Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Silly Kitties

 Hi everyone. Happy middle of the week.

Today I have another journal page to share over at Elle's Books, Cats and Tea challenge at Art Journal Journey. I made this page in my new little Strathmore art journal. I am really happy with the way the pages hold up and don't curl (very much) when I use all kinds of media on them.

I inked the background pink and then I tore some scraps of this hot pink paper and used Matte medium to attach them.  Once everything was dry, I stamped the meow word and the fish skeleton several times around my page.  To give the colors a bit more depth, I splattered some darker pink watercolor paint on my page.

The kitties are an old Stampotique image from my stash that I stamped and sort of fussy cut. I am really trying to use some of my stamps that have been sitting unloved for awhile.  There wasn't a fish hanging off Mama's tail on the original image, but I added this small foam confetti fish. The fish in the bowl comes from another old stamp set from Hero Arts. That stamp set is ancient and was one of the first sets of stamps I ever bought. Before I added the fish bowl to my page I cut the black paper background shape to put around those silly kitties because the black helped them stand out better.

To finish off my page I added the little footprints (also foam confetti). I colored them in with a marker to also make them stand out more.   I also used a black Sharpie to add a border.

This week (so far) we've had a bit more rain and also some sun, and in between rain showers I snapped a few photos in the garden. Most of the  plants are reaching that end of the season-tired-look, but I think  plants are always as interesting at that point as they are when they're green and vibrant earlier in the summer.

My banana tree leaf after the rain.
And the 2 packages of zinnia seeds I planted in some pots back in May have produced some amazing blooms this year.

Ignore my feet in this photo (above).

And the gerber daisies are all starting to fade too.

I've had this fig tree since 1983.  Last summer I transplanted it,  and now it is full of new growth. It looks fantastic.  It will lose some leaves over the winter when it doesn't get so much sun in the house. 

This year I transplanted a couple of Boston ferns since they were also in the same pots since the 1980's. The pots had started to crack, and the ferns were terribly pot bound.  They looked great though, but I'm afraid I've done them in transplanting them. Fingers crossed they pull through. My aunt gave me some shoots which both of these plants came from, and she died at 97 a few years back. I'd like to keep the connection going-hopefully. 
And CJ mentioned a yellow wooly bear caterpillar recently. I had never seen one, but then, one morning, look what I found on my asparagus fern out on the deck. 

Pretty soon I'll have to bring my houseplants back inside because it will be too cool to leave them outside. That's always a day project because I first trim them, and there's always dead leaves and other droppings to clean up. Luckily I have a couple of places to put them because it seems the number of plants I bring inside is always double from what I brought out in the spring.  😏  And this asparagus fern has more than tripled in size over the summer on top of it. 

That's enough for me today. Hope your week is going well.


  1. Your journal page is lovely, fun colours, too. Your garden is looking good, plants look great with raindrops on them. And even when they're in their decline the blooms still look good. And xthat wooly bear caterpillar is so pretty! Hugs, Valerie

  2. The cat page is really cute and lovely with that fish bowl. I love that macro shot of banana leaf after rain.

  3. The yellow wooly bear caterpillar is very interesting. I have seldom seen one. It is the larval form of the Virginian Tiger Moth, if I am not mistaken. The every familiar brown-and-black wooly bear, the larva of the Isabella Tiger Moth, was seen several times yesterday - an unmistakeable sign of fall. Hugs - David

  4. Lovely page and enjoyed your garden update

  5. Very, very cute, hehehe... I never saw foam confetti, such cute paws!
    Yes, fall must be on the way. Tomorrow is to warm up - and I will sit in a room all day with aircon on :-(
    Cute caterpillar.

    So far I left my wood-strawberries always outside and they survived also cold winters (knock on wood).
    My T, who grew up in former GDR and learned gardening from kindy on, told me to, and it works since... 2012, I guess!
    Hugs and to a happy rest of the week

  6. This is such a cute cat page Erika! I love those kitties with the fangs, and that you added things to them like the fish and the fish bowl and the pawprints, you created a whole story there. Your flowers are lovely even at the end of season, and I've never seen one of those caterpillars before. We have plenty of brown furry ones all over the garden at the moment and I have to keep fishing them out of water or avoid stepping on them on the path. Do you get figs on your fig tree? I would love one but they don't seem to like growing here. I planted one a few years ago but it just shrivelled up and died. It would have been nice to have fresh figs from the garden. Thanks for joining me for the Books, Cats & Tea September theme at Art Journal Journey this month. Happy Journalling! Elle xx

  7. I love your fun cat page Erika, and your photos are wonderful. Beautiful blooms and that little caterpillar is sweet.

  8. Your flowers are looking like mine -- beginning to wither, look a little sad, like they know their time is coming..

  9. Very colorful and cute journal page. Glad you are liking your new journal. MIL had a huge fig tree and canned fig jelly for decades. You have some cool varieties of zinnias. Ferns are kind of mercurial, we did't do ours until late fall when the fronds are brown and since then we planted in a bed and forgot them really, lol. Our wandering jew and lantana just will not quit, Honey cut them back some and they grew right back, lol. Even in our hot summer, but Honey did water them. XOX

  10. Everywhere got battered here last Tuesday with the rain. It literally bounced down.
    Love the journal page and I like the idea of the black underlay with the cats, it really does provide an accent and works so well. Loving the use of the goldfish bowl, what a delightful stamp to own. Love the cats too - especially the odd eye. (did someone get an idea for her range from this?)
    It's good sometimes to go back to old stamps, I've done that recently for some upcoming pages of mine. These days all I do is Lavinia!!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  11. so sweet this journal page! Beautiful photos!
    Hug Elke

  12. Those are some really unique cats. I like how you included the added fish on the mother cat. I suspect it was fun to use the old stamps and the foam fish. Thanks for this great entry for Elle's theme at AJJ.

    Your garden is looking far better and much more colorful than mine. Just about everything is dying back here. So glad you updated us with your photos. Your plants don't look as tired as mine.

  13. Your photos! Such clarity in your closeups. I love the water droplets. Beautiful flowers!

  14. Thank you for a 😊, what a fun cat art piece 👍
    Your flower photos are absolutely lovely 😍
    I wish your weekend is full of joy and beauty of Autumn wonders🍁🧡🍂


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