Monday, January 22, 2024

T Stands for Voting and Food

 Hi everyone.  It is time for T once again over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog. I hope everyone has had a lovely week.

Bear with me for a minute (or 2) as I talk briefly about primary voting in my state. I know this might not be interesting to some of you, and my point is not to get into political views, but to tell you about my state's primary, and what's going on  with it this year. If you don't want to read about the primary voting, you can jump down below the asterisks (*).

Besides T day, tomorrow is also Primary Day in New Hampshire. For those of you unfamiliar with how the US chooses a president (and also for some other government positions), the primary is a lead up to the presidential election in November. It is not a national day of voting, but different states can run their primaries on different days, all within a matter of a few months. Candidates need to register to be on the ballot, and then voters get to vote for who they like in the party of their choice. 

Different states have different voting set ups. Here in New Hampshire you can be registered to vote one of 3 ways. You can be a registered democrat, a registered republican, or a registered independent. If you are a registered democrat or republican, you must vote within the party  you are registered in during our state's primary. If you are registered as an independent, you can chose which party to vote in, and then if want to remain a registered independent, you must change your affiliation (and you can change it before you leave your place of voting) back to independent. 

This year's primary in my state of New Hampshire is one of the strangest ones I can remember. 

The current president (Joe Biden), doesn't want NH to have the first primary in the country. He moved that Democratic primary to South Carolina. But New Hampshire has to be first according to our state law, and I think almost everyone in this state is proud of that and is not willing to have our primary moved. Because of that, Biden will not be on the ballot, but senior level state  democrats are asking for a write in campaign.  The national democratic party wrote a scathing letter to the state attorney general that the democratic primary cannot be held on January 23. Well, legally here it has to be, and it will be. However, none of the democratic votes will actually count towards the delegates at the convention when the final democratic presidential party candidate is chosen (unless something changes by the convention.)

On the Republican side the candidates are going all out. Some of you in the US might also be inundated with political messages . We've had what seems like hours a day of TV ads for over a year. I get almost daily texts to come and meet a candidate. Saturday I also had 10 political phone calls (none of which I answered). Every day I get at least 5 flyers in the mail. This has been going on for months, and I think I could wall paper a room in the house with all the flyers I have received. Lately most of the flyers have been from Nikki Haley, but  before many of the other candidates dropped out of the race, we received a wide variety from various candidates. 

The voting results will be interesting. The stats I found about NH voters are that just over 30% of the states registered voters are democrats, just under 30% are registered republicans, and just about 40% of voters are registered independents.

For some independent voters there will be a bigger question at hand. Perhaps if a person leans republican then they  will vote for one the republican candidates. If someone leans democratic, they might write in Joe Biden, even though those votes don't presently count. Or they could vote republican.    Many people I have spoken to in the last few months will   vote republican to try to keep Trump from winning. And I should mention there are some  democratic candidates that aren't going along with the national democratic office and are running on the democratic ticket. Some people might even vote for one of them.

 I for one am curious to see what the results come out to be.  I know how I am voting, but it's a secret ballot so I'm not saying. 😏 (Plus it's T day, and I think our weekly international catch ups are not a place to discuss my political views.)


In other things, last week was another fairly quiet week for me. It was cold, and I spent a lot of time keeping the woodstove going. I also seemed to do a lot in the kitchen, a nice warm place to be on a cold day.

I used some browning bananas and made a banana, chocolate chip and walnut coffee cake (made in a bundt pan).

I made a 16 bean and veggie soup.

And on Saturday, my sister-in-law had a small family brunch to celebrate my mother-in-law's 90th birthday (which was a couple of weeks ago). I made a pumpkin quiche to bring.  

I always make pumpkin quiche appetizers for Thanksgiving, and my sister-in-law requested pumpkin quiche for the party. This time I decided to make a big one.

Here's my T day drink for this week, along with my lunch, which I did not make.

After my allergy shots last Wednesday, I picked up my husband at work, and he took me out for lunch. I had a Diet Coke and one of the best tuna melt sandwiches I've ever had. Last time I showed a photo of a tuna melt from the Round About Diner, some of you asked what the fried "thing" was on top of the  sandwich. It is a friend pickle. And very yummy. I was jealous the husband got 2 put on his sandwich. 😏

I've also been knitting my latest sweater.  Here's the  sleeve I have just about finished.

That's all for me.

FYI- I am going to be out of town for a few days early next week, so I will be missing T. Not only have a great T day this week, but for those of you who I only see for T, have a great couple of weeks ahead.  For everyone else I will be around all of this week and much of next week also. just not here for T day.



  1. ...I love the colors for your new sweater.

  2. We just had the 15-bean soup with the ham bone I had frozen after Christmas ham dinner.
    Delicious. Another soup we had recently was with diced tomatoes, black-eyed peas, seasoned wild rice, sausage & chicken broth. Sooo good! We love soups in cold weather. Have a great couple of weeks. This is my first time to the party since August! It is nice to see everyone again.

  3. I read every word of the political part of your post. I agree very strange. But then, our government has lost it's minds and everythig is strange. Thank you for the information I didn't know some of it and now I do. Ohhh I so want to come to your house to eat. Everything looks so good especially the bean soup. Yummmmm A fried pickle, hmmm I have never heard of that. Your knitting looks fantastic. I started some Tunisian crochet. It looks a bit like knitting. Have a ncie evening.

