Monday, December 25, 2023

T Stands for The Post Christmas Post

 Hi everyone. It's s time for T once again over at 

If you celebrated Christmas, I hope yours was merry and bright. Our family celebration was on the 23rd and 24th since my daughter was spending Christmas Day with her in-laws.  We had our Christmas dinner on the night of the 23rd, and then we played Monopoly. I  was the first one out 😑, but it was a fun evening. If you're familiar with monopoly you can know the game can go on forever, but my son-in-law was a real land tycoon and ran everyone out of the game after a couple of hours. 

 On Christmas day we had a big breakfast with our traditional prosecco and orange juice mimosas.

This is my ticket to T this week over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's.

I wasn't very good at getting photos this year, but I did remember to get a photo of the traditional British fruit cake I baked back in November and have been feeding with some whiskey weekly. This type of cake has been on my baking bucket list for a few years, and I always forgot about having to make it early so I never made one. Last year I put it on my calendar for early November of this year, and here it is after I decorated it. .

The son-in-law and I enjoyed it. It was much better than American style fruitcake with all the bright colored preserved fruit. The one I made had raisins, dried currants, orange peel and walnuts in it. I frosted it to make it  more festive and added some lemon extract to the frosting.

I'll also share a few holiday cards I received. Thank you everyone who sent one along.
I put cards up on my dining room hutch, and I photographed them hanging so they may not be 100% straight.

Elle, your card did arrived on time as it was here on the 23rd.

And this beauty was from Jeanie at the Marmalade Gypsy

This lovely card was from Carola

And finally this card is from Dorothy at the Frog and the Penguin.

Thank you again my friends. I should also mention I received a great on-line card from Valerie too. I'm not sure how to show that here however. ︖ πŸ˜„

I thought I would also share the card I received from one of my cousins. He always makes it own linoprints each year, and this year his card was gorgeous. (Actually they are always very special, but this year his print was way more complex than they often are.)

And wow, this is our last T for 2023. I hope everyone's year ends with bright days. 

"See" you all for T next year.


  1. Lovely cards and cocktail drink! -Christine

  2. the best parts of Christmas is receiving cards! ☃️ πŸŽ„ ❄️ πŸŽ…πŸΌ

  3. Your fruitcake sounds delicious, I would love the recipe if you can share. I think I would like this one made for me gluten free, Larry loves the English one I make for him.
    Such lovely Christmas cards-they are all very special
    Happy T hugs Kahty

  4. Wishing you a merry Christmas and a blessed new year 2024!

  5. Monopoly. Bad childhood-memories of being with an elder cousin, LOL!
    MAMA CLAUS, awww, sooo cute! And the drink-choice sounds yummy!
    That cake reminds me of a way too sweet one I got for Ingo. Great yours was better!
    And yay to heart-mail!
    Merry Christmas! Hugs and a happy T-Day!

  6. Looks like you had a great Christmas. Now it’s on to 2024! All the best - David

  7. Loving that mug and your cake looks delicious 😊. So much amazing happy Christmas mail too. Wishing you peace, joy and happiness this Christmas time ❤️. Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

  8. Erika, that fruitcake looked and sounded amazing from someone who has never been a fan of the American ones as well. Can you provide details on the how-to in a future post? Glad to know our card arrived and like yourself, I also display ours on a wall in our apt. Less were received this year and I suspect the trend will continue with USPS rates increasing again in Jan 2024 (sigh).

    Thanks for another year of blog friendship and best wishes to you and your family for the New Year.

  9. Your cake looks very delicious. I am very fond of those types of fruit and nuts, and I’m sure your long care with booze was a great contribution to the flavor.
    best, mae at

  10. A mimosa sounds like the perfect celebratory drink, and the fruitcake looks delicious! The cards are lovely. So thoughtful.

    Happy T Tuesday!

  11. Wow everything looks so pretty. That cake looks amazing. It seems you and your family had a wonderful time. Thank you for sharing it.

  12. Your English fruit cake looks fantastic, this is the first year I haven't made one, but I can imagine how good your's tasted!. Lovely cards, too. Hugs, Valerie

  13. Erika, your Christmas looks so lovely - and you had your daughter with you, that is extra special. Just these last two days my husband and I said that it would have been so nice to have aur daughter here, but traveling over the holidays is such a pain and we didn't want to do that to her. Your received beautiful Christmas cards. If I don't "see" you before, I wish you a very happy and healthy 2024. Happy T day! Hugs - Carola

  14. I love fruitcake and yours looks spectacular! I've never seen one frosted and decorated. Maybe more people would like fruitcake if it were frosted. Loved seeing the Christmas cards you received and the way you display them. Happy T Day

  15. It sounds like your family celebration was filled with joy and merriment! The Monopoly game adds a fun touch to the festivities, even if it didn't go in your favor this time. The Christmas Day breakfast with prosecco and orange juice mimosas sounds delightful and festive. Wishing you continued joy and relaxation in the post-Christmas glow. Happy Boxing Day! Visit Melody Jacob blog.

