Thursday, January 4, 2024


 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday to you.

I thought today I would share  another page for my calendar challenge at Art Journal Journey

My page today is less finished than most of my pages, but I still like it. I began by gluing down some old calendar pieces I had in my stash. Then I sprayed my page with some blue and green liquid inks.

Going through some scraps, I found this TH ephemera piece of old ad with the March 30-April 3 dates on it. I don't know what Kern is (or where it is), but since it was printed with some dates on it, I thought I would use it.  I am sure someplace someone was adding those dates to their calendar.  

I also found the old denim  punch out  in my stash and put that on my page also. After that I took a sheet of paper with lots of numbers on it and cut out some numbers. To make the page more interesting, I stamped and fussy cut the crow image.

And just a reminder, you don't need to use an actual calendar on your page.  I just happened to have these calendar pages laying around since 2003. 

I really need to get back to making some art. I've been doing some art space cleaning this first week of the new year. I thought it would be a good way to get myself ready for art making in the whole of 2024. Plus Santa got me a new storage cabinet for Christmas. We finally got it moved into the spare bedroom where I work before the hubby got sick, but Santa found it on sale back in November. It's been sitting in our garage for weeks, and I am happy to have it to use. 😏

Now I'm just trying to decide what to put in each drawer.  I think I have it the way I want it, and then a better idea comes along. I've filled many of the drawers, emptied or rearranged some  of them, and  then put something else in them. I'll get everything squared away sooner rather than later, but mainly, I want to get it so this corner will be more useful than it was before.

And before anyone asks, the ink pad holders on the left side of the photo are actually old cassette tape holders. I noticed cassette tapes and many ink pads were about the same size, so when a fellow teacher was tossing these old cassette holders out (years ago), I nabbed them. And the shelf on the wall behind the cabinet is actually an old mailbox unit from the University of New Hampshire. I found it one day years ago while in a local antique shop, and those who know me know I LOVE old mailboxes and other cubby type units. The hubby gave me this for my birthday that year, and it is perfect for holding all my small stamps. (And yes, I have a lot of them. 😏)

That's enough for today. Have a great day!


  1. A new storage cabinet is always a great idea :)

  2. It’s nice to have your stuff organized in this way and there’s a little local history there too. No excuses now for 2024! All the best - David

  3. I love your page, it's vibrant and spot on. And I am totally in love with your storage cubby holes, units etc, wonderful! My things are stored with sytem random, which means I rarely find what I want, but while searching, I find other great stuff that I had forgotten about! Enjoy your day, hugs, Valerie

  4., what an organized person you are!

  5. Your storage are looks fabulous -- so organized. I must force myself into the Scary Room for at least an hour a day until I can find the top of my desk! Then sort and purge some more. That storage unit is great and I love your wall units, too. Three cheers!

  6. Interesting idea for the calendar page. Love the raven, too!
    Wow, you are organized! My art stuff is in boxes under the swing and here beside the PC...
    Reckon you were really good last year ;- ) hugs

  7. Wow you have excellent storage set up! love your page too hugs Kathy

  8. I like the colors on your calendar page. Your storage cubbies are awesome. Sometimes, it takes living in a space to see how the storage works best.

  9. Lovely artwork and your craft area looks well organized. - Anne (Cornucopia)

  10. Such pretty colors for your page! Love the calendar background which makes for a nice collage! So fun to add certain special dates to as well! WOW, what a very cool cabinet to help organize! Love the way you display the stamps! I have way too many stamps and sets to do that! LOL Happy organizing!!

  11. Love those vibrant colours - they are ones I'm often drawn to at this time of year... to combat the dark days of Jan/Feb (though less so now that I'm in the Czech countryside - we get blue skies and sunshine far more often in winter than we used to in the south-east of England!).

    Great to see your creative space so organised and ready for action. Your new storage cabinet looks really smart in position.
    Happy 2024 to you!
    Alison x

  12. What a great space! And I love your storage system. So cool, especially because the pieces have stories behind them.

  13. A nice page for your theme and a nice cozy corner for your inks and stamps. Love the tool drawers, lots cheaper than a vintage map drawer chest and has similar shallow drawers. You don't mention if you are still covid free so I'll assume you are. Best wishes for hubby's recovery, xoxo

  14. Another fabulous page Erika, & I love your storage!

  15. Fab page Erika - which set me off in a search for an old calendar - can't find one. Not to worry, other things up my sleeve.
    Love the storage - all of it. I want that old mailbox, how great that you found it and bought it. Now that corner is all complete and looks great too.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. You just reminded me I have some of those old calendar pages somewhere. Mine were from calendars I saved, though. I love your latest entry. It is great and inspiring.

    What a great cabinet you got. I love where you stashed the small stamps and the cassette holder is brilliant. Is that cork on the wall with the cassette case?

  17. I love these colours Erika. The only Kern I know of is an English cheese(Cornish actually and delicious) I doubt Mr Holtz was thinking of that! Your storage system looks amazing! Hugs, Chrisx


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