Thursday, September 21, 2023

Cleaning Off My Work Table

 Hi everyone.

Like many of you artsy folks, my work table collects lots of scraps and other bits and pieces.  The other day I decided to sift through them and make a page for Elle's Books, Cats, and Tea challenge at Art Journal Journey.

I started by adding dots and  a die cut circle. I doodled a red scalloped frame around it and added the white dashed line along the edge.  

Just like the die cut circle, everything else came off my work table and were arranged as you see them. The big tea word and the small tea word were on 2 freebie stickers I picked up at a BBQ place back when I visited Charleston. I cut out just the  T-E-A parts.  As an afterthought, I used some very watered down black acrylic paint on the part of the background still showing.

I think there's a definite story with this page. It all has to do with the beautiful lady on the bottom left. My version of this story is that Marny, the beautiful lady, is coming home from a very long and fancy  party at 4 in the morning. She is still too wound up to sleep, so she makes herself a cup of herbal tea (no caffeine as she eventually hopes to get some sleep) and sits outside her door, watching the night sky lighten up with morning.

What's your version?

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope your Thursday is going well.


  1. I think Marny was having a high tea party with her friends who were a little bit late :-)

  2. Here is my version: Matilda, a young midwife, was expecting to be called out at any moment to attend to what she was pretty sure was going to be a difficult birth. She had settled into the bed, preferring to lie on top of the quilt, waiting for the call. Unable to rest she got up and made herself a cup of strong tea. It was dark outside, and the moon cast an eerie glow on the snow. The horses snorted in the stable as though they too knew there was work to be done tonight; their part being to pull the sleigh the two miles along the lanes. Matilda’s head was filled with dread as thoughts of last week’s birth flooded her head. The baby had survived but the mother had died. Surely this couldn’t happen again. Oh, how she hoped it couldn’t happen again.

  3. Lovely page made with what you found on your desk. Now Marny? To be honest I think your story is perfectly plausible and probably the true version but ... Maybe she is a young debutante, so nervous that she has got dressed far too early for the Ball that is to take place in Kensington, London. Mummy has made her a glass of strawberry, lemon and orange blossom tea to try to calm her nerves, afterall it is only 4 pm and the Ball does not start until 6.30 that evening. Now Mummy is getting stressed too, will Marny spill on her ball gown? We will have to wait and see.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  4. My version is that the lady is a burglar. But when she sees all the wonderful pickles and preserves they have in the house, as well as home made bread and delicious cake, she decides to taste her way through everything and falls asleep sitting at the kitchen table. The next day she was led away by the police, but she had so enjoyed all the delicacies that she just didn't care!
    Motto - enjoy life as long as you can!
    Hugs, Valerie

  5. I like your version, my version would be that she's all dressed up and ready to go out but it's only 4pm so she decides to put her feet up and have a cuppa to pass the time while she waits to be picked up. Thanks for joining me for the Books, Cats & Tea September theme at Art Journal Journey this month. Happy Journalling! Elle xx

  6. A great story with the beautiful journal page. oh yes, she liked to drink tea to get her sleep.
    Hug Elke

  7. This is a pretty page, Erika. And you're right -- it does tell a story.

  8. I love your page and your version (as you know I am not creative plus today was very, very tough in the workshop, my brain is empty). To Marny and her tea, hugs

  9. Cute page. It's 4 pm and time for tea. I hope your weather has been as great as it's been on Enders

  10. What a fun page you created for us. There is NO WAY I can top the stories others have created. I will just commend you for creating this art for Elle's theme at AJJ!!

  11. Wow, you did a great job with your desk bits and bobs. Hope ya'll don't get the rain from Sixteen, I know you have had so much. xoxo

  12. I haven't seen the top of my work table since Covid started in early 2020. The table is covered with books, gallery and museum catalogues, heaps of printed sheets of paper, stapler, pens, sticky tape, mobile phone and a box of tissues. Oh dear.

  13. Great collage👍👏👏 congrats
    Happy day

  14. Tea time :) and the tea sounds and looks tasty. I like collage.


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