Wednesday, December 27, 2023

A Peaceful Night

Hi everyone. It's already Wednesday, the 27th of December. I hope your last week of 2023 is going well. 

My husband is back to work today after taking off  for an extended weekend, and my daughter, who is taking this week off from work, is arriving back at our house to spend a few days with us. She was here with her husband right before Christmas so we could celebrate, and now we get her for the rest of the week. 😀

 Today I want to share another page for Wendy's Above Us Only Sky challenge at Art Journal Journey 

It's a really simple page. I had this page of paper that I really liked. I added the moon, the stars, the velvet ground, as well as the die cut deer and the quote. The paper has a bit of a gloss finish to it, and my quote smudged just a bit, but I still like this page. It feels a bit magical to me. 

Wendy's challenge runs through the 31st, so if you have any spare time for art this holiday week, she'd love to have you join in. 

And if you're just stopping by for a quick visit, thanks. 
Enjoy these last few days of December.


  1. I love the background...a nice page, Erika.

  2. Great with your Daughter!!!
    And a beautiful page. I case I annoy you, but here goes: We have light-pollution to the brim here. But soon we will be in the Outback :-)
    Gosh, this month speeds by!!! Hugs and enjoy the time ahead!

  3. Love it, a fabulous journal page Erika. Have a wonderful 2024, hugs Wendy.

  4. ...and I'm in favor of many peaceful days!

  5. That full moon is perfectly timed with that beautiful full moon we had last night. Yours is a peaceful scene.

  6. It will be a special few days while your daughter visits. Enjoy!

  7. Glad you got to spend time with your daughter. Love your journal page, and van Gogh's quote is one of my faves. Enjoy the days up to New Year. Hugs, Valerie

  8. So glad your daughter can visit. Mine lives on the other side of the country and we hardly ever get to see each other. Although we talk everyday. I really like this page. I think it has a lot of depth and wonderment to it. Have a lovely day today.

  9. Lovely page! Enjoy your family time! -Christine

  10. That's a lovely journal page.
    Enjoy time with your daughter, and enjoy these last few December days.

    All the best Jan

  11. Wonderful paper and the stars help make it magical. Enjoy your daughter and rest of the week! xoxo

  12. A lovely wintry page Erika. How fortunate you had that piece of paper ready and waiting, it is perfect.
    Have a wonderful time with your daughter.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  13. Your page is simple -- and not. It has the look of simplicity but I can see a lot of work behind it!

  14. There is good peaceful feeling in your art piece, Erika.
    I'm wishing you and yours Happy New Year 2024 xx

  15. a beautiful journal page!
    happy New Year, hug Elke

  16. Very cool that you got to spend time with your daughter and that Hubby had extended time off from work. I'm on a four day off now and loving it. It really feels like a vacation. The add of the moon is brilliant. Well done. Here's to a wonderful 2024!


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