Friday, April 12, 2024

Furry Faces

 Hi everyone. Happy Friday. 

Today for Nicole's Friday Face Off  and Gillena's Friday Lunch Break.  I have some furry faces from Greece to share.

I'll start in Athens.

This guy even found a partially boxed up cannon  at the Acropolis in the construction area.

 I liked this street art painted next to this clothing store.

And then in Corfu, we saw more cats. This next guy was guarding a fruit/veggie stand. I like this photo because it made a great photo of not only the cat, but of the a street view too.

It started to rain and this handsome fluff ball wanted to get inside his home.

Ha ha. The joke in my family is when one of us is away we text bathroom decor daily updates, and I found this furry sign in the bathroom of a coffee shop. (OK, so we have this quirky weird streak, but it's a good laugh sometimes.)

Here's my new friend.  He/she was a restaurant cat,and I was feeding him little bits of meat off my plate.

Then we had the cats of Delphi.

This guy reminded me of my Leo, only much smaller in size. 

And this little one reminded me of my Emmie, only a bit larger in size.

And I can't make this post only about cats. Miss Maddie and Mr.  Pete would not approve otherwise. 😏 
How about this beware of dog sign?

 I had to smile at this guy taking a night time snooze in the middle of one of the ferry terminals in Igoumenitsa. I grant you it was 9:30 at night, and the terminal was not very crowded.

While I was gone, the hubby texted me this photo from home. He claimed Maddie and Pete were out looking for me.

At Dephi there was a dog. First he was snoozing out in front of the museum, and then he ambled up into the  ruins and made himself at home, wagging his tail as some school groups stopped for a lecture. (And getting some attention doing that too.)

If you look carefully you can spot him lounging below.

That's all for me today. Have a great start to your weekend.


  1. So many cities seem to have thousands of stray cats, and they seem to be well fed too. I don’t even want to consider the toll on songbirds and other wildlife. Have a great weekend - David

  2. Hi Erika Happy weekend. Enjoyed your art and photos.. Happy you linked to Art For Fun Friday


  3. Are they all strayed cats and dogs?

  4. I've heard of the cats of Greece and used to have a calendar of them decades ago. I see a Gypsy in there and that makes me smile big. I think I'd be so captivated by the cats I'd forget to see GReece!

  5. Enjoyed your photos today Erika!

  6. Oh so many cats. However, the dogs cracked me up. Thank you for sharing all of these lovelies with FFO and have a very nice weekend.

  7. So many sweet photos! Animals are amazing!

  8. In every Mediterranean countries are too many homeless cats and dogs 😐
    Thank you for interesting photos.
    Here is forecasted cold and rain again 😒 Snow is gone lucky 😊
    Have a wonderful weekend 😘🌷

  9. That is a lot of cats. Pups for the win. Was great to see a few of those, too. Happy Weekend.

  10. Loooooved this post!
    One day I´ll have two cats, one day... And maybe live somewhere always warm... Have a great day! Hugs :-)

  11. Loved all the kitty photos especially the black cat at Delphi. The sun was out for a little while. I hope it's sunny at your house.

  12. This is a beautiful post that shows what a beautiful person you are. Erika, Aloha!

  13. Lovely photos, there are always lots of cats in Greece, and we loved petting them, too. I am having a rest day, I walked too much this week and have bad pains as a result. I always manage to overdo things. Have a great weekend. Are your bees out and about yet? Hugs, Valerie

  14. wow! Great photos of the cats and doggie too ~ thanks

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. You did see a lot of cats and got some great photos.

  16. This seems to be an amazing trip and love alll your animals photos. I bet it was hard to say goodbye to a couple of these critters. They look sweet especially the last doggie and the one sleeping on his back.

  17. Goodness! That's a lot of cats!

    All the best Jan

  18. I feel really sorry for many of those cats. I'm sure they have no place to call home and are probably feral. Still, this is an adorable post with tons of great cats and a few dogs, too!

  19. It would seem that a few of these countries have lots of stray cats. I remember them in Cyprus (the Greek part). I used to take a little something for the cats from the hotel table and feed it from the balcony at night time. It is known as the 'island of cats' with an estimated 1.2 million of feral cats living there.
    So sad to see them all on the rocks by the sea front in Limassol, yet they survive. Although I have read recently about a strain of feline coronavirus is killing the cats of Cyprus
    (see here:
    Neet xx

  20. Love the photos Erika. I remember seeing lots of cats on a Roman ruin site when we were in Rome - a lady used to come and feed them every day, hugs, Chrisx

  21. I see sun in Athens and Delphi, rain in Corfu and a lot of snow in your home. At least you enjoyed some spring days while you were in Greece. As I am a cat lover, I LOVE your photos, my friend.


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