Thursday, January 18, 2024

When the Garden Catalogs Are Released

 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday. I hope you're having a lovely week so far. And staying warm if you're in the cold. It's chilly here, but some of you have colder temperatures than here in New Hampshire. 

My page today for Art Journal Journey is a gardening page. I know a couple of die hard gardeners who mark their calendars for the day(s) the latest seed and plant catalogs come out. I know there are  no specific calendar dates on my page (other than the years on the catalog), but I think using the cover of a vintage seed catalog definitely works for my It's On The Calendar challenge thanks to those die hard gardener friends.

(FYI- I'm not one of those die hard get my seed catalog gardeners, but I do know the release dates are usually in December and January. Somehow a page about a catalog in winter isn't very exciting in my mind, but it is if you make  it about blooming time-grin!)

Also, National Rose Day is the second Saturday in June. This year it falls on June 8, which is even more specific on the calendar. 😏

I started my page with some left over pink paint, as well as using some pink ink to make the background. Then I used some pink paper that had these fun roses all over it. I fussy cut several of them and glued them down.

I had to resize the catalog image on my printer because the original was too big for my small journal page. The best thing about cleaning my space is finding things I didn't know that I had. 😀 I found this black  frame that (surprise and hurrah) fit perfectly around my resized seed catalog. Then to finish it off I added this lovely rose aficionado.  Martha is such a rose fan that  she has a separate gardening calendar, and her calendar is filled with lots of rose and seed catalog associated dates.

I'm missing a quote, and maybe I'll figure out how I want to add one, but for now, that's my page.

That's all for me today until next my next post tomorrow for Nicole's Friday face Off.


  1. I was thinking about your bees during this cold snap. I hope they are doing well, Erika. All the best - David

  2. Dear Erika,
    a very nice work you have shown us though I must confess that pink (Barbie pink) is not one of my favourite colours.Thanks for your very nice visit to my blog.
    All the best

  3. ...Erika, I have never heard of Scott's Roses and I enjoyed web searching the company. Take care and stay warm and well.

  4. Your garden will be a haven for your bees. I hope they get a few treats from that catalog before it all turns into art!

  5. Such a pretty rose page..I really love the vintage look.

  6. Lovely page Erika, I used to be one of those people-looking forward to seed catalogs wehen we moved to Missouri I found out about a very young man here in Missouri, that traveled the world looking for heirloom seeds-His catalogs were huge and I would read through them.
    Happy Thursday hugs Kathy

  7. I think the name 'Rose' suits your lady perfectly and what a lovely catalogue image you used alongside. The pink background works perfectly too, pink roses are perfect for this post, red would have been too much.
    Was very late posting despite having scheduled it today - and next week's too. (Did I know I was gong to need scheduled posts? Had an accident Tuesday, broken ribs and knee is wide open))
    Hugs, Neet xx

  8. Hi I had to look up that seed company in Missouri as the name just slipped my mind-it is Baker's rare seeds over the years they boughta couple large old buildings in the usa and made them into seed stores too. I always wanted to visit them as they put on a gathering in the spring and fall-and were not that far away from the woods house, but once we moved to Missouri I couldn't get Larry to want to do things like that.
    Yes we finally got a warm up yesterday-so thankful

  9. Gorgeous page and love those pink roses. I have another page for your challenge scheduled for tomorrow Take care, hugs, Valerie

  10. There are times I wish I had more space for gardening -or at least more sunshine in the space I have.

  11. I remember my parents receiving seed catalogues but for two people who had worked for nurseries all of their lives I didn't think it unusual. I love this page Erika and it's definitely a most appropriate page for your theme, hugs, Chrisx

  12. Beautiful page, though roses are not my fav. The woman fits in perfectly, too.
    I hope my strawberries from 1974 have survived the cold temps. As your bees!!!! Hugs on that! Have a great Friday.

  13. That is a lovely garden page. I do like roses.

    All the best Jan

  14. Very pretty collage! How lucky you were that the black frame fit your already-sized print. That never happens for me, sigh. Yes, it's cold, for us. And we are fixing to have an entire week of rain, ugh. But atleast it will be in the 50's-60's instead of 30's and 40's. XOX


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