Sunday, October 29, 2023

Mechanical Butterflies

Hi everyone. Happy end of the weekend or start of the new week to you.

Today I am sharing my final page for Neet's In Gear challenge at Art Journal Journey  As I say too often, where did the month go? Before we know it will be Christmas. 
HOWEVER, there's still 2 days left to go until Halloween ๐ŸŽƒ and before the month ends, so you still have time to join Neet at AJJ.

My page wasn't very difficult to make. and I really like it. I wasn't sure where a quote would go so I skipped one, but it does feel a bit bare without it.

I started by inking the background with 2 shades of blue ink. Then I cut out the red rose pieces from a sheet of printed paper. After that I scribble wrote on the blue background. I  purposely made it messy so you couldn't read what I was writing.   (Although many people would say you couldn't read it even if I wrote neatly-Grin.) I also took a small stamp and stamped the word Oui a few times. 

Then I used an old die cut of mine and cut 3 butterflies. They are all the same size, it's just the angle I snapped the photo at that makes them look different. I glued them down on my page with matte medium. Since  I also save useful extra bits from other die cuts, all the little circles that were laying on my work table (which is quite messy now, but in a good way because I have a nice scrap pile to dig bits out of-๐Ÿ˜€) were used on this page.  Finally, for a bit of contrast, I took some fluorescent yellow watercolor paint and gave my page a good splattering.

Before I sign off I want to thank Neet for hosting. This was a fun challenge, and I am now in the gear page making mode so I wish we had a few more weeks of this challenge. ๐Ÿ’– I also want to thank everyone who participated by sharing a gear themed page. It's inspiring to see all the fun creations that people shared, and I'm impressed with how many creative ways people found to use gears. 

And as I mentioned already, October isn't over, so you still have time to join us at Art Journal Journey.

I'm also a bit late visiting several people. I apologize, but before the cooler temperatures and rain were due in, I was out trying to finish up some outside chores and by evening, the best I could do was crash and watch tv. ๐Ÿ˜œ

I also don't want to forget that I'm also linking up to Gillena's Sunday Smiles.

Thanks for stopping by my blog, and enjoy whatever is left to your weekend and the start of the new week.



  1. I suspect that it’s true for most of us that our handwriting skills deteriorate as we get older, or perhaps we simply take less care with it. I can read my own scrawl but if I am writing to someone else I need to pay attention. I guess that you crafters get a certain amount of regular practice. Hugs - David

  2. ...I love butterflies and I find gear to be intriguing.

  3. Butterfly gears why not? Great idea.

  4. Those butterflies are gorgeous, so pretty and delicate! I love the colours on this beautiful page too Erika.
    Have a great new week.

  5. Nice idea your gear butterflies.
    Thanks for linking to SundaySmiles.


  6. A beautiful page for Neet's AJJ theme - those roses really make an impact! I will be trying to catch up with comments when I can, hugs, Chrisx

  7. Well done. I never tried steam punk art.
    Coffee is on.

  8. Haha. When I make notes... chances are low I can read them later! Sad, actually...
    Sad I could not join. Really. I´m somehow caught in a crazy, fast routine.
    Have a day off and forgot to check out the clock - woke me at 05:00 am. And Ingo as well...
    Saw but one butterfly this year - yours are a reminder of how... "we" treat nature?
    Either way, to a great new week, hugs!

  9. That's lovely! Looks like it was fun to make.

  10. Beautiful journal page, love the butterfly. My handwriting has deteriorated very much because of my shakes and weakness in my fingers, but okay, it's something different these days! On Sunday I stayed in bed and read all day, it was lovely! Have a great week! Hugs, Valerie

  11. Very cool butterflies. I hope the rain clears up. Get ready to bundle up this week.

  12. It's nice to see your butterfly images. We didn't get many butterflies this year. Maybe next year...

  13. That's very pretty! Thank you so much! Aloha!

  14. I remember Dyan Reaveley teaching us to just write illegibly (not hard in my case) all over our pages and my thinking how effective it was and yet it is something I forget. I must try to remember now seeing your page as I can see how well it looks, particularly against the blues you chose.
    I do like that butterfly and wonder how on earth I missed it when spending. Not like me to let anything 'geary' slip through my fingers.
    Love the idea of the huge red roses, very steampunky, and the addition of the little circles.
    A great big thank you to you Erika for all the pages you have done for my challenge. I loved this and every one of them. Thank you for your support.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  15. Oh, yeah, I love getting all my frustrations out with Asemic Writing. I even took an online course years ago. I use a watercolor pencil so that it all disappears when it's really negative, lol. Another thing I've done before is just write a few lines and continue on those same lines until it's completely illegible. One artist I knew wrote lines at 90 degree angles back and forth, looked like a plaid but you could no longer read anything. Anyway, your page is lovely and your writing makes a nice background with the flowers and of course those cool butterflies that fit Neet's theme perfectly. xoxo

  16. It can take a while to get the groove of a challenge, can't it? But I love what you've done with it!

  17. I love your background Erika and those little butterflies - I hadn't seen them before either! If you still wanted to add a quote I would handwrite one along the left edge where the spine is. ~elle xx


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