Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Wednesday Art

Hi everyone. Happy middle of the week to you.

I'm here today with a short post. I want to share  a nature themed art journal page for Jo's challenge at Art Journal Journey.

I started this page using some small rectangles of nature printed paper. I laid them out with some overlapping and cutting some of them down. Then I added the grandfather clock sticker, 2 ladybug stickers as well as the bird sticker. I accidently cut the bottom of the grandfather clock off when I was photographing my page. 😒

To blend all the bits and pieces together I used some watered down light brown acrylic paint. The paint also helped cover over the  grey area around each sticker image.

Then I stamped the quote, and at that point, I think my page was done. 

And since I have to run out this morning for my allergy shots, I am keeping this post very short.
I hope you are having a wonderful day.


  1. Dear Erika,
    Very nice work you did. Looks great. You are very creative.
    Have a good time - and thanks for your visit of my blog.

  2. Hi Erika, your page is lovely, and I love that wonderful grandfather clock! Good luck with the allergy shots! Hugs, Valerie

  3. A great page and quote, so true!
    Oh, knock on wood, no allergies here (but a sun allergy, I can live with that).
    Hope your shots help, hugs!

  4. ...nature is always a nice theme.

  5. The colors on this are lovely. Good luck with the shots!

  6. Nice collage! Leaves and birds are always a fascinating source of calm-looking patterns.
    best, mae at

  7. A very beautiful great result in this nice work.

  8. I wish i could do collage as good as you can. This is a lovely page with all the different elements, the grandfather clock is perfect there - is that a button on it?
    You have managed to blend each piece into the next one and so the page looks seamless.
    a favourite of mine.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  9. Such a beautiful page! Loving how you layered all the images together and I love the quote 😊. Hugs, Jo x

  10. Love how your collage practice is developing, this is wonderful and the brown paint brings it all together, xoxo

  11. Super cool collage. Some true words and fab layers and images, Erika. Many hugz

  12. I love this vintage style page Erika. Wonderful layering! Hugs, Chrisx


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