-)
    Love your page and how you did your window and put those elements together.
    Hope your week goes well, XOX

  5. I love black cats! My late parents in law used to have 2 apple trees and the freshly picked apples are just awesome!

  6. Hi Erika, happy new week! Going to check out the waves sounds like fun, can't wait to see the photos. We have wet and windy weather so I will have to go out in it and pick all the apples before they fall off the trees and get eaten by hungry critters in the garden instead of us!

    You were asking how I got my teabags so flat - I didn’t have enough of the wrappers to fill the page so I carefully opened them up and then cut them in half so that I had a back and a front – if you look closely you will see that some have the front of the wrapper and others are showing the backs. Then I glued them down on the page and the big kitty covered the rest of the gap.

    I love how you put your random elements together to make a super page, that's fun isn't it. It almost looks (to me) that the cat is on the book and they are flying past the window with the birds.

    Thanks for joining me for the Books, Cats & Tea September theme at Art Journal Journey this month. Happy Journalling! Elle xx

  7. Very great art!!
    Oh, I sure look forward to see the photos...
    We had 28C / 82F and had a yummy BBQ on Sunday :-)
    To a happy new week, hugs

  8. I like this page too. I love the placement of the various images in the composition. The window with the book by it and the cat stalking in all marries really well. I can just imagine those swallows flying by too.
    You just made me think of a crispy, juicy red apple. None around here unfortunately.
    Hugs, neet xx

  9. Fantastic art. I love this. - Anne (Cornucopia)

  10. I love the Ink kitty on your page. He could be at the Sacred Art Retreat with me. They moved the art studio into the old chapel. Apples are good, but don’t rush the season. There are still 3 more days of Summer!

  11. Apples and fall do indeed go together. Even the colour of the bright shiny apple coincides with ever deepening hues on the trees. I am not immune to the taste of apple pie, and if someone offers me a slice I eat it with gratitude, but a bite out of the fruit straight from the tree is so superior it begs no comparison. Hugs - David

  12. There's nothing like apples in the Autumn. I've been enjoying them, though mine aren't local. I should go to a farmers' market...

  13. Beautiful journal page, love the window! I hope the cat doesn't go after those birds! Watching the waves sounds good, what fun! Have a great week, dear Erika, take care, hugs, Valerie

  14. I really like the look of the window!

  15. Dear Erika,
    oooh, "wild waves from the hurricane" - that sounds adventurous!
    It's also apple season in our garden at the moment. We've already made applesauce, next comes apple strudel and then maybe apple crumble?
    I think your cats-birds-book-and-stained-glass-window-page is very successful and pretty. Great idea to soften the window a little with gesso.
    All the best, Traude
    🌺🪶🍂 🪶🌺

  16. Apples and Autumn go together so well :)

    That is a lovely journal page.
    Enjoy your week.

    All the best Jan

  17. You braved the waves. Good you didn't take the boat out, though.

    I am not a fan of apples unless they are golden delicious. Seems the last few years all the apples I get taste like mush. I hope yours are better than the ones I get here in the store.

    LOVE your kitty page. What a sweet cat and a wonderful idea. That stained glass window is stunning. Thanks for a really lovely entry using Elle's theme at AJJ, dear friend.


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