Saturday, October 28, 2023

A Well Rounded Life

Hi everyone. It's the start of the weekend, unless of course  you read this at a later date. We're having some nice much warmer weather today (in fact we've had a couple of beautiful days), so I'm hoping to get some more end of the season gardening finished up before the cool down tomorrow. 

 I'll be posting today and tomorrow with my last 2 pages for Neet's In Gear challenge at Art Journal Journey. I know tomorrow is not quite the end of the month, but with T day on Monday night and the new Try It on Tuesday challenge on Tuesday, I want to get these 2 pages up before it's November. Today's page is one of my favorites, and it was pretty simple to make.

I am also going to link this page up to Creative Artiste Mixed Media, challenge #98.

This page began with some clock paper as a background. I also outlined the whole page with a black Sharpie.

Then I added a leftover "frame" that was laying on my worktable. I had die cut an oval for a different project. and after trimming the scraps so there was less paper around the oval shaped hole, I added that to my page. I used some thin washi tape around its border, and then I created  a frame around the oval shaped hole using a white paint pen and a black Sharpie. 

 I added a train tag that I cut out of  a sheet of printed  paper; I also die cut the clock and fussy cut the gear man from a sheet of paper. After glueing down the train, I added the clock and the man. I also added the TH dog because I think this man needs a companion to ride the rails with.

The violin and the piece in the upper left hand corner are both colored chipboard. They were colored with  ink pads, paint pens and markers. I also added a couple of old buttons around the man for a bit more dimension. I also put a little plastic "dot" on the center of the clock's hands. Finally I added the sticker quote.

Perhaps this gentleman is a musician heading out for a concert, or perhaps he just loves to listen to music. Either way, hopefully he catches his train on time and lives a well rounded life.

Let me finish off this post with a few flower photos, starting with these zinnias which have definitely gone past but are still really interesting to photograph.

This next one looks a bit like a pine cone.

And surprisingly I still have dahlias blooming.

Or forming buds.

And although most of the roses have passed, there's still a few of those in bloom too.

We're back to cooler temperatures tomorrow (or so the weather people are saying), but this little break of early fall weather has been quite nice.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. I think he has the air of a musician, perhaps playing a tuba or some other equally imposing instrument. He had better be on time because tonight’s performance features several solos for the brass and one of them demands all his skill and finesse. And that’s not easy on a tuba! Hugs - David

  2. Absolutely love this page - and the possible stories behind it!
    So nice there is still some blooming in your garden too!
    To a nice weekend, hugs

  3. Nice flower shots! We have been having lots of rain and I am so long for some sunshine!

  4. ...even when you are past prime, you can be beautiful.

  5. Lovely gears page. Beautiful flowers in the fall stage. Yes a cool down is imminent.

  6. Thanks you for sharing your beautiful flower pictures.
    Thank you also for yet another superb journal page for my theme at AJJ.
    Time is an all favourite theme of mine which I feel is closely linked to gears when you look inside the older watches, so your background paper scored a big hit from me straight away.
    I love the frame you made with the picture of the engine steaming ahead and your top hatted gentleman looks very refined so I assumed he was a man of wealth, perhaps something to do with the railway company itself. On the other hand maybe he is an eminent musician playing with an orchestra making its way to one of the big cities, but I suspect he is the former, there is something about the way he looks and holds himself.
    I love the addition. of the buttons and they and the chipboard pieces all add to the dimension of this piece . I am so glad you enjoyed making this Erika, I so enjoyed seeing it and reading into it my own thoughts.
    Thanks once again, and Hugs from me, Neet xx

  7. Love, love, love today's journal page, I think this is my fave. It's just gorgeous! Beautiful photos from the garden, too. Have a great weekend, have fun, take care. Hugs, Valerie

  8. I find dessicated zinnias a fascinating and interesting bloom. I'm so glad you shared these.

  9. I do like your journal page.

    Lovely to see the flowers, especially the rose ... it's a wonderful colour.

    All the best Jan

  10. Erika I thought you might find this interesting, my sister's husband keeps bees so she thought it was interesting history of how they kept bees in medieval times.

  11. A fantastic page Erika! I love the added buttons.
    Great photos from your garden, the dying Zinnias look very cool.
    Happy Sunday.

  12. Great art and photos. - Anne (Cornucopia)

  13. Great artwork and photos. - Anne (Cornucopia)

  14. So nice to read you have had good weather to help with the end of season gardening, such a help if we can get those jobs done before the cold comes and our outdoor spaces prepare to take a rest. I still have roses in bloom too.. Even happier to see you've had time for creativity, this really makes me happy. I love this page especially, beautiful vintage vibe and cool natural palette. You mix of media and ephemera is music to my ears and a delight to my eyes with those steampunk papers and added buttons... I adore the quote, such a wholesome saying.
    Thanks so much for sharing @ Creative Artiste and joining our October challenge.
    Hugs Tracey xx

  15. I like your gears and I really admire all your flower photos.
    best, mae at

  16. I still have a few flowers in bloom, but most have gone to seed. It went from highs of 80s to lows in the 30s in 3 days. Brrr!!!

  17. I so wish Creative Artiste was open until 10-31 or better yet, 15th-14th, I am working on a page for AJJ that uses mixed media, they always miss my best work by closing early, haha. I seem to get motivated too late all the time. This is a truly gorgeous collage page and that quote is golden. Your garden still holds some jewels I'd be tempted to cut those roses and vase them. We cut back our lantana bush down to the wood and it's now trying to come back. And right now it's 50 degrees at 1 pm here. And windy and rainy so the cold chills to the bone, wind chill is 44. They're saying a low of 39 tomorrow and Wednesday! Oh my it was 88 yesterday. What a year of weather. Hugs and happy week, xoxo


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