Thursday, April 11, 2024

Thursday Art

     Hi everyone. It's another cloudy and damp day at my house. We've been having a lot of them lately. I'm just glad it's warm(er) though since a week ago was when we were dumped on with snow. That snow is just about totally gone by now 😀,  and we've also had a couple of gorgeous days early in the week.  I was even able to open some of the windows the other day and give the house a nice air out. ❤

      Today I have a journal page for Valerie's Geometric Forms challenge at Art Journal Journey  I have lots of circles and rectangles on my page today.  I am also linking my page up to Creative Artiste Mixed Media Blog challenge.  Their challenge is always Anything Goes as long as you use at least 3 types of media. 

I started by stamping my background with lots of big circular postmarks. Then I inked the page red and blue. 

    I die cut the giant postage stamp. I then stamped the cardinal and some other stamp related information. I used watercolor paints and also paint pens to complete the giant stamp. I also stamped, fussy cut and colored the mail box and the flying letter. The  letters going into the mailbox are die cuts, as are the white postmarks. I stamped in the actual information with a stamp not related to the die.

    Finally I added some actual old postage stamps and the Do Not Bend sticker which I cut off of a big envelope that came in the mail. 

     Back before the big storm last Thursday, I had a close encounter with an Eastern Phoebe. I was sitting out on my back deck reading one afternoon and look who flew right on the railing a few feet away. I captured this photo on my phone. When the snow arrived, I was worried about what the phoebes would eat since they are insect eaters, but the other morning he (or she) was back outside singing up a storm. They don't exactly have the prettiest song, but I love it because they mean good weather to me. Ever since we've lived in this house, we've had our summer phoebes around. 

And here's a few other signs of spring in my yard.
The buds are really large on my sugar maple tree.

Sadly during the storm we lost a couple of branches on that tree. One of us ( either myself or my husband) needs to get the pole saw down and cut it.  I'll have to move my acorn shaped bird house. Ha ha-an acorn on a maple tree. Grin.

But the good news is that the daffodils are popping up.

That's all for me. Have a super rest of your week.



  1. It’s always a special source of joy to see the first Eastern Phoebe of the spring, Erika. It’s tough little bird and often has to endure winter’s final storm of the year. Dried meal worms will help them out and I have even seen them go to suet feeders. I hope that “your” phoebe finds a partner and builds a nest close by so that you can watch their young develop. So much to look forward to. All the best -David

  2. ...spring is a season of rebirth, enjoy it.

  3. Over the past weekend Hubby bought a couple new stamps. I love how you stamped the background. It looks cool, Nice here. Chilly now. Soon to warm up. We get snow this time of year too.

  4. Beautiful page, Erika.
    I love all birds (that's why I have a canary).
    It is good to see that spring is coming to your place.
    We have 27 C degrees in Athens. Lovely sunshine spring days.
    The acorn shaped bird house drives me crazy!
    Hugs, my friend.

  5. Good morning, I am loving your journal page, and I am not familiar with this bird. so glad your snow is almost melted and no more will come this spring.
    enjoy spring hugs Kathy

  6. We had some really warm days, but not it's chilly again. Had to wear my winter coat again this morning when we went out for a walk. The buds of your maple tree look really beautiful.

  7. Nice art and the photos are wonderful. Have a nice day today.

  8. Lovely to see birds, it's always a bit like family. And I LOVE your journal page, with the bold and colourful elements smack in the middle, great. And of course, the best thing is
    that sring is really springing! Hugs, Valerie

  9. I just caught up on your past week of posts, and enjoyed every one of them. I especially liked the photos of the ancient buildings and artifacts from your trip to Athens. I think it is named for the Goddess AND she is named for it. One way is the myth, the other way is history. Good to hear that you also were present for the amazing eclipse totality.

    best, mae at

  10. Lovely page, enjoyed the spring photos.

  11. Cute postal page. I've been getting a lot of goldfinches at the feeder. Wow! You still have a lot of snow. Hopefully, it will wash away in the rain. Stay dry.

  12. I absolutely love your page!!!
    To happy mail!
    And it looks so cool all in all, too. I think laminated it would be great on our ugly, tiny mailbox and make the postie smile!
    Yippeee for the snow being gone and a bird to call for Spring - have a happy... uuups, already Friday here! Hugs, if late!

  13. Nice art work. Enjoyed your pictures too

  14. We've been cloudy and wet too. I'm glad you saw the phoebe and that spring IS coming to your world with the daffs. About time!

  15. Such a brilliant AJ page Erika! Love the Superman postage stamps! Very cool mailbox as well! Fun geometric shapes for sure! Love your photos and hope your snow melts away nicely! We are starting to warm up a bit here!

  16. Never realized postage was so geometric, great page.
    I'm glad you are seeing signs of Spring. We're having cedar bloom right now and many are sick from it. I hope I don't join them.

  17. Beautiful stamps. Loved your post, Construction, photography and signs of spring!!

  18. This is a stunning entry for Valerie's theme at AJJ. I love the cardinal, the centerpiece of the spread. Real beauty.

    Sorry to read about your tree. But the acorn is adorable. Never heard of a Phoebe before.

  19. I like your art journal page! I used to do a lot of pen palling and this appeals to that side of me. I still do a bit of snail mail communications but not like I did once upon a time. Daffodils are a sign of spring weather coming soon. We're pass that phase in east Tennessee. A couple of weeks ago, our daughter who lives in Maine had a big storm leaving them with a foot and half of snow and several down trees. One landed on her car. I told her when it's spring, I expect spring weather. lol She loves it up there, though. I don't think we'd be happy campers living in a climate with very cold and long winters. :) Have artastic week, dearie!

  20. Never heard of that bird before but if it heralds good weather then I hope she comes back time after time for you.
    Yes, it is lovely to see the first signs of Spring - colour in the garden always brightens me up.
    Love your page - another bird we never see here is the cardinal. I would love to see one they are so brightly coloured. I love things associated with postage and your page certainly does it for me.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  21. Great to see so many postmarks along with the postage stamp die cut and stamped design a great journal composition Erika, always a pleasure to see you share @ Creative Artiste I'm always so grateful.
    What a sweet bird the Eastern Pheobe is, yes a sure sign that spring is finally showing herself, birds always amaze me how they know where to find their foods. The Blue Tit is quite similar, I make sure I keep the Ivy that grows up my porch wall just at the right height during winter and Spring as I know it provides them with the bugs that help them survive.
    Hope your Dafs come through soon.
    Hugs Tracey xx

  22. What a fabulous page for Valerie's AJJ theme- I love the postal theme. I haven't heard of a phoebe but it is a beauty, hugs, Chrisx


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