Thursday, September 28, 2023

Thursday Art

 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday.

As I mentioned yesterday,  I'm finishing up this week posting some journal pages that I made for Elle's Books, Cats and Tea challenge at Art Journal Journey. Elle's challenge ends Saturday, and to share all the pages I made, I need to post another one today. 

Since tomorrow's final AJJ page doesn't really have much for faces on it,  this is the page I am  going to link up to Nicole's Friday Face Off and also to Gillena's Friday Lunch Break.

I found this cute little angel kitty stamp in my collection, and I decided to make a page using it. This page refers to the saying that cats have 9 lives. 

I started by inking my background and also adding a few scraps of painted and drawn on deli paper. I had  embossed the black frame for another piece of art, and  when I  decided not to use it there, I  used it here, rather than letting it sit on my work table. The cute little black kitty image was in a pack of Halloween ephemera, and she was way too cute for Halloween, so I added her to my page. Then I stamped and fussy cut the kitty angels and added some stickers to make my quote. Finally, to give the background a bit more depth, I splattered some watercolor paint on my page, which did make a bit of a mess, but I still like it.

On T Day  earlier this week, I mentioned how a friend and I took a spontaneous day trip to Ogunquit, Maine. One place we  walked was on the grounds of the Ogunquit Museum of American Art. The grounds are small, but the gardens are beautiful, and there are a few statues there.
Here's a few more faces that are of some fun wooden statues in the museum garden.

the lion and the rhino

 And I'm not sure what this animal is supposed to be.

That's all for me today. Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. A spontaneous day out is often the best kind and it looks like you had fun over in Maine. A while ago we decided on the spur of the moment to go to Long Point. We had cold chicken breasts and potato salad in the fridge, cheese and fresh Niagara peaches, so we assembled our picnic hamper and off we went. A Red-headed Woodpecker kept us company while we had lunch. It was glorious. Hugs -David

  2. Very cute angels! On a beautiful background, too.
    And such well done animals. Great work, to a nice day, hugs

  3. I LOVE your kitty angels. They are adorable. What a fun concept. Glad this cute kitty still has several lives to go.

    Wow, those sculptures are stunning. I love them. The last one reminded me of an alpaca, but I have a very vivid imagination.

  4. ...thanks for introducing me to the Ogunquit Museum of American Art.

  5. Beautiful cat piece for Elle's challenge, and love the photos from Ogunquit, I would love to visit there, too! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  6. aww the angel kitties are so cute, let's hope that little black cat doesn't lose any more of its lives though - she's very cute too. I do love splattery paint so the messier the better. Another great entry to my theme this month. I really appreciate you playing along and for all your comments on mine. I do have a couple of pages still to finish so hopefully I can get those done in time. I've been out today moving wood for the stove and just got home, bit exhausted! Love the wooden animal statues, that last one with all the flowers on it is my favourite. Thanks for joining me for the Books, Cats & Tea September theme at Art Journal Journey this month. Happy Journalling! Elle xx

  7. The outdoor sculptures are fantastic. Very creative and fun. It's been a good month for cat art!

  8. Cat angels! Cute. Cats put that 9 lives limit to the test, don't they!

  9. Dear Erika, oh how sweet, the angel cats! Unfortunately, my own cats have already used up all their lives, but our dear guest cat Samia hopefully still has many lives ahead of her. By the way, it's interesting that cats in English-speaking countries have 9 lives - in German they only have 7... I really like your journal page for Elle!
    The wooden animals are great, incredibly funny! ๐Ÿ˜ I wouldn't have necessarily recognized the lion because of his long "crocodile"-snout, but of course, he has a great mane. The last animal could be a horse (I assume that based on the teeth)... but maybe a dinosaur? ๐Ÿ˜ Wonderfully amusing!
    All the best, Traude
    ๐Ÿ๐ŸŒพ๐ŸŒป๐Ÿชถ๐Ÿ‚ ๐Ÿชถ๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒพ๐Ÿ

  10. You kitty page made me laugh and of course, I loved the Ink on the page. I loved visiting the museum grounds. The wood sculptures are so fun. i hope you had a nice sunny day after the fog burned off. Were you fogged in this morning?

  11. Very beautiful cat page
    Fantastic wooden figures with a lot of imagination you can see, maybe a dinosaur!
    Hug Elke

  12. Love those wooden animals - what an interesting place that must be to visit. I love sculpture parks and this reminds me of the ones I have been to but mine did not have lovely flowery paintings on the figures.
    I also like your page in your journal. Very clever use of the saying that a cat has nine lives. I love the little angel cat and the lucky black cat sat at the base. Great background too.
    Have a lovely weekend
    Hugs, Neet xx

  13. The wooden statues are charming. I would love to see those in person.

  14. A wonderful page, and I love the wooden statues!

  15. Oh I love this cat art. What a fabulous place to visit. Thank you for joining FFO and have a great weekend. I couldn't find an email for you. The creep-o-rnaments you can email me beadwright AT g mail dot com

  16. I'm glad that the black kitty has lots of lives left ~ such a cute journal page. Maybe the animal art in the garden is related to Native American myths.


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