Sunday, January 21, 2024

More from the Romantic Garden

 Hi everyone. Happy second half of the weekend to you. We're still in the big chill here, but at least it is supposed to warm up a bit tomorrow.

Yesterday we had a lovely and small family get together to celebrate my mother-in-law. She turned 90 a week ago. Today I am planning on spending some time at home and staying warm. 

I must be missing my garden  lately because it seems like I've made lots of pages with that theme. 😏 Today's page from my It's On the Calendar challenge at Art Journal Journey is another romantic garden themed page.

I tied this page in with my It's On the Calendar theme by cutting a box out of a page of an old wall calendar and stamping my quote in it.  You can also see the word March and number 3 up  on the top right hand corner of the background.

When I was recently cleaning I found a box filled with words. It was a set I bought back when I did a lot of scrapbooking years ago. Somehow I thought I would love having all those words (there's like 500 of them), but in truth, they were a pain to dig through. Still, I didn't want to throw them out. I decided I would just randomly glue assorted words down on my page to make my background.

I then took a rose stencil as well as some dark and light pink paints (plus green for the leaves) to make the roses. After that I used a brown ink pad and rubbed it over the page.

I die cut the bird design and added my lady in the middle of the design. I hope the birds are singing happily in her garden. My lady needed something to anchor her to the page, so   I added some cheesecloth in a crumbled rough form, and even scattered a few green confetti leaves on it.

That's all for me today.  I am also joining Gillena's Sunday Smiles. I hope you are enjoying your weekend and have a great start to the new week ahead. 


  1. A lovely page. I really like those pinky roses as the background.

  2. A beautiful, clever page!
    Well today is grey, 4C / 39F. Tomorrow will be warmer but rainy and I have a present-seminar, which means 40 minutes on foot one way. "Bingo".
    Hope you can enjoy your garden again, soon, hugs and to a nice Sunday!

  3. Who can argue with roses? Always a winner. All the best - David

  4. ...thanks, this morning doesn't have much romance outside.

  5. Wow! All those words and stamping rewarded beautiful art. Happy Sunday Erika. Thanks for linking to SundaySmiles


  6. Gorgeous page. Glad you had some good, family time. Love all the words on the background. Hugs, Valerie

  7. This is so pretty. The flowers bring such life. Have a nice day.

  8. Happy 90th birthday MIL. That is an impressive and special landmark birthday.

    Her dress is also special - when was it from, do you know?

  9. What a lovely page, shades of Summer are great right now - we have storm warnings here Storm Isha will be with us overnight! Love the roses and the cheesecloth looks fabulous. Pleased you had some family time to celebrate MIL's birthday. Hugs, Chrisx

  10. I'm missing your garden, too. Stay warm

  11. Oh this is so pretty, Erika. I love the words and roses background, so cool.
    Happy Birthday to your m-i-l. These last years are precious. My dad became more than a little cantakerous and a pain in the arss for the last year or so, but I am thankful that I remembered it sucks getting old and sucks worse getting really old, so I remained loving and caring. It feels good that I had no regrets with either of my parents as pertains to my behavior and I'm so glad I was a faithful daughter. Honey and I do the same with his mom. I just pray our daughter will be able to find the same patience with us, lol.
    I hope you get a break from the big chill, if only for a while. It's begun to rain for the week now and I'm really looking forward to the temps rising a bit. xoxo

  12. I used to keep a little box of words I had cut out from various sources. It's still around here somewhere...

  13. I loved the roses.
    Nice to discover your blog.

  14. Wow, dear Erika, I am in love with your site. Firstly, it's beautiful and secondly, I'm obviously full of a longing for the garden too, which means the site makes something vibrate in me. The roses and the nostalgic woman are so pretty and the fact that you chose the background-words at random makes it even more exciting! Cheesecloth and confetti leaves are wonderful (& interesting) “anchors”!
    All the best! Hugs, Traude 😊

  15. I don't like wishing my time away but i wish the roses were out now, I have had two dozen bought me and they are lovely and smell so beautiful but I do like to see mine in my garden.
    This is a delightful page with the roses and the addition of the cheesecloth has made so much difference, providing a lovely contrast with the back of the birds.
    What a lovely age your MIL is, I wisw her every blessing.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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