Friday, January 5, 2024

Day Trip to Salem-Part 1

 Hi everyone. I hope everyone has been having a great first week of 2024.  My husband, who is starting off his  new year with covid, is doing well, and he's been busy working from home. I on the other hand  was hoping I'd stay negative, but now I'm positive too.  I hope I perk up and feel like myself quickly, but right now covid has also caused a major hive flare (not my bees, red itchy welts on my skin), and that itch is driving me crazy. 😳

Last week my daughter took a vacation from work, and she came home for a couple of days after Christmas. We'd already seen her Christmas weekend, so this really was a bonus. ❤ One day we decided to take a roadtrip down to Salem, Massachusetts. Sadly we had a lot of rain that whole week. The rain definitely put a damper on our visit, but not enough to stop us from having fun. 

Here are some views from our day. There are some faces for Nicole's  Friday Face Off . I'm also linking up to Gillena's  Friday Face Off .

We visited the Salem Maritime National Historic site. Most of the buildings were closed for the season or under renovation, but we were able to walk around the site. I'd been here before, but it was new for my daughter.

Salem, Massachusetts was an important city for international trade in early America. A lot of  that trade was with China, the Caribbean and Europe, and the goods were transported on 3 masted ships like you see in the photo below. Salem also became a wealthy place  due to  that early American trade. 

I like how the Park Service had some holiday spirit.

After we got pretty wet during our walk around, we then walked some more and went a little ways down the street to the House of 7 Gables. This house was made famous in a novel of the same name by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hawthorne, for those of you who may not know this name, is one of those big authors of American literature. He was born and lived his life in Salem, but he died on a trip here in New Hampshire in 1864.

On our walk down to the House of 7 of Gables, we spotted this cool holiday dinosaur.

A gable is a triangular point on the roof.  In this next photo you can see 3 gables. There are 2 on the full face of the house and one on the right hand side. The triangular piece over the entrance porch is called a dormer. Many homes have 2 gables, one on each end of the house. Having 7 was a sign of wealth. 

This house was built in 1668 by a sea captain and his wife. It was smaller at that time than what you see now.

The House of 7 Gables is not part of the National Historic Park, but it is an interesting home to visit. Hawthorne never lived there, but he had a cousin who did. His book by that name is a fictional novel, and he created some interesting architectural features that the house did not originally have. However, the owner of the home in the early 1900s spent money to restore the house and added in some features from the book, like a hidden staircase. It was a fun tour, and since it was raining, it gave us a chance to dry off a little bit too. 😏 

Here is a portrait of Hawthorne as a young man that hangs in the visitor's center.

To keep this post from getting too long, I'll wrap it up by mentioning Hawthorne's wife. This is the portrait of Sophia Peabody Hawthorne that hangs in the house.
Here in New England we pronounce her last name pea-buddy (in 1 syllable) not pea-body.

She was a very distinguished artist, and this is one of the few paintings of hers that is still in known existence. It also hangs in the House of 7 Gables. 

I think that's enough for today. I'll share more another post. 
Have a great weekend.


  1. ...Salem is place that I would love to visit, thanks for taking me along to see the sight. I'm glad to have my umbrella.

  2. So sorry to hear that you are sick. Those hives sound awful. The trip to Salem, however, looked nice even though the weather did not cooperate. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  3. Very interesting people and places; thank you for sharing. A nice joyful picture of your daughter and you there back 🀩😊
    I'm wishing you to be well soon πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ

  4. Wow! What a wonderful trip. So nice to see your daughter again. I love all of your photos and thank you for sharing with FFO. Have a very nice day today.

  5. So sorry you got covid too. Hope your daughter doesn't get it. Enjoyed the tour of Salem and the faces.

  6. Sorry to hear about the COVID challenges but glad to see you making the most of your day trip to Salem! Sending positive vibes your way. By the way, check out my YouTube channel at Drop a comment, and if you subscribe, it's greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  7. Hi, visit here from Indonesia πŸ˜‰
    I follow your beautiful blog.