  4. We are so saturated with news from New Hampshire that I'm surprised you feel the need to explain the primary! It's always been very important in being the first, and I know that there is an effort to keep it that way and retain the traditional influence. At this point, I don't expect any surprises tomorrow!
    best, mae at

  5. Delicious food (and drink) today Erika!

  6. So many delicious treats! I love that coffee cake :-)

  7. Voting, oh. I will go voting for sure! Here they say this was the worst period ever. Our "chancellor" is a smurf and Merkel before was actaully as bad.
    But the ones they may put up now... I see no light! But I will not give up.
    That soup looks yummy and that sandwich, Yummy!
    Your sweater comes in one of my fav colors :-)
    Have a great T-Day and week, hugs

  8. Your sweater sleeve promises to be part of a beautiful sweater.

  9. Thanks for the political information, it's very different to the system here. Your food looks great, warm soups are great in cold weather. And have fun knitting! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  10. If only New Hampshire could convincingly give Trump his first comeuppance that would be wonderful, but I doubt that is going to happen. It is inconceivable that sane people can vote for a bumbling, incoherent rapist/cheat/liar, with multiple indictments, stating plainly and clearly he wishes to transform the country into an autocracy, administered by his sycophants, with retribution high on their agendas, but I fear that is exactly what is going to happen. How and when does this madness end?

  11. good morning, we love bean soups too I made a navy bean soup with bits of ham last week. and your desserts look yum
    we are headed for a warm up this week-will feel good after two days of ice. Hugs from the lake Kathy

  12. Me and hubby enjoyed reading about your voting dilemma and our thinking is that your voting system sounds unnecessary complicated, it'll be such a shame if all candidates are not available to choose from as part of your primary votes - that just doesn't make sense to us. All your bakes looks so good, I would definitely want to try that pumpkin quiche - so yummy 😊. Your sweater looks amazing, love the blue that's my favourite colour ❤️. Happy T Tuesday and enjoy your travels next week! Hugs, Jo x
    p.s. I hope you go to Prague, it's a wonderful place to visit at Christmas and if you do go, let us know as we can send you some recommendations. x

  13. Voting is always important. The same flyers you got were similar to the ones I got when we voted for mayor, city council, and BOE. I should have made a visual journal with all of them, but the presidential one will be here Super Tuesday.

    Love your new sweater colors. I look forward to advances and updates, too.

    You have been baking a storm. I am always impressed. Love the looks of the quiche.

    Your tuna melt looks good and now I am very hungry. Thanks for sharing your voting choices, your sweater, and your sandwich and diet Coke with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  14. Of course I have heard a lot about the primary in NH, Erika, but I am glad that you wrote about it because some of it I didn't know. It's all so weird and I actually have very little hope for this year's elections. I am so tired of white old men in politics. Your food, on the other hand, looks delicious, and I like the start of your next sweater. What kind of yarn are you using for this one? Have a lovely T day and a good week. Hugs - Carola

  15. Thank you for explaining your strange voting system to me.
    How exciting that you are going away. I hope it's somewhere nice.
    Your bakes look delicious. The pumpkin quiche sounds delicious. Is it savoury? I assume so or it would be called a pumpkin pie.
    Wow, what a lovely colour of that sweater! I love it.
    Happy T-Day,

  16. Your food looks yummy Erika and your sweater beautiful... We'll miss you while your gone.. Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  17. The primary system is a mess, isn't it. And Iowa has a caucus, which doesn't count technically but amounts to the same thing. Have you been listening to Trump? I swear he doesn't seem to understand that those cognition tests are not IQ tests and aren't given as a matter or course but in response to a concern. And sound effects and confusion and slurring, all while he's insulting Biden for the stutter and offering a face-off cognition test taking even with Haley lol! I'll be watching for results of the NH primary but not expecting to be surprised. I've heard the number of undeclared voters is because voters want to pick the primary strategically.

    That soup! Yummm! I've never heard of pumpkin quiche. I drink coke every once in a while -once or twice a year, I guess- with pizza if I'm eating out. I don't eat out as often as I used to.

    Happy T Tuesday

  18. First, let me say all that food looks absolutely scrumptious!
    And your knitting is coming along nicely.
    Having arrived late and read through all the comments, I'll just say, leave it to a man to not be able to control himself. {Meow}
    As a political Independent since 2007, I admire the long-held NH traditions and love the Live Free Or Die motto. One of the signs of a dying institution is how dysfunctional it becomes. That is how I see our primary system, as outdated and increasingly harmful as our 2-party system. I was very offended that *they* tried to disenfranchise your voters. And happy that none of the oraganized cheating worked. I hate all the game-playing, how about just do things like we used to, but this and worse is probably all you and I will see for the rest of our lives. It's very sad. XOX P.S. I controlled myself. ;-)

  19. Your cake, soup and quiche all look great. I've been following the election for days. Our primary is the 27th of Feb.

  20. Gosh that voting sounds difficult to understand but I suspect when you live with it you know what you are doing. I think the whole world is waiting with bated breath on this one.
    That cake looks delicious and the soup would just satisfy me now. I resorted to him warming a tin of Heinz tomato soup up at lunchtime and it tasted wonderful. Ordered another for tomorrow as I can't eat, my mouth is so sore.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  21. I hope you got the vote you wanted Erika, I barely understand our system but yours sounds extremely complicated... you know there is a perfect solution to those flyers.. just gather them all together, fold them in half and you have your next journal :) I've done it with fast food flyers often.
    Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S The veg n bean soup is just up my street x


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