Friday, January 19, 2024

Off On An Owl Hunt

 Hi everyone. Happy Friday. Another week of January has flown by. The cold has arrived in New Hampshire also.  Maddie's doggy-daycare does a countdown until spring, and today we have 60 days until that season begins. Boy that seems like a long time, and I hope it doesn't stay this chilly for most of those days. 

I am linking today's post up to Nicoles' Friday Face Off and also to Gillena's Friday Lunch Break.

Having been sick and then starting to feel better, by last Friday I  was ready to go somewhere different.  A friend and I went to Salisbury State Beach Reservation in Salisbury, Massachusetts. We were looking for snowy owls, even though this year none have been reported in the area. We were hopeful there could be one because you never know after a storm or two what gets blown into the area. Even though there were no owls, it was a beautiful March like day, and we saw lots of other interesting things, as well as taking a nice walk.

One thing we saw were some cool rusting posts and purple sand.

Since the tide was on its way out, the seals were around also. There were a LOT of them, and although none of them came onto the shore, they were having fun playing in the water, leaping out of the water, and then taking a sun bath on a rock that was becoming exposed. I could have watched them for hours. 😏

And besides seals, we saw a few birds too. 
We had a couple of up close encounters with hawks. I'm not very good at hawk identification, but I think this first one is a reed-tailed hawk. (Even though my Merlin app suggested it was a snowy owl-NOT!)

And the second hawk was hard to ID as the sun's direction was  making it hard to see any details.

I lightened  up the photo quite a bit to get a good look at the face, and I think it's a northern harrier. (I know both of these hawk species were spotted at the reservation that day  by some expert birders as seen on ebird lists. I love birds but I am no expert birder; I'm happy just to see what I come across and then try to ID them if I don't know what they are.)

This pair of mallards did a great job of camouflaging in the dried grass. If the drake hadn't been moving, I don't think we would have seen them.

However, this younger ring billed gull (I think) was all about showing off for us. 

I'm about as good at duck identification as I am  at hawk identification, but I believe these are female  common eiders.

And here's a few more waterfowl faces for  you.

And I'll finish this post with a few other views.

I'll leave you with this little T. rex or close relative  that somehow escaped extinction 65 million years ago. 😁

Have a great end of your week. And stay warm (and dry) if you're in the cold or snow/ice.


  1. I have never seen seals in the wild. I hope to see them someday.

  2. may not have found snow owls, but you did find great things. I love the old weathered fences.

  3. You had some wonderful sightings, Erika. What a great spot to be able to go!

  4. Interesting spike place. Pity that no owl was to seeing.
    Good that you are well again 🥰
    Have a great weekend, my friend 😘👍

  5. You had a great trip even if you didn't see any owls. Love the seals, what a great surprise. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  6. I am so glad you were able to get out and about. I am waiting for my foot to get strong so I can do the same. I love all of your photos. You have a good eye. Thank you for sharing your outing with FFO and have a very nice weekend.

  7. Funny, tomorrow I have... a snow owl to share!
    To a great day out, awesome pics! Hugs!

  8. Purple sand is new to me. How amazing
    Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


  9. Owls are great — any birding day with owls is a wonderful day. But your day with no owls still looked quite delightful.
    best, mae at

  10. wonderful to see. The birds and beaches. I miss them.

  11. Merlin sometimes suggests weird things, at least that's my experience. I'm not particularly good at bird ID either, but I do have a feeling when something is completely off. Sad that you didn't see a Snowy Owl (I've never seen one in the wild), but you saw so many other lovely birds and wildlife. Like you I love to watch the seals as well, and I had ample opportunity to do that last Monday when we went out to the coast. It does feel good to get out after having been home for a while. Have a lovely weekend, Erika - hugs, Carola

  12. Great nature photos ~ love the ones of the seals and the hawk ~ Wow!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Well, although you didn't find any snow owls, you did see many other lovely sights. I enjoyed your photographs.

    Wishing you a happy weekend ahead.

    All the best Jan

  14. Wonderful photos, Erica! I would be thrilled to see seals. And I love your funny T-rex! Your first photo is striking, and the texture in the water-drained sand is beautiful. Thanks for sharing such a special spot!

  15. Gorgeous photos, Erika. Did you take them with Iphone? My iphone photos never look that good.

  16. I had a great time catching up.... sorry you had covid, glad you're better, your photos are terrific.

  17. Seals are good tempered, fun loving creatures and not aggressive like some other creatures.

  18. Schitterende fotoos ......
    Groetjes Epie

  19. Glad you were feeling up to a trek. Too cold for me. You saw some great sights even if you didn't find a snowy owl. Stay warm today

  20. Let me first say you took some very cool photos!
    Now, let me also say, hawks trigger me and not in a good way. The red-tailed hawks are down here right now. I think it is assinine to legally not be able to harm them (or any other bird of prey). They pick off small pets like candy. My local nextdor app has horrible posts about losing their fur babies this way. Just let them out in the backyard for a SECOND. I will break the damn law and shoot to kill if one ever tries to harm me or mine and the law be damned. Okay, I'm done, back to regular programming, lol. XOX

  21. Snowy Owl has been hard to find here too so far this winter, but you had a great day out and had much to bring joy. All the best - David

  22. You had me at rust. Loved seeing those rusty posts. You added a lot of nature to your post I'm glad you explained what you saw, because I don't know one duck from another bird!

    Sorry I'm late visiting. High winds knocked my electric out. Nothing worked. Even my heater and hot water heater have electric starts, so the cats and I huddled under blankets until the heat came back on. Sounds like I should have been in your warm area on Friday through today.

  23. Seals? Sweet! I've seen seals and sea lions in zoos but never either one out in the wild.

  24. I remember the first time I saw a seal in the wild was off the coast in Wales. It grew inquisitive at the little dog we had with us and kept coming closer and closer but eventually took off. I have photos somewhere (pre cell phone time).
    Love all the feathered friends you have shown us, you are good knowing the name of different hawks and I love the mallards camouflaged so well.
    Obviously I love the beach photos, they will come in great for some backgrounds pieces at some time.
    hugs, Neet xx


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