Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Hopping By

 Hi everyone. Happy middle of the week to you.

       I think I have finally readjusted to the time at home from the 6 hours ahead that Greek time was . If I'm slow at stopping by your blog it's because I have been ready for bed by 8 PM.  And I can't say I've been very ambitious in the morning either. 😕 Hopefully I can get back on track by the end of the week.

     Today I have another journal page for Chris' On All Fours challenge  over at Art Journal Journey .  This challenge runs until the end of the month which (as we all most likely know) is this coming weekend.  The dragonflies in the background don't work for Chris' challenge, since they are insects with 6 legs, but Mr. Happy Frog does work.

     I just love this frog die-cut. I don't use him very often, but he does make me smile.  I added him to a hand drawn lily pad. I  die cut the flower that is blooming on the lily pad. 

      The background is made with blue and green inks. Some of the ink is sprayed and some is from rubbing an ink pad. I stamped all the dragonflies. Mr. Happy Frog is colored with an ink pad, some paint pens, and a Sharpie.  The quote is a sticker from an Art By Marlene set.

     Before I left for Greece and while I was away we were having some lovely spring weather. Thankfully I came home last Friday night because last Saturday we had a big winter storm. By Sunday morning the sky was blue, the sun was shining, and that made all the ice covered trees sparkle.

      All of the ice didn't fall from the trees during the day, and in the light of the full moon that night, you        could still see some ice sparkle.

Thank goodness the ice and the snow from late March storms doesn't last very long, because I am not interested for more winter. 😏
That's all for me today.  Hope you are having a lovely day too.


  1. It can sometimes take a while to adjust to time difference when going from one corner of the world to another. I wonder how diplomats and politicians do it as they flit from one country to another, holding high level discussions at every stop. At least you don’t have to do that! All the best - David

  2. can make for some beautiful images, but I still remember an ice storm in the '90s when we didn't have electric for over a week.

  3. Good morning, I love your frog It will take some time to readjust to your time. winter does provide magical views and photos.
    Hugs Kathu

  4. Can't imagine it's still so cold at the end of March. I am so ready for SUMMER! Hope that you recover soon from the jet lag.

  5. I'm hoping the rain in my area will stop soon! I'm so ready for nice weather.

  6. Mr. Happy Frog made me smile as well but my favorite picture was the one of the electric fence with the tiny icicles on it.

  7. Mr. Frog needs a crown. Oooh, you got a lot more ice than we did. I'm glad the March snow and ice doesn't last long. Now if the rains would stop coming in buckets!

  8. Glad you are getting back to normal, whatever that is. Love your frog, and the icy photos are gorgeous. Hugs, Valerie

  9. So much ice! Wonderful photos ! Adjustment takes time, so is the time difference!! Good evening!

  10. Beautiful icy photos, Erika. I especially love the icy bird house! As for your page, it is simply gorgeous. Hugs, my friend.

  11. I'm glad it was in your world and not mine -- but no doubt, it is very beautiful!

  12. Cute little froggy...
    i like the atmosphere of winter in this photos....very beautiful and dramatic....Nice shot. Greetings

  13. Erika, what the frog needs is a companion, perhaps a penguin 🐧 and it would make me happy as well. It is good that your arrival home was ahead of the storm and you had more than in Nashua, NH. You did a nice job on the ice covered tree photos. Thanks for answering my question on how you rented a car for driving around in Greece. You are right that it was better not to have to drive on the right.

  14. whoops I had that direction wrong about the driving😟

  15. Brrr ... your photos made me shiver, or was it the window I have opened, I'll close it in a minute. It does look cold though but the trees look as if they are laden with blossom.
    Love your little frog, he would be a favourite die of mine too. It makes for a great page for Chris's challenge and his big smile definitely warms me up. (plus I have closed the window)
    Fab background and the dragonflies are perfect as they are often seen hovering around ponds.
    Have a good week
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. I know the snow and ice must be frustrating when you want it to be green and fertile. But hey, that bright sun is a great sign! Honey planted two tubs with lettuce seeds and one is up already, I'm eating some in my sammich right now. That's a delightful frog and page, his smile is infectious. Contiued good luck with the jet lag. It took us a good week to get over the time change, sheesh! LOL xoxo


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