Monday, September 18, 2023

T Stands for Pizza and Waves

 Hi everyone. It's time for T again. Last week I was home a lot and had a very good week crafting and reading. I even got in some gardening. After being mostly ignored for the summer because of the rain and humidity, my gardens really need some fall TLC before becoming dormant for the winter.

Last Friday night my husband asked me if I wanted to go out for lunch on Saturday. Now I knew something had to be up because he doesn't usually  ask me if I want to go to lunch in advance. What he actually  wanted was for me to go with him over to the  Portland, Maine area where his mom is now in a memory-care assisted living unit. That wasn't such a bad request, and we had a nice visit with his mom. I enjoyed seeing her, and she was happy to see us also.

Afterwards we went  down the street to get pizza for lunch. Here's my ticket for T this week over at  Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

We visited Pat's Pizza, which is a local Maine chain.
My "usual" is still the same one I always order when I go to Pat's: double dough, pepperoni and onion. For drinks we had  a beer.  It is called Lunch and is made by the Maine brewing company in Freeport. It's not only good, but its name was quite appropriate since we were having our lunch. 😏

We were only a few miles away from the coast, and because of what was Hurricane Lee, downgraded to post-tropical storm Lee at this point, I knew the waves were going to be interesting to see. The storm actually moved closer to shore further down east on the Maine coast and into New Brunswick, Canada. I saw on the news there were a lot of power outages and downed trees, but hopefully nothing more extensive.

After lunch, we took a drive down to the water. Some of the beaches were closed due to the surf, but we found a couple of coves to go check out the waves. I can't imagine how horrible the waves are during an actual hurricane because  we had some  pretty impressive views  in the protected coves where we were, and it was only a post-tropical storm in these photos. 

Here's a few photos from my Saturday afternoon.

The wind was pretty fierce, and a couple of times I thought my phone (as I didn't have my camera with me) was going to blow right out of my hands. This next photo is on zoom from one of the coves we visited.  You can see the waves over at the beach on the other side of the jetty.

It was hard for even birds to fly far, so I guess these commerants decided to hang out together.

I don't know this couple, but I like the photo.

And I'll end with a couple of photos of the traffic because we weren't the only ones who thought it would be interesting to go down to the beach. 

Have a great T day and week ahead. 


  1. Your photos captured impressive scenes of high seas and waves. That pizza looks delish.

  2. Looks like a great date with your hubby! The pizza looks delicious and the beach is SO pretty. That certainly was a lot of traffic. That was sweet of your to visit your MIL with your husband.
    Happy Tea Day,

  3. Wow those photos were impressive! The waves at the beach were impressive, too.
    😉 Sounds like a perfect day. Visit to mom, lunch, and the beach. Pouring buckets today so I didn't get down to my little beach/ Happy T Day

  4. Oh that pizza looks so good. I think I will make pizza for dinner tomorrow. LOL Wonderful phots. Have a lovley evening.

  5. storms make for good beachcombing?

  6. Awesome that you two had a great time :-) Nice shots of those wave. Have a wonderful day!

  7. 05:43 a.m. and I am drooling over your pizza!
    Wow on the pics! I love stormy weather as long as it´s not dangerous.
    Thank you for sharing. For lunch I´ll have a pizza muffin, with extra cheese - by chance I defrosted the last three ones yesterday :-)
    Have a happy T-Day, hugs

  8. Beer and pizza look good. The waves look fierce. Glad you were able to visit with your mom in law

  9. Your pizza looks yummy. I'm in the mood for a pizza myself. Even though I would never drink it, I liked the name of your beer. Thanks for sharing this with us for T this Tuesday.

    Wow, there were some swells and some pretty impressive waves. I was taken by your photos and also by the number of vehicles with the same idea in mind.

  10. I half expected to see some crazy surfers out there lol. The waves look awesome, as does your pizza. That traffic though, that I don't like at all. Happy T Day! Elle xx

  11. I would have loved the visit to the beach after the storm; waiting in line with all those other cars, not so much! Hugs - David

  12. Hi Erika, I just got home and realised that the comment plugin had set a limit on the comment length and cut you off in mid sentence - I'm so sorry about that. I didn't realise it had set one, it's fixed now. :)

  13. Love the see pictures, wonderful waves, very exciting! And your pizza is even more exciting, especially as I am hungry! Sorry so many other drivers wanted to visit the beach at the same time! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  14. Those are fantastic photos of the waves. I would be mesmerized by them and I'm really glad you got to see them (and share them with us!). Sounds like a sneaky way to get you to go visit his mom -- would you have really said no if he'd just asked?! That pizza would be worth the drive!

  15. Good evening, wow that was allot of traffic. enjoyed the ocean views-those were some high waves-was it loud?
    Your pizza looks delilcious too

  16. I'm not even going to chide you for getting out and driving toward a storm, because I realize your mil was probably really nervous about Lee hitting Maine and your hubby was probably wanting to be with her and soothe her. And as it happened, there was no danger because Lee moved east. The waves were pretty extraordinary. Y'all *might* be getting another storm in a couple weeks. This year's track is definitely in the northern Atlantic sector. xoxo


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