Sunday, November 26, 2023

Weekend Art

 Hi everyone. Happy Sunday. I  hope those of you who celebrated Thanksgiving had a nice holiday, and that everyone is having a lovely weekend. 

My blog commenting was off for the last few days during the Thanksgiving holiday. We traveled for the day on Thursday, and my daughter was home until yesterday/Saturday. Life was a little busy. I managed to hit some blogs in the morning, but now life is settling back down into some more normalcy so hopefully I can keep up with a little more timeliness. 

Today I want to share another page for Jo's Nature challenge at Art Journal Journey. This page is in my bee journal.

This is one of the simplest pages I have ever made, as most of the background in this sheet of paper that already had the bee on it. I just had to  cut it down to fit my journal page.  I stenciled  along the edges with some black paint; I painted and then added a chipboard ring I had in my stash, and finally  I also punched out some black paper dots of various sizes and shapes. I added those to my page.

I also want to share a tag for Pinky's Words or Sentiments challenge over at Tag Tuesday. I'm sneaking it in before the challenge ends in another day.

I pulled out my Christmas holiday stash the other day, and I figured I'd use some of it. I inked a tag made of white cardstock. Then I die cut the holly branch. I snipped some of the bottom of the branch off so I could stamp the bow directly onto my tag. Then I added the rest of the branch back. The leaves have been outlined with a Sharpie. I added some red glitter glue to make the berries pop and also some white glitter glue to give the leaves a little kick. And finally, I stamped the quote twice, which, in case you can't read them, say:

happy holidays, good tidings, peace on earth and the last line says merry, merry, merry

I'm looking forward to a quiet Sunday.  That's all for me today. Have a great start to your new week.


  1. Dear Erika, your Bumblebee page turned out very nice, even if you didn't have to do much with it. Sometimes it doesn't take much to create something beautiful. Your Christmas tag also looks very good - it's fine that you typed the text again, I wouldn't have been able to read it :-)
    I would also like to thank you for your kind comments - and for pointing out that one of your comments apparently didn't make it through: I actually only found it in the junk folder thanks to your hint (even though I check there almost every day - it hasn't been there before. However, I sometimes still receive "spam" from the years 2011-2021, so I think there's a lot going on in the background.)
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you find a suitable kimono jacket - I'm also short (162 cm, if I haven't shrunk yet), the cut of my jacket should probably fit you too.
    As far as Martini Day is concerned, I have to disappoint you, the name of the holiday has only to do with St. Martin and nothing to do with the drink. I think that should be changed because I would also like a chocolate martini ;-))
    Hugs, all the best and happy Sunday, Traude

  2. ...I'm having a difficult time believing that Christmas is around the corner. Erika, enjoy a wonderful week.

  3. I love the ring you added on that bee page!

  4. Your bumble bee is kinda cute😊
    Beautiful sentiment shared.
    Happy Sunday. Thanks for linkibg to SundaySmiles


  5. Lovely page and tag, sounds like you are in order for some down time. Happy Sunday!

  6. Nice page and the tag would make a lovely gift tag. Holidays are always fun, but so nice when they are over. At least there will be no cooking for a few days. Enjoy your quiet Sunday

  7. Loving your bumblebee art, the bright colours and designs are so cheery on this cold and grey day 😊. Your tag is so elegant too - love it 😊. Thanks so much for joining us at AJJ! Hugs, Jo x

  8. "Peace on earth"... wouldn't that be a dream worth waiting for.

  9. Bumblebee! :) That's the perfect Christmas tag.

    A quiet Sunday here as well.

  10. I feel I'll never catch up with all I missed over the holiday. But at least I'm trying!

  11. Another great bee page, Erika. You made a great collage of elements around the bee. And a pretty tag. I like your clever way of stamping the bow and the colors are nice. Glad you had a family weekend. Did it wear you out? Mine did. Seems like the older I get, the harder it is to clean the house, get presentably groomed and dressed (ha!), visit and entertain, then clean up. Even though I loved it, mind you. DD and SIL came Friday and left Saturday. We had a wonderful visit but I was just useless for anything after they left. Finally got a little energy today. Hope we both have a good week, xoxo

  12. Love the bee page, and the tag for TT, thanks. Have a great, new week! Hugs, Valerie

  13. Erika thanks so much for taking time to make a tag for my challenge theme. I really appreciate it and it is gorgeous! The pink background is perfect for your holly leaves and I love your added stitching. Thanks for sharing with us all at Tag Tuesday!!

  14. I love this page, so wonderful!
    Have a happy week, hug Elke

  15. Even if it was simple to make your Bumblebee page turned out great! I love to see you doing something with yhour bees whether in reality or artwork.
    A fab page Erika.
    Hugs, neet xx


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