Monday, October 16, 2023

T Stands for an Anniversary and Trains

 Hi everyone. It's T time again. This week for T over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog I'll share a couple of snippets about an adventure from this past weekend. Sunday was my husband's and my 35th wedding anniversary, and we celebrated a day early on Saturday. One thing we've both  wanted to do for a while now was to take the scenic train trip from North Conway (New Hampshire) up through Crawford Notch. This year, instead of just saying we should  go,  we remembered  to book seats before they sold out and off we went for a train ride.

We made our train trip reservations back at the end of July. Right now is our local peak foliage season, and that means this is a huge tourist time. Leaf peepers especially like the mountains where there are lots of trees. All the trains on Saturday were sold out, so I'm glad we reserved when we did. Even back in July when we booked our day trip, a lot of the seats were already taken.

Notches are  mountain passes or gaps. The name notch comes from cutting down trees, which early European settlers did to build their cabins. To cut down a tree you first make a notch, which, if you aren't familiar with chopping trees, is a V shape cut made into the tree in the direction you hope the tree will fall. Since these mountain passes reminded these people of those notches in trees, all our mountain passes here in New Hampshire go by that name. 

Yes I learned that on our train trip, but it was a question I had had for a long time.  😀

 Crawford Notch is  one of my favorite mountain spots here in my state, mainly because it seems so wild to me. That wildness reminds me of what New Hampshire probably was like back before modern times.

 Crawford Notch is  a state park, and also part of the White Mountain National forest. It's good these designations were put in place because back in the early 1900's when the status was changed, this area was practically logged bare. Making this area both part of a National Forest and a State Park this protected  the lands  in this area.  

There is one main road going through the notch. The beauty of the train is that the tracks are further up on the mountain sides, not down in the valley like the road is. You can see that you get a big notch view from the train.

Here's our train. It made one stop at the Crawford Notch station, which is on the north side of the actual notch. Back in the day there were train stations all along this route where travellers would get off and go to their summer hotels. This area attracted lots of people from New York City, Boston and other points south. People would come up to the mountains to escape the summer city heat.

One of the few remaining grand old hotels is the Mount Washington Hotel. It is now run by a big hotel conglomerate and is known as the Omni Mount Washington Hotel. However, at least they preserve the beauty of this historic building.

This hotel is also famous because in 1944, this is where the World Bank and International Monetary Fund was first established. Forty-four nations met here and set the gold standard. 

Just past the Mount Washington Hotel, the train switched its engine, and we headed back south. They also had us all switch sides of the train, so everyone could have the best scenic views. That meant our ride back didn't have quite the panoramic views, but that was OK. One thing about a train trip is that it is really relaxing. We spent most of the trip back talking with the couple (who we didn't know) that sat opposite of us instead of looking out the window.

And I need a drink to share for T this week. Here is one drink.

They didn't allow you to bring food or drink onto the train, which was OK. However, we didn't know they only took cash purchases. Since we were on the train for over 5 hours, we needed something, and neither of us had a lot of cash in our wallets. Between my husband and myself we scraped together $10. The woman in the food area was nice, so when  we told her we only had $10, she sold us a bag of cider donuts and 2 waters. I'm not sure it came to only $10, but it's what we ended up with.  The donuts at least  took the edge off since we didn't have any lunch. (And our breakfast had been quite early since we needed to drive north to catch the train. Plus this area is  always crowded with visitors, and we had to leave early to deal with the weekend traffic so we wouldn't arrive late.)

When the train returned back to North Conway it was just before 5 PM, and we were really hungry. It was way too crowded in town, and we figured we would have a long wait  for a table at any restaurant.   Since we also had  over an hour's drive home,  we skipped out of North Conway and headed south. We stopped in a town about halfway home called Ossipee where there's  a brewery we like.  At the brewery we had a burger and a beer.  

This is my second drink for T day. I was so hungry I ate everything except about 2 bites of the burger. But I brought that home so the dogs could each have a taste, since they had been waiting for us all day. It's definitely good to be my dogs since I do like to spoil them. 😏

And that was our romantic anniversary dinner. Cheers to 35 years and a very nice day out.

Have a great T day and week ahead. And of course, thanks for stopping by.


  1. did your anniversary up great, congrats. I wish you many more.

  2. If the train turned around AND you switched sides, weren’t you looking the same direction as on the way there? In any case that looks like a great day trip, except for the starvation!
    best, mae at

  3. Fall in the Northeast is gorgeous! We used to travel to the Adirondacks every fall when we lived in NY. Your scenic views remind me of the mountains there. Don't you just love the colors of fall?! What a great way to spend your anniversary. The food looks delicious, including the donuts, and the train ride sounds like an adventure. Glad you enjoyed it together!
    Happy Tea Day,

  4. What a delightful read! Your T post on anniversaries and trains paints such a vivid picture of the journey you've shared. The train adventure and the setting for your anniversary celebration sound like a perfect blend. Thanks for taking us along on your delightful experience! Happy anniversary and Happy T- Tuesday too!

