Thursday, April 4, 2024


      Hi everyone. Happy Thursday. Another week is flying by, isn't it?  Sadly my Thursday is all about a BIG snowstorm. 😥I'm hoping since I am writing this on Wednesday that the weather folks are 100% wrong about the amount of snow we are supposed to get  and instead all we get is rain. (A girl can hope, can't she?😏)

Today for Valerie's Geometric Forms challenge at Art Journal Journey, I have a spring themed page.

I used another  quadrilateral shape for this page, and if anyone needs a geometry refresher, a quadrilateral is the following:

In geometry a quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon, having four edges (sides) and four corners (vertices). The word is derived from the Latin words quadri, a variant of four, and latus, meaning "side". It is also called a tetragon, derived from Greek "tetra" meaning "four" and "gon" meaning "corner" or "angle", in analogy to other polygons (e.g. pentagon). Since "gon" means "angle", it is analogously called a quadrangle, or 4-angle. A quadrilateral with vertices  and  is sometimes denoted as .[1]


This time I created a lot of hand drawn and painted kites on my page. This quote is fun too.

I can even add a few photos from Greece to this post. We happened to be in Greece during Carnival. It was not planned on our part, but little surprises like that always make a trip more interesting.  (Greek Orthodox Easter is May 5). The Monday after Carnival was a holiday, which we were told is called Clean Monday. During that time it is traditional to fly kites. We saw some cool kites. All of these photos were taken in the old town part of Corfu (city). 

I hope you have some lovely spring weather and are having a great Thursday.


  1. I think they should have used Clean Monday to erase some of the graffiti defacing the cities. Kite flying brings back memories of childhood when we used to make our own. It was great fun. All the best - David

  2. ...I haven't flown a kite since I was a kid. What fun.

  3. My brothers and I had an open field behind the house, an area that was great for flying kites. In primary school my father taught me how to make a kite from scratch, a beloved skill I still remember now, 60 years later.

    Thanks for the memories :)

  4. Crazy weather you have there, Erika. The spring page looks really nice.

  5. Lovely geometrics! Nice photos too.

  6. Good morning, I love your kite page, and your Greece photos too.
    Have a good thursday hugs Kathy

  7. I love your kites. Windy enough to fly them today except for the snow. We were predicted to get a coating to an inch. I shoveled 2 inches of wet snow/slush from the walk and two hours later it's still snowing and hasn't stopped! I hope your snow totals didn't go up.

  8. Playing kite is always fun....i like kite with animal pattern...

  9. Great idea for the challenge, thanks so much! I love Kites, theres a wonderful spot about 5 miles along the Rhine, and in windy weather there are often hundreds of people there! And you got to Greece at the right time! I am back home since this morning! Hugs, Valerie

  10. It’s fun to see the real kites in all sorts of shapes, and the stereotyped kites that are all diamond-shaped quadrilaterals. Art doesn’t have to follow nature! I liked your photos of your trip from previous posts, too.
    best, mae at

  11. Erika, we are also getting the spring nor'easter you referred to and it has been snowing all day here; however, I suspect your area will be harder hit. Nice to see the kites in Corfu.

  12. Love your page and the real kites - and surprises like that!
    Here kites are more likely to pop up come Autumn!
    Crazy, as we´re not far from Greece.
    Either way, hope the snow storm did not happen!
    Have a great Friday, hugs

  13. How fabulous! We used to love going to the Kite Festival when we had our caravan up north! It's a great shape for Valerie's AJJ theme, hugs, Chrisx

  14. What a fun page with all of those kites! It brings back memories of time when the boys were young and we'd take them to the park to fly kites! It made them feel so accomplished! Love how you've done the clouds in the background!

  15. I would have never thought of kites for the AJJ theme, good job! Your page is fabulous! Makes me almost wanna fly one again, it's been since my Katy was a kid. Hey, guess what? I found a fabulous website to buy german scrap border/dresden trim from, in New Jersey. An old-fashioned place. Check it out:
    I am stocking up!

  16. Great idea to fill the page with kites in the traditional shape. I remember when we were in Beijing the Tiananmen Square was used for flying kites - and selling them to the tourists. Think that was the first time I had seen such colourful birds, butterflies and things on the end of string. How I wish I had bought one.
    It must have been a wonderful sight to witness on your holiday when they had the festival.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps, sorry, I love your page for your journal


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