Monday, April 1, 2024


Hi everyone. Happy April to you.
Since it's April that means it is time for a new challenge at Art Journal Journey

First let me once again thank Chris for hosting last month, and also thank everyone who joined Chris' challenge. Four legged animals was a  fun theme, so fun I still have a couple on my page for today. Grin

   For April I want to welcome Valerie at Bastelmania who is one of our admins at AJJ. She is one of the reasons I love this art journaling challenge so much as she encouraged me to join what now seems like a long time ago. This month Valerie's picked  GEOMETRIC FORMS   as her challenge.

     For my first journal page I used a set of concentric diamond die cuts and some white paper.  (Diamonds would be quadrilaterals if I remember my high school geometry.๐Ÿ˜) I cut all of the diamond sizes twice. Then I arranged many of them on my page and used watercolor paints to paint them. Once dried, I outlined each diamond with a paint pen.

     I then took some lavender spray ink and gave a few spritzes onto my page. After that dried, I added a few more white diamonds, and I decided to leave those diamonds white. I then stamped some spring flowers onto my page and colored them in with markers. I also stamped the spring scene with the doe and the bunny onto some acetate and after fussing cutting, added that to my page.

I finished by stamping my quote.

      Just a reminder that at AJJ we only accept art journal pages. They can be any size or made any way. We do not accept cards, tags, ATC's or just a  photograph that is not part of a journal page.  But you can use a photo (or more than 1 photo) on your journal page. Also please be aware that if you enter using social media other than blogging, we may not be able to comment on your journal page.

       Valerie's challenge runs all month, and I hope you have some ideas and time to join us.



  1. What a fabulous first entry for Valerie's theme this month at AJJ. I love the diamonds. Actually, a quadrilateral is any polygon, including triangles and rectangles. I am totally impressed with the way you outlined the diamonds with the dots and lines. My hand cramped just seeing how much work you put into the outlines. This is absolutely PERFECT for Valerie's theme at AJJ.

  2. What a gorgeous page, so fresh and springlike, thanks Erika, enjoy your day! Hugs!

  3. Such a beautiful page! I love the diamond shape.

  4. A theme like Geometric Forms should leave lots of scope for everyone. You have made launched it well, Erika. All the best - David

  5. Echoing Angie's Recipes. That diamond shape is pretty.

  6. What a great new theme! I love your page Erika, the colours are beautiful.
    Happy April xx

  7. To Spring and diamonds!!!
    To a new month. Hugs from here :-)

  8. Good morning I Love your journal page-beautiful and stunning.
    Happy April hugs Kathy

  9. I adore these Spring colours so very fitting to see the flowers amongst the diamonds! A truly lovely start to Valerie's AJJ theme, hugs, Chrisx

  10. Exquisite journal page ~ wow!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Happy April, Erika! I hope your Easter was great!

  12. I love your diamonds and the purple and yellow together. Thanks for your visit, here's a link to the coffee paper I mentioned

  13. A lovely Spring quilt on a cold, grey day. Looks like snow for midweek. I wish it were an April Fools joke.

  14. Such lovely bring colors you used! Aloha!

  15. Wow! Love your page, such beautiful colours.

    Wishing you a happy new month of April.

    All the best Jan

  16. This is such a beautiful page - love it ๐Ÿ˜Š. Hugs, Jo x

  17. I'm loving the design here with your diamond shapes as well as the colors! The purple background really catches my eye and draws me into the other details within your shapes! Fabulous inspiration! Hope you've had a wonderful Easter weekend!

  18. What a fabulous spring page you have given us today. I love the pretty light colours that echo the colours in my garden at the moment. Love how the colours echo the colours of the flowers you are showing in your journal page.
    A beautiful page Erika.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  19. I love all the lavender color and what a fun, quirky sentiment! Nive page for geometrics.
    Well, I knew I should not have ordered the eclipse glasses, because I think I jinxed it for us down here. Everybody be singing the Cloud Cover Blues around these parts. I can only imagine the chaos and pandemonium that the changing foecasts are having.. My Spce City Weather guys say for y'all, Burlington VT and Houlton ME are looking good to see it. Y'all taking a day trip? LOL xox

  20. Loving the layout Erika, reminds me of a quilt with those diamond designs, the lilac colour is so fresh and spring like. Great attention to detail around the edges. A real fun theme, hope to join you all soon.
    Sorry I have not been around this past month I've had a lot of extra care duties to set up, taken up lots of my time.
    Hope you are keeping well ?? Hugs Tracey xx


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