  16. Your cake looks wonderful! I love rich fruit cake! Lovely cards! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  17. I'm so not a fan of fruitcake, but yours looks appetizing, no green candies, yay! heehee Well, great minds and all: we played Monopoly too! Son in love brought his game bag, and daughter bought up all the railroads and utilities and won. He and Honey also played Backgammon and then we all played a really fun card game called Joking Hazard that was hilarious. Lots of fun and games this holiday! XOX

  18. So glad the card arrived on time! I had Nosecco or maybe it's spelt Nozecco, either way, it's a no-alcohol prosecco lol. I love that you made a traditional fruit cake and fed it whiskey. Your cake looks quite light in colour compared to the ones here, I wonder what the difference is, something different in the recipe maybe. Did you put marzipan over it too, under the icing? Hope you found something interesting in my 2023 book list. I'm working my way through a series at the moment so there will be a few more to add before the end of the year. Merry Christmas and Happy T Day! Elle xx

  19. Hi Erika, the postman just delivered your card! Thanks so much, I love the green, perfect for new beginnings and new year. I love this week between Xmas and New Year as there can be a lot of xmas mail that didn't quite make it before they closed for the holidays. ~ Elle xx

  20. Lovely cards, lovely cake (so glad you like the traditional British fruit cake. When i took one along one Christmas to California it went down like a lead balloon, now I know why). Mine was made early but we haven't cut into it yet, will do and it will soon be demolished.
    Love the print! Very talented.
    Hugs, Neet xx (who also had Bucks fizz)

  21. Wow -- your cousin's lino is incredible. I've done this process (my friend Kate is very good at it.) I am not good at it and don't think I could ever create something so amazing. It sounds like a lovely day for you!

  22. I was in the process of leaving you a comment when I head a loud BOOM and the room shook. Then I was in total darkness. It was an outage on my side of the street. The street light and houses/porch lights on the other side of the street were on. Since it was about midnight, I was hoping Sally was awake and would call the electric company, but that was obviously not the case. The first eight hours of darkness were tolerable enough, but after that, all I could do was dig out four warm blankets and add them to my bed. For nearly two days I was without electricity and heat. Even my hot water heater has an electric start. I had just enough hot water to make coffee, something I can't live without. When I woke yesterday, I saw the light on my electric clock was on, but it was still too cold to leave my bed. Just using the toilet was bone chilling. I have an appointment at 12:40 today, so this is a copy and paste message. I will be back after I shower and keep my appointment. Just wanted everyone to know your TSFT host has not forgotten you.

  23. Lovely cards, especially the first one.
    For comment on your cake, see previous post. ( I back-read all your posts and then the comment ended up at the wrong one).
    I haven’t played Monopoly since I was young. Graham didn’t like playing games unfortunately. Before I married him, I would go to games evenings regularly at my friends’ house. Great fun.
    Happy New Year,

  24. This comment begins with another copy and paste. The appointment I referred to in my last comment was for my eye doctor (ophthalmologist). I was sure I was going to learn if my retina was torn and if I needed an operation. Instead, I was taken to seven different rooms by seven little helpers and never once saw the doctor. Each "helper" gave me a different test. Each time they did, they put either one, two, or three different types of drops from different bottles in my eye. I got so tired of hearing the words "blink, blink, blink" after each drop was inserted.

    At the end of the day, I couldn't see a thing. I was given an eye patch to wear over my "good" eye. I must remove it when I shower and wash my face because it cannot get wet. It has put a strain on my "weak" eye and I can barely see anything. However, the little helpers don't believe I have a retinal tear because I apparently exhibit none of the symptoms which I won't go into, except I had a flash of light once. Since I can barely see, I will give a half-hearted attempt to leave you a decent comment.

    I love how you have the traditional mimosas every year on Christmas. It's a great tradition. The Mama Claus mug is adorable.

    Your British fruitcake looks wonderful. I'm with you on American fruitcake which I have never cared for.

    You got some amazing cards. Lots of love went into those, I can tell.

    Thank you again for the awesome gift you sent me, dear. It made my day.


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!