Sunday, October 15, 2023

Weekend Art

Hi everyone. Happy second half of the weekend to you. Today is my 35th wedding anniversary. I don't think we'll be doing much  to celebrate today, but yesterday we went on an  adventure in the White Mountains that are a little over an hour north from where I live. We had a nice day out, and the foliage was still full of beautiful color. It's fun to play tourists in your own area sometimes. I'll have more to share about that outing in another post.

Today I have a page for Neet's In Gear challenge at Art Journal Journey. and one more tag for Valerie's Colour's of Autumn challenge at Tag Tuesday. I am linking my whole post up to Gillena's  Sunday Smiles   also. 

First, here's a page for Neet's In Gear challenge. 

My page began by using this giant embossing folder from Cheery Lynn Designs.  I actually had to cut it down to fit my 5.5x8 inch page. I have a couple of these old metal embossing pieces, and it's great to pull one out and actually use it.  (It's one of my long term goals; to either use those things that are just sitting there or else clean them out.) πŸ˜€ I embossed these gears and screws on some brown kraft paper, and then I rubbed  some black ink onto my page to bring out the embossed images better.  

The car is cut out of an old book, as is the title for my page. I used a TH person, an old cigar label, some white paint pen dots, as well as some small copper washers. Oh yes, and I bordered my page with some thin washi tape before I glued anything down. 

I think Mr. Brown (as I think of this man) and his dog Kirby will be going for a ride in his new posh automobile, don't you? I hope Kirby doesn't shed the way my 2 dogs do or else his new car will be filled with a lot of dog hair. Grin. Perhaps Mr. Brown has someone who can clean the car for him, since he must have a big bank account  to afford such a beautiful automobile.

Now if only I had someone who would vacuum Maddie and Pete's hair out of my car, life would be perfect. Ha ha.

And here's  my tag for Valerie's  the Colour's of Autumn challenge at Tag Tuesday.

I started by stamping a large card background image with flying leaves. Then I inked my tag to color the background.  I added a left over die cut oval, a TH woman image, some glitter foam leaves and some little pieces of confetti.  The 3 background quotes were stamped once the tag's background was complete. I did outline them in white pen to make them stand out more.  And I created the small quote bubble.

You can see the quote words  better up close. They say "Rake, Pile Jump". And the quote in the word bubble says "Let me change my clothes and join you." 

I remember jumping in leaf piles when I was little. My grandmother was  good at raking piles especially so we could jump into them. πŸ˜€

And finally, here's a few more random photos from when I visited my local botanical garden a week and a half ago. It was warm that day, and now the autumn chill is here.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend or start to the new week, depending on when you read this.



  1. Ah, raking up the leaves and jumping off into them brings back memories. That was real entertainment when I was a kid. It seemed as though everyone got together to collect all the leaves and pile them almost as high as the low branch on the tree we jumped from. I doubt that children even climb trees any more. Hugs - David

  2. ...the gilded age and Mother Nature's best.

  3. Today is your 35th wedding anniversary! Well is all easy from now on :)

  4. Happy Anniversary to you two adorable people :-)) I feel the autumn chill here too, esp. in the early morning. I had to wear a coat when we went out for a walk this morning.

  5. Happy Anniversary Erika! Have a good day. Lovely art and photos too.

  6. Happy Anniversary! 🍾πŸ₯‚πŸ’ I thought Mr. Brown with his puppy as navigator would chauffeur you and your DH for an anniversary celebration. I'd like to see the grandma jump in the pile of leaves. Lovely images you captured at the botanical garden. I think my favorite is the pinecone. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  7. Last year I jumped in the leaves with a friend, we had such fun. I can't jump anymore, so I'll just have to walk through them!
    I LOVE your wonderful journal page for Neet's challenge, and thanks so much for another great tag for my TT challenge, much appreciated. Have a great Sunday, I'm just staying home and being lazy! Hugs, Valerie

  8. I love that posh car, Erika. I love how you used the TH doll and his dog. this is a beautiful mixed media journal page and a lovely addition to Neet's theme at AJJ.

    That is a great tag, too. I remember jumping into leaves not too many years ago. Now I mulch them. No raking and they are great for the soil, too.

    Really lovely photos from Bedrock Gardens. The fall leaves are starting to show in these photos.

  9. Beautiful photos, love your art too
    Hugs Kathy

  10. Happy anniversary! Love Mr Brown and Kirby and their fancy automobile. I hope they enjoy many adventures travelling around in it. I like the copper washers too, it reminded me I have a box full of them from jewellery making... somewhere. Happy Sunday, love the botanical garden photos and your cool tag. We used to rake up leaves from a big liquid amber and then the cat would dive into them and disappear lol

  11. Happy belated Anniversary!
    Oh, and I love your gear-page! Kirby sure looks ready for a ride in that beautiful car.

    On closer look the autumn lady looks nice :-)

    It´s really cold here now, but, well, off to the superfast speaking guy now - happy new week, hugs!

  12. Happy anniversary1 I wish you many more happy and productive years.
    best, mae at

  13. Happy Anniversary! I hope you both have a lovely day.
    Your page is wonderful, and I love your tag.
    Beautiful photos too.
    It feels like winter here today, there was ice on the car windscreens this morning when we went for an early walk.
    Have a great week.

  14. Nothing nicer than swishing your well booted feet through dry leaves and them rustling around you. Not so nice having to rake them all up in the garden though.
    Love the photos and the tag is ever so pretty, what an elegant lady you have portrayed.
    Of course I enjoyed seeing your journal page for my theme at AJJ. I notice you chose a washi tape that looks a bit like chain links to edge your page. I think Mr Brown's dog does not shed (maybe had a brush and a squirt of hair lacquer on to stop it happening)and he is going to let him in the car double quick and they will be off. Maybe he is waiting for his manservant to open the door for him.
    An elegant car to go with such an elegant man, he certainly looks the kind to be smoking expensive cigars.
    I do like how you used your gears and things to make up your background and the copper washers at the bottom made me smile, they look like eyes peering at you.
    Another great page Erika and using very well thought out pieces.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  15. Beautiful projects today Erika. Loving that gears page! Your tag is absolutely beautiful too, perfect for the theme for sure. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Tag Tuesday.

  16. 35 years! YAY! Happy Anniversary! I'll look forward to seeing more from the White Mountains!

    I love that you name the people in your art. He does look like a mr. Brown!

  17. Happy 35th Anniversary to you both! We're just a year and a half ahead of you, so hopefully you feel like me, that I'm kinda finally letting myself feel proud, lol. I already embrace the 40 is the new 50 idea, just in case we don't make it. Getting to 40 will be plenty celebratory. Great page and lovely tag. Nice camera shots too. XOX


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