  5. What a wonderful train ride. It is so pretty there. We don't get much foilage change here on the Oregon coast. So I thank you for sharing this.

  6. This is a great way to celebrate the anniversary and it looks like that you two did have a great time.

  7. Belated anniversary 🥂 wishes sent to you both, Erika. The train ride was a wonderful way to celebrate especially during foliage season. Hard to imagine, it was booked up as early as July so you did well in reserving ahead. We have never taken this train, but it may be on a to-do list for next fall season and thanks for sharing about the advance reservation.

  8. That was a wonderful way to spend your anniversary! Well, minus being hungry ;-)
    Same on our train ride, cash only and we had nothing with us, not even something to drink (it was but 3-4 hours all in all).
    And what a very beautiful train that is!
    And yum to that burger, too!
    You kinda took parts of my Thursday-post, LOL! And then it will look like I took yours ;-)
    Have a happy T-day and hugs

  9. Happy anniversary you two! What a beautiful train ride! The scenery is stunning!
    How strange that they don't take cash on the train. One would think it's easier the other way round like on an airplane. Perhaps there is no reliable internet in the mountains.But anyway, you survived.
    Great too that you had such interesting co-passengers. That is what I like about long train rides.
    Happy T-Day,

  10. Seems like you had a great anniversary filled with good, healthy food! We don’t mark all these events, birthdays are just another day etc so on our last wedding anniversary (just to prove that it’s not only husbands who forget), Miriam was on the phone to one of her sisters and when she got off she said, “Do you know what day it is?” I think I replied, “Friday.” She said, “It’s our wedding anniversary!” I could say that we both forgot, but that wouldn’t really be true. We don’t make the effort to remember anyway! Every day is good, though!

  11. Happy anniversary Erika! That looks like a really fun journey. I love trains too. I'm guessing when they switched the engine they put it at the opposite end for the trip back. I read Mae's comment about switching but n my head they just put the engine on the front/back not turned the train round? Surprising that they only took cash, and lucky you managed to scrape any together and that the server took pity on you lol. Your burger and fries dinner later looks HUGE! I bet you were hungry after all that time with just a donut. Love the views of all the trees and mountains, and the history of them being called Notches. I've never heard that before. Bet the dogs were glad to see you too! (Oh about Starling House, it started slow but it;'s getting better. I really enjoyed her last book, Once and Future Witches, so we'll see how this compares.) Happy T Day! Elle xx

  12. Sounds like you two had a great anniversary, except for the excessive price of water and donuts. Pays to always carry a bit of cash, I guess. Your meal looks good, especially the fries (grin). Thanks for explaining the notches and sharing those beautiful trees with us, as well as your food and drinks for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  13. Happy Anniversary a little late, Erika. I love how you spent it and I love your pictures. The trees are pretty, the hotel looks amazing, and even the cider donuts look good. Your hamburgers at the brewery are my favorite though - lol. Wonderful post for T-day and Fall. Happy today and hugz

  14. Glad you had a wonderful trip, even if you did't have too much food! Strange that they only take cash, I never have much money with me either. But your evening meal looks very good! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  15. I wish trains were part of everyday travel options. I've only ridden one once, and it was a short tourist excursion. That landscape is filled with such gorgeous Autumn color. I'm glad they've been able to save it. Happy T Tuesday!

  16. I love those american Diesel Locomotives and trains...but never been there. Nice travel by train.
    Have a good time and all the best

  17. What a lovely way to spend your anniversary. I didn't know that about Notches. I just thought it was a New Hampshire thing. The scenery is so beautiful. We attended a wedding at the Mount Washington Hotel about 30 years ago. Very swank. Too bad you didn't know food purchases had to be paid in cash. At least you were able to have dessert before you meal. Happy Anniversary and T Day

  18. Looks and sounds like a great celebratory trip and gorgeous foliage. We never got the train (and other) infrastructure down here that the north got and has gotten, beginning with the Erie Canal B.S. and it's a sore point with me. The rail lines we do have are industry's for freight. I rode on a passenger train as a 3-yr-old out to California and back which I barely remember moments of, and it wasn't until we visited Europe in 2004 that I really got to ride a few passenger trains. It was nice and would be a great way to travel. I'm happy your state has and maintains these kinds of railroad travel and that it's utilized by so many. Hope your week is going well, xoxo

  19. what a really terrific idea! I love your colorful train -- it's so cheerful and it sounds pretty perfect apart from only taking cash in the dining car. The views are beautiful. That's a super-fun way to celebrate your anniversary. Yay!


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