Monday, November 27, 2023

T Stands for Winter, Turkeys and Cows

 Hi everyone. Hello to everyone and especially to all the lovely ladies who stop by for T day.

We're into the waning days of November. I think winter is actually here at my house. (Oh no!) Last week was round 3 of November snow. ❄ We do get snow at this time of year, and at least none of these storms was a huge dumping (and we've had those around Thanksgiving before). But I don't remember getting 3 small storms so early in November. The ground is basically frozen though, and even when the temperature gets to 40 (degrees F/around 4.5 degrees C)  it doesn't feel warm anymore. I just hope an early winter means an early spring, but too bad the 2 have no connection.  😏

I hope everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving had a nice day. We went to my sister-in-law's house over in Maine. It was a fun day. My sister-in-law's husband is a chef so we had a delicious meal, which I didn't get any photos of. 😒 But I did manage to get some photos of my drinks and the fun we had.

One of the nieces picked up these color your own turkey placemat sets, and so while the chef was doing his cooking, most of us  had a drink and did some coloring. However, even the chef stopped long enough to color a turkey  because  we were all having too many laughs and he didn't want to miss out. (And I don't blame him.)  All these assorted drinks in this post are my ticket over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog     blog for T this week.

Originally we all started using colored pencils. Then one of the nieces found a box of crayons. I said if I'd known we were coloring I'd have brought along some markers. My daughter had to razz me and tease that I'd have brought along a whole bunch of supplies to make some wild and crazy turkeys. 😏

After we finished coloring, all the turkeys were hung on the wall and my mother-in-law, who didn't know who colored which turkey (because she was asleep in the living room),  picked the winner. 

I've mentioned before my mother-in-law is now living in a memory care unit now as she requires a lot of care. Everything from someone cutting her food to helping her get dressed. Plus, she gets confused.  It's sad to see how much she has changed just since spring. Even though these changes have been coming on  for a few years now, they seem to have accelerated since Easter time.

 However, she enjoyed spending the holiday with her family. This next photo makes me smile because my sister-in-law, who was excited when my MIL picked her turkey  as the winner, was showing my MIL a little love.

After dinner one of the other nieces made these fancy pre-dessert martinis. I don't like regular martinits, but a chocolate one is really delicious.

And while we sipped on our martinis we all played a game. 

The cow in the box wasn't quite as pink as the one in the photo I took of the game off of Amazon.

The general gist of the game was that if you answered simple questions the same way as most other people, you won cow tokens. The cows on the tokens made me smile.

If you answered the question in a unique way, you got the big pink cow. You had to hold onto that cow until someone else had the lone unique answer. At the end of the game,  the person with the most cow tokens  won, unless you had  the big pink cow , then you would lose even if you had the most cow tokens.

We had a lot of laughs.  After the game we all barely managed to put a bit of dessert into our tummies, and then it seemed like it was already time to go home. 

And now we're full on into the end of the year  and that holiday season.
I hope everyone has a lovely T day and week ahead.


  1. turkey wouldn't have been in the running.

  2. Coloring must be a great way to enjoy family on Thanksgiving!
    best, mae at

  3. Looks like you had a fun time with family. Dementia/Alzheimer's is such a cruel disease. I'm glad she was able to come to the festivities even if she wanted a little nap. :) Heck I could use a nap some days!

  4. that sounds like a really fun Thanksgiving -- and coloring the placemats was a brilliant idea. That looks like such fun, with everyone around the table doing that. I don't know the cow game but I do like games like that and it sounds like a fun one!

