Thursday, March 28, 2024

Thursday "Stuff"

 Hi everyone  Happy Thursday. Today I have an assortment of things to share. Hopefully this post won't be too long. 😏

First for Chris’ On All Fours  challenge at Art Journal Journey I’m heading to the plains of Africa. 

   Zelda the Zebra is giving you her big sweet eyes. I think she is looking to see what the funny little zebra-bird might have been squawking  about. The sun is stamped.

For the background I used some pink and orange watercolor paint. Then I stenciled some white paint dots onto it.  I also drew the layers of Savannah grass along the bottom.  The sun is stamped, and to make it feel hot, I added some gold sequins.  Zelda and the silly bird, as well as the quote, are from a Pink Ink stamp set.

I also have a tag for Tag Tuesday. This time Michele is hosting and her theme is Gothic Arch/Gothic.

I accidentally covered up the point on the top of the arch, but I think you can still tell it is there. I stamped a few other elements, as well as doing some die cutting, fussy cutting and coloring. I added the dragon, and I also added a bit of bronze colored metallic paper trim along the bottom. 

And look at the Happy Mail I received. 😀

Thank you dear Iris for thinking of me. ❤ These scenes look very interesting, and I think I need to put Australia higher on my travel list.  And here's the stamp, which is the Sydney Opera house.

I'll finish this post with a few photos from Greece. I haven't gotten very far going through my photos, but I've started. Since we started our trip in Athens, I have a few views looking out over the city.

That's all for me today. I hope your day is going well.


  1. ...typically I enjoy graffiti, but not on that ancient Greek building.

  2. Loving Zelda - might have known she was a Pink Ink image - they do some great ones don't they. That has made a great page for Chris's challenge at AJJ. Loe your background and the little bird in the grass.
    Lovely tag too - I would never dare laugh at a live dragon!
    Great photos from your trip to Greece, somewhere I have never been - unless Greek Cyprus counts.
    Hugs, Neet x

  3. Lovely page and tag. Great to get happy mail too. I have been to Athens, our hotel overlooked the Acropolis.

  4. Such a sweet zebra! Love the lovely blue sky in Athens.

  5. I love your zebra card. I looks so friendly.

  6. We traveled to Greece last September. Greece is stunning. Beautiful art and beautiful photos.

    Happy almost Friday to you!


  7. Amazing photos from Athens. I go there quite often and enjoy it. I love the photos from Australia too!

  8. Those pictures were fun to look through and I loved the wings on the baby dragon.

  9. That's a beautiful art journal page and tag, Erika! The zebra is great! I like your photos of Athens, those old buildings have so much charm. Walking along those alleys and streets is something I would enjoy very much, and then sit in a street cafe and watch the world go by.

  10. Have you never been to Australia? You must see the indigenous animals and birds!
    Hels, Melbourne

  11. I love your zebra page, fun and well done!
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos. It was 1969 when I first time visited Greek, and after it many, many times, because there you can see historical items as well beautiful sceneries.
    I wish your Easter is full of joy and weather is sunny xx

  12. I love your Zelda page, it's fun and well done.
    Thank you sharing the beautiful photos from Greek. It was 1969 when I firs time visited
    there, and then several times, because you can see there both historical things as well as enjoy beautiful sceneries.
    I wish your Easter is full of joy and weather is sunny xx

  13. I did not know you also have that Pink Ink stamp set, it makes a lovely page. May have to use my sets that way, as they are frustratingly large for cards.

    And nice tag, I need to do mine this weekend.

    I always love old ancient stone streets and buildings with trees growing up out of the sidewalks. I could look at them for hours. Now I'm wondering, where did they get all that stone?

    Hope your weekend is a nice one! XOX

  14. Athens is rumoured to be one of the worst cities in the world for graffiti, and we see signs of that in your picture. Such a travesty.
    All the best - David

  15. What fabulous views! And I love both the pieces you did today but especaily the zebra!

  16. Zelda is beautiful! Loving the little bird too! It's a lovely page for my AJJ theme! I remember going on my own to Athens to a market and to see the Greek Guards. I don't think I would be so brave now! Hugs, Chrisx

  17. Zebra gives us a good advice. Great idea to add sequins on the sun.
    What a lovely postcard from Australia you received!
    Beautiful photos from Athens, Erika. Plaka is one of my favourite places.
    Kisses, my friend.

  18. Thank you so much for playing along with us at Tag Tuesday with your fab Tag. x


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