Monday, April 1, 2024

T Stands for Happy April

     Happy April everyone. And Happy T day to the ladies who stop by bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog       today for T to share a drink.  I also hope (if you celebrated) you had a lovely Easter weekend. 

     April is always an exciting month here in New Hampshire. There are lots of signs of spring, from bulbs starting to bloom, leaf buds getting bigger, ice cream stands opening up, warmer days, warm weather birds returning, garden projects starting, my screen porch getting opened up,and many other exciting things.  More importantly, it isn't bug season yet. At my house we get lots of little black flies very late in the month and in early May, which, unless it's windy, keep you inside.  I'm also keeping my fingers crossed that next Monday is clear as we have the total solar eclipse passing through the northern part of New Hampshire, and at my house, we should be about a 95% total eclipse.

  Tuesday, T Day, is also time for Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's  Second on the Second  where you just need to repost something you've already posted before.   I thought  for Second on the Second this month  I would share some photos from an April past. And I'll share something new for T day at the end of my post.

All of these images are from my blog in April of 2015.

Here's a young Maddie and a younger looking view of my husband. She was definitely interested in his ice cream cone. The funny truth is she likes ice cream and not the cone.

April of 2015 must have followed a tough March from the looks of these next 2 photos.  Although I will add that the forecast at my house for the middle of this week is NOT encouraging for spring. It sounds like we could get another  HUGE dumping of snow. 😧 (I'm keeping my fingers crossed that doesn't happen, but I think I need more luck than crossed fingers could bring.)

But by the end of that April the snow was gone. Here was Mr. Handsome out in the garden. Sadly we lost Leo later that summer. He was quite the character, and I still miss him.

And now for T day, where I need to share a drink. These photos are all new.

First, the other morning I had a cup of green tea in the mug I bought in Corfu, Greece.

I bought it at this shop. (I just love the sidewalk out front of this store too.)

I love ceramics, and I could have bought a lot more items. They had a big plate I just loved, but sadly  it wouldn't have traveled well.  So I settled for a mug and small little bowl just big enough for maybe a bit of dipping sauce or olive oil.

 I even have another T day reference. They were making some Greek coffee in the studio towards the back of the shop.  I thought this was an interesting set up.
You can see some of the potter's supplies around this interesting little  pot set up.

And lastly, when in Greece I had some orange pie, which was so yummy I had it twice on my trip. When I came home, I decided to try making one myself. It came out as  yummy as the ones I had in Greece. ❤

It is 2 layers of phyllo dough with a  yogurt based custard in the middle. Then the whole pie is soaked in an orange sugar syrup.  Those white spots on the top of my photo are just reflections from the top, which is a bit damp from the syrup.

OK, I've gone on enough in this post. Have a great start to the new month and also a great week ahead. 


  1. Another dump of snow? Oh my, I hope it won't be too bad and will disappear quickly. What a great mug! A nice souvenir from Corfu.
    Are you going to watch the total eclipse? If where you are is at about 95% of the eclipse, you won't see the total eclipse, you won't see any big difference actually. You can only see it if you are in the path of totality. So if that is not too far away from your home, I would go. We went up to Northeastern Oregon in 2017 to watch the total eclipse. It was a very long drive with overnight stays in between, but it was so worth it. Our friend, who thought she could stay in Portland with 97% was super disappointed that she didn't see the total eclipse. If you can make it, go. You're so close and you won't regret it. It's an incredible experience.

  2. What a great post. Wonderful photos and I really like the mug. Ohhh and the layers, Yummm. Have a nice day today.

  3. Spring weather must soon be coming your way, and I hope it will be lovely. Your Greek ceramic shop must have been fun to visit, and their bowls and mugs look very pretty.
    best, mae at

  4. The filo pastry looks really great! I miss my orange cat Hermes so much :-//

  5. Cheeky pic of Maddie :-)
    And Leo... Cute mug, too.
    Big thumbs up for your orange pie! So you have Greece with you whenever you want - wonderful - to a happy T-Day, hugs!

  6. Spring seems to have taken a firm hold here and spring ephemerals are starting to appear in the woods. It’s always possible that we could get more snow, but with each passing day the likelihood diminishes. Fingers and toes crossed for both here and New Hampshire. All the best - David

  7. What a fabulous look back. Don't you just love looking at these older photos and reminiscing? LOVED Leo. Such a beautiful cat. Thanks for this amazing look back for your second look on the 2nd.

    What an amazing shop in Corfu. I also liked the sidewalk. But all those bowls and vases, etc. were really gorgeous. And what a fabulous way to tie in T Tuesday with the small coffee pot used by the employees.

    Before I scrolled down, I thought what gorgeous phyllo dough. The recipe sounds fabulous, too. Thanks for sharing this visit to Corfu and your new mug and coffee/tea setup in the back room of that wonderful shop with us for T this week. dear Erika.

  8. ...I love ceramics too! Erika, have a wonderful April.

  9. In your April theme page has beautiful spring like colors.
    Thanks for sharing the old and new photos. Greek is full of ceramics.
    Have a great April and week ahead xx

  10. Come back to Greece, Erika!!! The temperature here is 26 C degrees.We wear T shirts with short sleeves!!! Happy April, my friend.

  11. Your Greek cup is wonderful and the food looks great! Did you watch The Durrells in Corfu on PBS? I wanted to visit!

  12. Brrr! Still expecting snow. How awful. But I suppose you’re used to it.
    Lovely to see photos from way back. I got a bit confused with Leo and Mr Handsome. Is Mr Handsome a dog whose name really was Leo, or is Leo the cat? A magnificent cat I will add.
    I love seeing the travel photos from Greece. (I have never been there). That phyllo pastry thingy looks delicious. Dripping with sweetness.
    Happy T-Day,

  13. Leo is so cute. the orange pie looks awesome. You should post the recipe for another T Day 😉 I hope the weather dudes change the forecast soon so this storm is only a nuisance to the fishes. Happy T Day

  14. Sounds like you had a fun time in Greece. Hugs, Valerie

  15. Ohooo I could spend hours in that shop! Love what you chose, so colourful! Lovely photos! Dogs love icecream!! So do ponies too. Mine wouldn't go past the Newsagents in our village until I got off and went in and bought two icecreams! (one for me and one for her) Hope you had a great Easter and a happy late T for Tuesday! ((Lyn))

  16. How strange, I am playing catch up as always and it has just been on the news about the eclipse. We have seen lots of film, particularly in Texas where we saw lots of cattle with great big horns being taken through the town full of people who had descended for the occasion.
    Interesting to see the photos from a time gone by and how strange that you have an interest in ceramics. My first teaching post was because it was my medium and I was the only ceramics teacher in the whole borough. A big advantage as i got lots of goodies like new kilns and pugging machines.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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