  5. Awesome that you had a great Thanksgiving celebration with the family! We still have no sight of snow...:-(

  6. Eek to your temps and snow! The said warm winter - it´s white outside here, too.
    Big YAY to your family! You seem to be a very funny bunch, this was a great joy to read!
    What colors can do - or do not, love the very bright turkey, sad.... or good? - you have no pics of the food.
    Sad. I would love to see a turkey from a real chef! All I know are those from Christmas movies. And I would love to taste one!
    Ingo once (in Australia with his Brother) had a stuffed chicken at least.
    Your MIL looks happy. My Grandma, who raised us, was not so lucky. But, well, glad your family is off better :-)
    I think I never had a martini but this one looks tempting. And the cow-game!!
    Thank you for the smiles on a Tuesday morning - have a great T-Day! Hugs

  7. So glad you got to spend a great day with family and with art and good food/drink as well. I'm impressed that so many of you colored their turkeys, but coloring is something we all did as kids in school. And crayons, what fun!

    We've had a November down here that has set several record low days, so I guess t makes sense you are getting even colder than usual days and snow. My first thought was maybe an early Spring but it's clearly wishful thinking for you. It's in the 40's right now here at night, but thankfully gets up to 60 in daytime. I'm over it, hahaha. No, never mind, keep it coming, anything is better than last summer! ugh, xoxo

  8. So glad you had a good Thanksgiving together with family. Love the do-it-yourself turkeys, that's a fun idea! Keeps everbody occupied. But yes, you could have taken a ton or 2 of art supplies along....Here it's cold, but at least dry and no snow yet. And I need that cow game, must search it out on Amazon. Hapy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  9. What an interesting game. I will have to check that one out.
    I love the idea of everyone coloring turkey placemats. It's a fun way to get everyone involved. And I am always drooling when you show the meals made by your BIL so maybe it's better you didn't share this time. (wink) Glad you got to spend time with family. It's hard to believe it is already time for snow.
    Happy Tea Day,

  10. Sounds like you had a fantastic Thanksgiving at your sister-in-law's place! A chef in the family is a bonus for sure—delicious meals are practically guaranteed. Sad that you didn't capture the culinary delights, but at least you got some pics of the drinks and the fun times. The turkey coloring contest sounds like a blast. Happy T Tuesday!

  11. I am not a fan of winter at all and am so glad I no longer live in snow country. It looks like this was a fun, fun, fun, TG.

  12. Snow is pretty to look at but no thanks. We are about to have -7C (19F ) tonight and I am seriously contemplating hibernation till May. I love the idea of colouring all the turkeys, what fun for everyone. Which one won? I like the one in the middle. Your MIL looks like she was enjoying herself and having a good day. I need to go to bed, tomorrow will be a big day. Happy T Day! Elle xx

  13. What an amazing way to spend Thanksgiving, Nice everyone was involved in the coloring, too.

    As soon as I saw the cow, I KNEW Valerie would want that game. I wish I could buy it for her, but Amazon won't let me send a gift from the states to Germany. I tried once and they wouldn't permit it.

    Yo9u certainly gave is a plethora of drinks to choose from, too. Thanks for sharing your Thanksgiving and various drinks with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  14. Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving. I would have enjoyed coloring the turkeys and the Cow games sounds like a lot of fun. Unlike the snow that you got. I hope it's all melted. Happy T Day

  15. What a great post, and I loved that you all colored the turkey page.
    I have my colored pencils out too-coloring pages in coloring books I have had for awhile-will use them for slow mail letters.
    Happy midweek hugs Kathy

  16. I somehow missed T Tuesday :( but I'm glad I got to see your Thanksgiving. Sweet! I love the turkey coloring activity :) That's a lovely tablecloth. That sounds like a fun game.

  17. Colouring in placemats, cow games, fabulous food and family certainly are the ingredients for a lovely Thanksgiving Dinner in my book. Glad you had such a lovely time and thanks for sharing with us. Those turkey's are fabulous!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  18. Love the cow... and..a chocolate martini! that does sound nice! And is that snow!? So glad we don't get it that deep...My daughter, who live in USA has to sweep it off her roof, in case the roof caves in! Sorry I'm sooo late Happy T day ((Lyn))

  19. So pleased you had a fun Thanksgiving with family.

    All the best Jan


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