Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Wednesday Art

Hi everyone. Happy middle of the week. 

I realized that I've made several pages for Elle's challenge at Art Journal Journey  that I wouldn't have time to share if I procrastinated, so for the next few days I have some Books, Cats and Tea  journaling to show you. 

Today's page is one that took me  several steps to get through before I liked it and thought it was finished. 

I started by first stamping this kitty in the window image in the middle of my paper. This is an oldie rubber stamp that I just love. My black ink isn't very dark anymore, and when I stopped to get a new ink pad the store didn't even have any. (They had a lot of blank spots along the wall, and I'm guessing they were in the process of putting out new merchandise, hopefully not getting rid of all their stamping ink.) To darken up my stamped image I  used some grey and black markers and doing that even gave the window frame a little more depth. 

Then I watercolored the background, thinking I was going to give this page a sunset/sunrise look.   That idea went (hee-hee) out the window because when I added the sunset colors the  page was still too flat.  I drew in some lines to see if that helped (they didn't), and  I added some colored paint pen dots that did nothing for the page either.  By then I really disliked this page and almost called it quits.

But I didn't give up. I thought about painting over the background. Instead I decided to (first) add some ripped pieces of black washi tape.  The good thing about washi tape is I could pull it off if I needed to. Surprisingly, I liked it now. I picked up the scalloped border scrap off my desk and made a curtain. Finally I added the quote to remind me of how  making art can be as complicated as life. And that they are both so much easier if everything is simple.

And here's a tag I made for Michele's silhouette tag challenge at Tag Tuesday.  It looks pretty large in this first photo, but you can see in the second photo that it is an actual tag and not a full page. (This is a small journal 5.5 x8.5 inches).

I had a piece of cardboard just the right size for a tag. I covered it with some colorful printed paper and also some word printed paper. I then took blue ink over the exposed cardboard and the word printed paper so the background would be more consistent. 

I finished by die cutting the dancers and making a frame from 2 different sized oval dies. Finally I added this Art by Marlene quote.

That's all for me today. I hope your week is going well.


  1. Some nice ones Erika. Thanks for dropping by my blog


  2. Love your cat-work!
    Oh, but I am so happy the trees still wear green leaves.
    Hmmmm. I have to disagree. Standing in a crowd is stress for me, I prefer to stand alone...
    Oh, but they dance so beautifully together.
    Can´t believe it´s Wednesday already and already half of it over! Hugs and to a great rest-Wednesday!

  3. awesome art Erika, the first one is my favorite
    Happy mid week here we close to 90 F again ugh

  4. The dancers are so elegant and sexy.
    I would love to be able to stand and dance like that.

  5. I love the black cat page and those swirls at the top of windows are just lovely.

  6. I love your cat piece. The more-or-less monochrome is very effective and I love the use of the washi to do the bricks. And of course, there is a cat!

  7. Hi Erika, Happy Wednesday. I love how you cat page turned out - I was actually thinking that it was black stone-effect paper you had used on the background, very handy that it's washi tape. I had to laugh at your process, liking, not liking, liking again, is it finished is it not - some pages are like that aren't they? I have one I did yesterday, not shared it yet as after I "finished" it and photographed it, I looked at the photos and wondered - is it finished, does it need something else? So now it's on hold until I can decide. BTW there is a photo of my rainbow bookshelves in the Jane Eyre post when you get to it, thought you might like to see them looking their best. Thanks for joining me for the Books, Cats & Tea September theme at Art Journal Journey this month. Happy Journalling! Elle xx

  8. Both pieces are lovely. It's funny that some little additions or alterations can change something so that we really like it. It's a fabulous page. And I love the silhouette tag for Tag Tuesday, thanks so much! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  9. I love your cat page. Ink loved looking out the window and watching the snow. Lovely tag, too. Looks like sock weather finally arrived. Enjoy your day!

  10. i miss journaling after seeing your post. your journal is so cool, i like the concept.

    By the way, I followed your blog. Let's connect, so hoping you'll follow back, thank you.


  11. I'm no artist, but I know good art when I see one. You all here are so creative. Love the colorful images and all!

    For inspiration on sunsets ...
    Florida Gulf Coast Beaches

  12. There is peaceful feeling in the room when the cat is looking at some interesting outdoors. It look to be a windy day, as it's also here.
    Nice current page,Erika 👏🧡🍁
    P.S. Love the pink curtain 😍

  13. I especially like "keep life simple" and the feeling it evokes looking out that window.

  14. A super Tag, loving the dancers.
    Thank you for playing along with us at Tag Tuesday x

  15. I can relate to some pages taking awhile to come together so you like it. I often give up before you did, though. I'm glad you didn't because I really LOVE that cat. BTW, I buy reinkers. I never buy stamp pads. Thanks for this great entry for Elle's theme at AJJ.

    That's a great tag, too, Erika.

  16. Don't know how I missed this one.
    Glad you took the time to put it to how you liked it as I love this page. I like the way you have done the black brickwork in patches, it is very effective that way and not too overpowering as if the whole page was like black brickwork. It certainly does not look flat.
    Sorry but i feel you achieved th4e sunset/ris look and the little black cat is sat there enjoying watching the sun go down, or up.
    The curtains add that final 'pop' to the whole page - a really lovely journal page Erika.
    hugs, Neet xx

  17. Fabulous pieces, Erika, love how you did them. The washi is genius, looks so much like a brick wall and I love the window. Doesn't look flat to me. Great tag too. XXO

  18. The kitty looking out the window piece is delightful! Thanks for sharing your process for making it. I often stand alone. It is not an easy place to be. Have a great introduction to October!

  19. Beautiful work Erika, you are such a talent. I love the quote you used with the dancers! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Tag Tuesday.
    Hugs Pinky


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