  8. I"m sorry y'all have both gotten sick and hope you're completely recovered soon.

    That looks like a wonderful trip. The ships and history are fascinating. Although I've enjoyed many of Hawthorne's works, The House of 7 Gables not so much lol I'd love to see the house, though. It's fun that the home's owner added elements from the book. I'd love a secret stairway or passage. Wouldn't that be fun! I appreciate the information about Hawthorne's wife. Thanks!

  9. Thanks for sharing the lovel photos, glad you enjoyed your trip in spite of the rain. So sorry you have Covid now, that's not good. I hope our hives soon get less itchy, that's horrible. I still have a lot of problems with the Post Covid, now I call it Pest Covid. Heike is in hospital, another friend fell down the stairs, so I am not a happy bunny just now. It can only get better! Hugs, Valerie
    Thanks for the New Year Card, what a lovely surprise, it came yesterday!

  10. A most enjoyable post. Fun going along with you. I hope you both are feeling perfect very soon. Aloha!

  11. Fantastic post Erika.
    Happy New Year. Thanks for linking to The Twelve Days of Christmas. After tomorrow's post , i will take a week off from blogging.


  12. I am so sorry you and your Hubs have Covid. Were you able to get Paxlovid? I hope you're feeling better soon.

    Salem is a fun place to visit. I went with some high school friends during our Feb. vacation. Like you said lots of things were closed, but we got a private showing of the customs house. I can't remember when I went back and took a tour of the House of the 7 Gables. Lots of fun especially the doors that swung shut automatically just like they would on a ship.

  13. I'm so sorry to read that you now have Covid too, sending lots of get well wishes to you.

    I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  14. I really enjoyed your post sorry about the covid-ugh
    take care hugs Kathy

  15. I saw Maritime Museum in Oregon. Which I found quite interesting.
    Coffee is on.

  16. get well soon to your husband and wow i love the pics so much! it's so vintage and classy! wish i could visit there too!

  17. Sorry that you have COVID now, Erika. Hope you feel better soon. Salem looks really nice...would love to visit it too! Have a restful and hopefully sunny weekend, Erika!

  18. Thank for this interesting tour of Salem. I really didn’t know much about it at all other than its location as the epicentre of the witch trials and executions that took place there. I am sure that some on the religious right would love to revive these practices, substituting Democrats for witches! All the best - David

  19. Hi Erika,
    Hope you had a good start in this very young year. The weather was not very good for your trip. I think I will never get there, so thanks for the visit.
    Have a good time
    All the best

  20. Oh Erika, I'm so sorry you got Covid. I hope it doesn't hang in too long or that the symptoms are too rough. Were you and your husband able to get the Paxlovid? I loved seeing your excursion to Salem. I was there long ago and visited Seven Gables and it is fun to see the photos!

  21. Your daughter looks just like you in that photo! :-)
    Well, crap, that sucks you got it, but really, the odds were stacked against you.
    If Honey comes home with it, I'm gonna get it. Kinda silly to wish otherwise I suppose. And this strain is supposed to be highly contagious, so.
    The tour looks very interesting. I'm remembering Cather died in NH, as you reminded me. Hmmm, was there a time in which NH was the place where all good authors went to die? heehee
    Please watch your breathing and get the anti-virals. You are also high-risk, especially since it immediately triggered your hives! Hoping you can be comfortable until you are free. XOX
    P.S. Hope not 12 inches of snow! XOX

  22. What a fascinating post! I didn’t know that the house (in whatever form) was still a reality. I read other books by Hawthorne, but I think not that one (but maybe i did and forgot). If you played the child’s card game “Authors” when you were a kid, you know him from the cards with his name and a list of his most famous books, including this one. Great post!

    best, mae at

  23. Weeee, how come I nearly missed this fun post! Happy faces and YES to the Christmas-Spirit on the boat! And the dino, awwww...
    A hidden staircase? Sounds very interesting!
    Now I´d really would like to hear you talk! Soon I´ll be in the land of Aussie-accent, LOL.
    Send me to Hamburg and I have their accent in a sec, too! Hugs!

  24. Wow, your daughter is exactly like you. What a lovely photo and what a lovely trip you seem to have had. Very interesting and good to see and read about it.
    Sorry about the covid and more so the hives. I do hope you get some relief soon.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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