Saturday, April 6, 2024

Weekend Art

 Hi everyone. Happy weekend to you.

     There's still no power at my house, but according to the power company we should have power back by the end of the day. And with temperatures several degrees above freezing, it's amazing how much snow has melted. πŸ˜€

     Today I have some art to share. The snow days we had this week meant I had a lot of art time, which at least made me smile because shoveling sure didn't.😏

   First I have another journal page for Valerie's Geometric Form challenge at Art Journal Journey.

     Remember those old Hero Arts shadow stamps that were popular back in the 1990's or maybe early 2000's? I have a set and knew there was a reason I never got rid of them. 

      For my background I used various stamps with various colored inks. I also used a small circle stamp, some  which I added a pink spot of paint, and some which I colored in white. I also used a set of Dina Wakely's circles with face images; this time I stamped them on acetate with Staz On. Once dry, I cut them out and glued them down. I really like how one wet stamp slid when I went to stamp  one of the face on the acetate, and so I left the slide and added that to my page also. I finished my page by adding a white border to the postage style shadow stamps, and I also stamped some tiny butterflies as well as the words.

       I also have a tag for Valerie's Spring Flowers challenge at Tag Tuesday. I started by stamping some pink and green dots (I stamped each color separately), and then I stamped the pitcher with the tulips in it. I used markers to color that image. I added some bee sequins, as well as some tiny purple flower sequins. I also added some tiny foam confetti sized flowers.

       I stamped the bunny and colored that image. I then used the same pink and green inks to stamp some various circles. Finally I stamped the quote.

      With all the snow that fell in Thursday's storm, I've been putting out some bird  food on the ground as well as keeping the bird feeders filled. I bet I've had a hundred birds flitting in and out all day.

 I also had a lot of bulbs and even perennials popping out of the ground before this big late season winter storm hit. It's a good thing they're all hardy plants. 

That's all for me today. Have a lovely weekend!


  1. I feel so sorry for the birds in the snow. The photos of birds searching for food provide tender art images.

  2. received more snow this week than we did all winter. I hope that spring arrives soon for you.

  3. Kudos to you for taking such great care of the birds, Erika. In your picture I see Dark-eyed Junco, Pine Siskin and American Goldfinch. It’s especially great to give them a hand when the snow buries much of their natural food. I thank you on their behalf! All the best - David

  4. No power and you can blog? Generator? We don´t have any - if we had no power... I know where candles and lighters are...
    But - we get little snow and - don´t be jealous - we have a maintanance guy for shoveling (our house is a party of 14).
    Those stamps I have never heard of but the outcome is fun!
    Oh, your flowers look happier than mine - but... for two weeks old they still look good enough to spray happiness :-)
    Nice of you for the birds! To a lovely weekend - sun and some whopping 20C/68F! Hugs to that!

  5. The temperature has reached up to 18C today over here...saw lots of young people wearing just a t-shirt and shorts today. The pages look lovely and I love esp. the 2nd one.

  6. Glad you were able to have a lot of art time. I hope you get your electricity back soon. Hopefully, with the temps close to 60 this week, all the snow will be gone soon.

  7. Spring is here and lovely art -Christine

  8. Oh my goodness, so much snow, it likes like the Arctic to me! Hope it soon goes. I LOVE the pieces you made for AJJ and Ta-Tu, absolutely beautiful. Love the faces in the circles, and the c olours you used. Even the tag would fit to AJJ if it wasn't a tag! Have a lovely weekend, keep warm, hugs!

  9. Lovely page and tag with beautiful bright colors ♥️🌷
    Here snow has already smelted quite much and it's supposed to continue tomorrow and weather is back ☀️.
    How nice from you to help birds get food when snow covered grounds 😊🐦
    I hope you get warmth back soon and can enjoy weekend πŸ‘πŸ’

  10. Splendid shot with the bird in flight! YOu did get nailed, didn't you. Good grief, we need spring to stick around for a few days!

  11. What a great page and tag. Those shadow stamps and circle stamps were the perfect choice and I love your bouquet of flowers, too. I hope you are all lit up by now and cozy warm. xox

  12. Fun to see the flowers coming up. Birds look happy.

  13. Another great journal page and again you have chosen rectangles and interspersed them with circular images. I had no ide that the young man was a slip, I thought it was intentional to have one overlapping.
    Good that you have been feeding the birds, you must have a lot of bird food to feed that number. How exciting to see them though, coming in like that and how rosy a glow you must have felt knowing that you were helping them in that way.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  14. a gorgeous spring tag and lovely photos and journal page! thanks for linking to tag tuesdfay! xp

  15. Lovely to see the birds tucking in.

    All the best Jan

  16. Beautiful artwork. Looks like the birds are enjoying the bird feeder, despite all of that snow.

  17. I've never heard of shadow stamps before, but I love what you did with them. This is a perfect entry for Valerie's theme at AJJ.

    I DO have some of those circle stamps you used on the tag.This is a wonderful spring inspired entry for Tag Tuesday, too.

    Nice you have all that food out and were able to take care of the birds during this latest snow storm. They will soon be mating, so will need all the food they can get. Hope the bees survive this late spring snow storm.

  18. Fabulous page and tag! Love those colours on you page for AJJ! That looks like a LOT of snow! I don't think I would have stayed far away from the window with all of those birds around!

  19. A fabulous page Erika! I love the colours you used. I have some of those shadow stamps somewhere.
    Lovely to see all the birds tucking in! Glad you're looking after them.

  20. A pretty tag, Thank you for joining in with our challenge at Tag Tuesday.
    Lovely photos on your blog.


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