Friday, April 5, 2024

More of Athens

Hi everyone. Happy Friday to you. 

    Sadly, winter is  back here at my house. Luckily it's April, and the snow shouldn't last long, especially since our temperatures are going to jump way back up once all this stormy weather moves out. But the way I feel, even 1 day of snow in the ground is too long.  πŸ˜•   

    We really got dumped on with over a foot (over 30.5cm) of heavy wet snow, and  with the heavy wet snow as well as some strong winds, we lost our power too. Almost everyone (99.8%) in my town lost power yesterday. (According to the power company web pages only 3 homes had power in my town, and the town next to us was 100% out of power.) That was similar to many  other communities in New Hampshire.  With so many communities without power, I wonder how long it will be before ours is restored. I bet it might be a few days. This was definitely the worst  storm we had all winter, and it isn't even winter anymore. 

     To escape the return of winter, today I'm pretending I'm going back to Athens.  I have some photos I'll be linking up to Nicole's Friday Face Off . 

      Today I'm going up to  share some views of the Acropolis and the Parthenon.  This first photo was taken on our first day in Athens. It shows a side of the Acropolis where the Parthenon is not in view. It was too late to visit that day, so we walked around the base of the monument, part way up the hill.  That was  a little tease for the next day when we went all the way up. And it was a pretty walk also.

The next day after lunch, when we came out of the Acropolis Museum and walked our way up to the Acropolis, there was this really dark sky over the buildings. Luckily, it didn't rain on us. 

It's quite the climb up.

And luckily the sun came out for us too. It's too bad there was so much scaffolding, but when you are over 2000 years old, you can always use a little face lift. 

Here's an artist's rendering (from  of how the building looked when it was in its prime. Below it is some info I pulled off the internet.

The Parthenon's base was 23,028 square feet (about half the size of a football field) and its 46 outer columns were some 34 feet high. A 525-foot frieze wrapped around the top of the exterior wall of the building's inner chamber.

On our visit, the sun came out, but it was raining off on another hill. You can just see bits of a forming rainbow.

In the other direction we had beautiful sunshine.

Here's a viewing platform you can look back at the Parthenon from.

And here's my lovely face with the Parthenon behind me.

And finally for this post, a lighted view of the Parthenon and the Acropolis at night.  It almost looks fake, doesn't it? The hotel we stayed at had a rooftop restaurant/lounge, and we went up there on our last night  to enjoy the view and have a nightcap. 

Have a great start to your weekend. 



  1. That’s a lot of snow, Erika, and as you say at this time of the year it is heavy and wet. No fun at all in April. I can see why your mind took you back to Athens! All the best - David

  2. When you were standing on the viewing platform and looking back at the Parthenon, did you forget what snow was? I would have been too busy taking photos :)

  3. Fascinating photos. I like the way you saw the monument from so many angles, and in such varied lighting conditions.
    best, mae at

  4. Good morning, all that snow would be so depressing-being in April ugh hopefully it will melt away soon.
    Enjoyed seeing all of your photos from your trip-Happy Friday Kathy

  5. Your face is lo ely indeed, and you are a wonderful person to match it. The photos of Athens are great, I loved visiting Greece. The almost-rainbows are wonderful. Have a great weekend, stay warm, hugs!

  6. Sorry about that snow dump my goodness. Lovely photos of Athens thanks. -Christine

  7. darn...that's a lot of snow for April. Beautiful pictures of Athens.

  8. We have here just the same snow situation 😐
    Thank you for sharing the great Greece photos and your smiling, happy looking 😊
    Have a wonderful weekend my friend 🌞
    P.S. Snow will smelt soon, I hope πŸ‘

  9. I love the rainbow. Snow backgere today. Not anywhere what you got. Burrrr.

  10. Oh, boy, Erika!!!
    This looks and reads awful!
    Really in all my life we never lost power! Hope your heating kept working at last?
    LOL. Thank you for at least saying football- not soccer-field! Impressive building (to be again) and yippeee for the rainbow.
    Cute pic of you :-)
    Thank you and have a great weekend, hugs

  11. Well, in my hometown, the rain has been coming. It was pretty fast yesterday and is expected again today. I'll be glad when it's over!
    Again, thanks for sharing your pictures from Greece.

  12. Ohhh Noooo..... All that flippen snow. I sure do not miss it at all. I too would go back to Athens, in my mind, to forget what's outside. This are amazing photos and what memories of such a beautiful place. Thank you for sharing with FFO and stay warm this weekend.

  13. Wow, that's a lot of snow - brrr! It must be confusing for your bees when you get warm weather and then all of a sudden all that snow. Athens looks so beautiful and I loved seeing your photos, I hope you had a good time 😊. Hugs, Jo x

  14. Oh no! All of that snow! Ours never stuck to the ground, so I'm happy about that! Really love the wonderful photos of Greece! Stay warm!

  15. Great shots! The snow is impressive.

  16. Oh gosh, that’s a lot of snow! Especially so soon after coming back from Greece where it must have been milder.
    Your Athens photos are beautiful. The night view one in particular.
    Have a great weekend, in spite of the weather,

  17. So nice to see sunshine and beautiful scenery instead of all that snow. I hope your power is restored soon. Did you feel the earthquake this morning?

  18. Oh no Erika, snow to me is time to get cosy but as our minds and body awakes ready for Spring it is certainly not what anyone would want to see. I do hope it thaws soon and that power resumes for you all in your town, i'm sure you are prepared for times like this though. You have certainly brought warmth to us all with your pictures of your time in Athens, so much history and beauty to discover.. happy memories.
    Sending warm hugs Tracey xx

  19. Yikes! I knew y'all were probably getting snow and I read about the power outages, so sorry it has affected you and will be quickly restored. Hopefully your hubby had a snow day and was there to start up the generator. I'm remembering the walk to the Parthenon and yes it's a steep climb! Perfect for tribute to a goddess and as a fort/military base, though. The way they have it lit up at night makes it even more awesome-looking. I like your You Are There photo. I should have taken more like that on my previous travels. XOX

  20. It's hard to imagine that amount of snow right now -- and then to think that just a few weeks ago the sky was blue, the temps comfy. You definitely got slammed!

  21. Your holiday is in stark contrast to the weather you are experiencing at the moment. It looks (snow) nice on a Christmas card but that is about it. maybe fun for the kids to play in and with but at my age I don't particularly want to see any and am hoping not to now we are in April. Sorry you get it at a time when I am thinking "Spring". Hope the loss of power doesn't last too long.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps bet the dogs enjoy it x

  22. That is quite the contrast of too much snow and beautiful photos of Greece ~ all wonderful photography ~ thanks, hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laugther and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Ugh on the snow photos.

    Great Athens photos.

  24. I read how you got dumped on, but those photos of the snow make it seem more real.

    I was in total awe of both the Acropolis and the Parthenon. Wonderful photos and lots of good information, too. I saw the full scale replica of the Parthenon in Nashville, but there is NOTHING like seeing the original.


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