Monday, October 30, 2023

T Stands for Sweet Treats

 Hi everyone. It is T day again, and I hope everyone's had a lovely week since last time we met with our drinks and chatter. Last week was busy for me, and add to that we had some gorgeous late summer weather. It was so nice I took a few long leisurely walks and did a lot of outside pre-winter clean up. But no raking, as most of the leaves haven't come down yet.

A few weeks back I took a road trip out to King Arthur flour to get my fall and winter baking specialty supplies. For those of you who aren't familiar with King Arthur, they are one of the oldest flour manufacturers in the US. (Maybe even the oldest.) Their main offices are  in Norwich, Vermont, which is just  over the border from western New Hampshire. There they offer baking classes and have a really nice baking specialty store. I was out of the "seed crunchies" that I add to my pizza dough. and I also wanted a couple of bags of specialty flour that I can't regularly  in the grocery store. Plus, it's fun to see what kind of baking supplies and equipment they have on the shelves. I will say their prices have gone up since last November when I last visited, but then where haven't prices gone up?

And yes I could have mail ordered my supplies, but sometimes it is just more fun to go shopping.😀
I usually leave fairly early in the morning as it is a bit of a road trip, and this time I had some pretty foliage to enjoy as well as listening to my book. When it was time to drive home it was time for lunch, so I hit the cafe they have. You can buy salads and sandwiches, and they also have (of course) a bakery. Everything is made on site, so it's fun to see what they have out to drool over. 

I decided to skip the salad or sandwich and instead bought a big brownie. The other treats looked yummy, but the brownie looked less messy to eat while I drove. (I had some other stops to make on the way home and wanted to start driving back.)  Plus this brownie was made with rye flour, and I wanted to see how it tasted. (By the way it was delicious. I've made rye flour chocolate chip cookies and now I need to figure out the ratios of rye to white flour for brownies.)

I also got myself a large chai latte tea to go, and that's my ticket to T day this week over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

This past Sunday was my husband's birthday, and I made him a birthday cake.

Awhile back  I picked up this 2 pack of a King Arthur flour cake mix at the store. It still had one mix left in the box. It's a bit less work than making a homemade cake, but I wanted to use it before the package ended forgotten in the cabinet and out of date. I do think this mix tastes much more like a homemade cake than some of the other big brand name cake mixes you can buy. 

My husband's favorite cake is a Boston Cream Pie, which if you're not familiar with this dessert, is really not a pie. It's a vanilla cake (often a sponge), filled with creme patisserie and covered in a chocolate glaze.

I did make my own creme patisserie and chocolate glaze. The filling wasn't oozing out until my husband cut the cake (because I made the recipe for an  8 inch cake and mine was only 6 so there was a lot of cream-but why not enjoy it?), and yes my chocolate glaze, although nice and shiny, wasn't smooth. I'll use the excuse that since it was a dark day my lighting wasn't good  enough in the kitchen to see the waves in the glaze-smile. Oh well. It tasted yummy and that's what really matters.

I hope I didn't make anyone drool as much as I am looking at all the photos of the sweets in this post. 
Have a happy T day and week ahead.


  1. ...those sweet would be the death of me.

  2. Visiting the King Arthur shop sounds wonderful! We enjoy using their products, which are available in local shops (even Target!) and their flour is sold at our local bulk food shop. SO I'm a fan. I'd love to try the items in their bakery.
    best, mae at

  3. I can't believe with all that goo, you got a brownie. But goo is hard to eat while driving.

    That Boston Cream Pie is divine. So what if the glaze isn't smooth. I bet your husband didn't complain! Thanks for taking us to King Arthur, sharing your chai latte, and your Boston Cream Pie with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  4. Those pastries and sweets look so tempting! I have never had Boston pie and it looks really rich and yum, Erika.

  5. What a great place to visit, I would have enjoyed King Arthur, too! And your cake looks wonderful, I am sure you both enjoyed it! And yes, I am now craving something sweet and sticky! Happy T Day, Hugs, Valerie

  6. Wow, a shop for bakery! Don´t think we have that here.
    We even still don´t have self-raising flour!
    Ingo bought Brioche the other day. A whole loaf. Brrr, sweet!
    LOL. No drooling whatsoever here ;-)
    But I did bake, too, yesterday! Pizza muffins and onion cake. Hugs and happy T-Day!

  7. I shouldn't have looked at this before breakfast! Your Boston Cream Pie looks fabulous and we can't see the glaze bumps! It's smiling to me! And I love the plate (or what I can see of the plate) that it is on.

    I can't even imagine how much fun it would be to go to King Arthur and their bakery must be fantastic! Since I've been not eating sugar or carbs much, I haven't baked but the holidays are coming and I'm really looking forward to it! I'd love to go there!

  8. Buying in person is always more fun. That bakery! So many choices!

    I've used King Arthur flour but have never seen their cake mixes. Mother used to make Boston cream pie. One of my favorites, though it was shorter than yours. She took one layer and divided it in half. Happy T Tuesday!

  9. Hi Erika,please can you tell me in the name of the cat what time to post tomorrow? Hugs

  10. The Boston Cream Pie looks delicious. This is my favorite cake as well. Well done on making all the elements from scratch.
    Your trip to King Arthur Flour looks like fun! All the pastries look yummy and would be hard to resist. Glad you enjoyed your trip.
    Happy Tea Day,

  11. I use King Arthur flour but haven't seen the cake mix. It must be fun to visit their home base. The cake looks perfect to me.

  12. Happy Birthday to your hubby! As for his "pie", that's the difference between store bought and homemade and makes it taste better, ha! It's like mashed potatoes. I prefer some lumps, that's how I know they hand-mashed the potatoes and plus it tastes better. You are a fabulous baker! Glad you got your King Arthur fix, xoxo

  13. Such a lot of nice cookies and cakes and sweets....Looks great and sure tastes fine.
    All the best and have a good time

  14. Happy birthday Erika's husband - he got an awesome cake! That place looks like a really fun place I would like to visit, those pastries look delicious. I forgot to reply to your question about the Poscas, I have another photo and will write more about how to refill, but for now, you need some pliers to unscrew the tops! Happy T Day! Elle xx


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