Thursday, November 16, 2023

If Nature Moves You

Hi everyone. Happy Thursday to you. This week is moving right along, isn't it?  Even better, we haven't had any new snow and the temperatures are a bit warmer than earlier in the week. It was only 22 degrees F/ -5 degrees C when I got up on Monday morning-brrrrr and Monday night we had some snow flurries. I'm glad it's warmed up a bit otherwise I might think winter is arriving very early this year. 

It also just dawned on me that it's only one week until the (US) Thanksgiving holiday.   I have to remind myself that Thanksgiving is early this year, and there's a whole 7 days of November left after the holiday so it's not like we're that close to Christmas and the end of 2023. For a moment there I had a little panic that I somehow missed a week of November. 😏

Today I have another page for Jo's Nature themed challenge at Art Journal Journey.

I started with this framed squirrel that was part of a bigger sheet of printed rice paper. And if he looks familiar, check out Jo's title page for AJJ. He's there too. 😏

My next step was to take the partial branch that is on the rice paper, and I expanded it to fit the rest of my page.  I did that with markers and a brown Stabilo pencil.  I then  randomly stamped the branches and berries around the squirrel and on  the bottom of my page. I colored in the leaves, the branches and the berries. The next step was to ink my page, except for the box with the squirrel. 

Finally I stamped the quote and splattered a few white dots on the bottom of the page.

And there you have it. 

I'm off for a morning walk with a friend today so once again I'm keeping this post short.  Tootles. 👋



  1. I have a friend visiting from Australia right now, and he has been very busy taking pictures of squirrels to send to his daughter who is mildly obsessed with them! We will be leaving for Cuba on the weekend and I will be away from my blog for best part of the next two weeks. Take good care - David

  2. The page looks beautiful and nice to see some greens and bunny at this time of the year...almost a spring feeling.
    Hope you had a great morning walk!

  3. So cute. I saw a squirrel scampering across the backyard this morning. I bet he'll enjoy the 60 o temp. today as much as I will. Enjoy the sunshine

  4. The period between Thanksgiving and Christmas is the quickest 4 week of the year. Around Thanksgiving, I start thinking about buying Christmas gifts, the next thing I know, I am panic buying a few days before Christmas!

  5. Awwww, Peanut would so love this!
    Very well done :-)
    And thumbs up for "warmer" weather! Hugs

  6. Summary nice page with green BG.
    Also here is same kind of weather again: Here in southern coast it's -3 C, and in Lapland -30 C!!
    Happy day to you xx

  7. Another inspirational quote :) The squirrel, on the other hand... I discourage those ;)

  8. Lovely nature page! Happy Thanksgiving soon!

  9. I love squirrels, dear Erika, and I love the color combination of green and red! Your page looks beautiful. Unfortunately I couldn't read the poem well, but I'm sure it works better in the original. It was pretty cold in New Hampshire recently - it's great that it's gotten a little warmer now. Still cold enough to make yourself comfortable inside with some fine tea. I think Thanksgiving is a nice celebration, but I find the timing inconvenient, so close to Christmas and so close to Halloween. Unfortunately, here in Austria there is no tradition of a Thanksgiving-family celebration - there are mainly church festivals to give thanks for the harvest, which actually take place in October. (I find the timing somehow more practical - if someone asked me, I would advocate a family Thanksgiving at the beginning of October ;-))
    All the best, Traude

  10. Wonderful page, love the squirrel. Time flies indeed! Hugs, Valerie

  11. Lovely artwork! I kind of miss squirrels--haven't seen one since we moved to Ireland almost 10 years ago, but I know there are squirrels here. We used to see lots of hares in one place we lived, but no squirrels.

    We will be celebrating Thanksgiving here--it's not a holiday, which is kind of weird, but we do our own little Thanksgiving anyway :-)

  12. It was 64 outside when I was on my walk. Cold mornings. Warmer afternoons and sun. It won't last but it's great while it does! I love your squirrel piece!

  13. We have had a lot of rain here lately. I love your page Erika! The squirrel may make an appearance somewhere else before the end of the month. Hugs, Chrisx

  14. Oh this is beautiful I love your aesthetic and your work. It was warmer here too. No snow yet.

    Allie of

  15. So pretty with the Stamperia squirrel and the way you extended the paper design is fabulous - love it 😊. I hope you had fun with your friend. Happy wishes ❤️. Hugs, Jo x

  16. Fabulous integration of your elements, I thought you had just added a frame around the squirrel. All looks so natural! XOX

  17. That's a lovely page ...
    This year has gone by so quickly.
    With US Thanksgiving next week, Christmas is getting so near.

    All the best Jan

  18. Love the squirrel and all your fun additions. This is a great page - especially for you since you live in a place that is sure to have a million of them. Love this! Hugz

  19. I love the effect the rice paper has given to the overall appearance of this journal page Erika. A gorgeous shade of green and that squirrel on the branch, well, what can one say he is so cute.
    We have squirrels in our garden and I get so much enjoyment watching them chase one another around, running along the fencing, climbing the trees and tumbling over one another. Of course they can be destructive so I have to remember that and not get too friendly with the little blighters who do pinch all the bird food if we are not too careful.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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