Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Some Random Photos from Athens

 Hi everyone. Happy Wednesday to you.

The big snow is heading for us today. I'm keeping my ALL fingers crossed that the storm will take a last minute turn and head out to sea before it hits us. 😟 

Today I  have some random photos I snapped in Athens for those of you who like travel photos. 

Some of you mentioned the graffiti in your comments from an earlier post. There was a lot of it. In my mind, there is street art and then there is just graffiti. 

This restaurant looked like a quaint little place to stop for a bite (we didn't) with the sun coming down from the Acropolis on the hill behind it.

This busy area in the photo below is down the street from where our hotel was located. Our hotel worked out great since it was an easy walk to all of the places we wanted to visit. I think if I could replan my time in Athens, I would add one more day though. There were a couple of places we wanted to visit (like the botanical gardens). However, if it meant giving up time elsewhere in Greece, I would head off into the country like we did. 

The photo above are my friends reviewing the Greek alphabet at a sign in the subway. And below is a Roman ruin called Hadrian's Library.

Here are some evil eyes for sale. They are supposed to bring you luck. I didn't buy one because I already have one that was gifted to me from a former student who was Turkish.

I was totally wowed by many of the sidewalks in Greece.

At the end of our busy hotel street, there was this wonderful old Greek Orthodox chapel.  I'll share photos some other time.

And finally, on our first evening in Athens we stopped for a sweet snack while walking around. This was the view from the park bench while we nibbled our sweets.

Above, this was the little neighbor bakery (etc.) where  we stopped  and bought our sweets. I had some pistachio baklava and also a spice cookie.  I THINK the cookie was a melomakarona (Greek honey cookie). 

They were both very very tasty. ❤

That's all for me today. Have a great middle of your week.


  1. I have never visited Greece and in truth I know very little about the country. I do know of two Dutch ladies who visited Lesbos for several years and said that it was quite fabulous and the birding was terrific. I think that would be my choice rather than the city, so I will look forward to your account of visits to the countryside. All the best - David

  2. ...Erika, thank for taking me along on this fabulous tour.

  3. I enjoyed the photos-loved the sidewalks-and the food looks delicious
    Hugs Kathy

  4. Love the sidewalk! Interesting to see the sign in German (3rd picture) there.
    Snow in April? Gosh...that's just too much. I am so ready for summer.

  5. Erika, so nice to see these photos that speak of better days than we are predicted to be getting here in NH even though nothing is happening now outside our windows. The brickwork was really interesting but the ruins were my favorite in this series…and of course the treats😋

  6. Interesting. So much history over there. Hope the snow is kind to you and that warm weather follows!

  7. Sitting outside a cafe, with an umbrella if the sun is too strong, looks casual and friendly. If the food and coffee are great, even better!

  8. Oh, you're making me dream of sunny Greece as we wait to see what the weather will bring. The forecast keeps flip flopping from 7.5 inches of snow (weather app) to a coating to an inch (weather dudes) So Hadrian built a library as well as a wall. I love the evil eyes. So different from the Italian forked fingers and little horn. Get out your evil eyes so the storm will blow out to sea.

  9. Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Some really stunning photos and what a great place to visit! I'm sure there was lots of history and views to see in real life! How fun! We woke up to lots of snow this morning and a wind advisory to top it off until this evening! Boo! Stay safe!

  11. Such beautiful images of Athens, and the pastries look delightful! Thank you so much for sharing, I miss traveling!

    xoxo, Midori

  12. Such familiar places. Thanks for sharing!

  13. First photo the tree reminds me of juniper.

  14. Enjoyed your photos of Athens and yummy desserts!

  15. I always love your travel shots. I am sorry I have missed so much last month. I agree that is NOT examples of murals, but of graffiti. I was also o,pressed by the sidewalks and streets. Now I want a cookie (grin).

  16. YES to travel photos!
    But... "Wir tragen dich auf Händen"?? And is that Sly?
    I am so with you with the graffiti. Not nice. Ohhhh... the olives!!! We always buy the Greek ones :-) But these look really special - I´d go "nuts" in there ;-)
    An eveil eye brings luck? They are beautiful! And the sidewalk is a treat!
    I only know baklava ... oh, well, European.
    More, more, more, please, hugs!

  17. I love the evil eyes! I bet a lot of people bring those home. I always enjoy your travel photos and it's fun to see them from places I've never been!


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