Friday, May 3, 2024

I'm Back in Greece

Hi everyone. Happy Friday. I wish I really was back in Greece 😏, or even on another trip. Instead I'm home and will share some photos from when I visited Greece with you.

I'll start with some faces for Nicole's Friday Face Off, and also Gillena's FRiday Lunch Break. This first photo is from Logan Airport in Boston when we arrived for the start of our trip.

And here's this silly key chain to an Airbnb  apartment we had for a couple of nights while in Trikala, Greece.

And one of my friends and myself being silly.

     And here's some other photos to wrap up my post. Today I am showing you  Trikala, a city in central Greece which ended up being much bigger than I expected. It was also a city where several people asked us why we were there.

We were there as part of a heritage visit for one of the friends I was traveling with. 

Here's some downtown views.

    And here's some views at a park in Trikala where there is a long standing clock tower and also the ruins of a Byzantine Castle.  I have to share this stone worked walkway also because instead of all the cement blocks like we have in the US, there were some gorgeous walkways Greece.

Here's a few views of the castle. 

And the clock tower.

It had been pouring earlier that morning of our visit, but the travel gods were with us and the skies mostly cleared out for our day of sight-seeing. That's all for me today.
Have a super start to your weekend. 



  1. You had a fun time with your girl friend in Greece :-)) Happy Friday!

  2. Good morning Erika, I really enjoyed your travel post-looks like you and your friends had such a good time. Love that stone walkway too
    Hugs Kathy

  3. ...thanks for this fun return trip.

  4. Nobody ever mentioned Trikala as a place to visit.. although it was a very long time since we drove around Greece. Would you recommend it now?

  5. Hi Erika, so nice to see those photos. Trikal is a very petty place, and I love the pics where you are playing around, great. And you got a great shot of that wet poppy, it's beautfil. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  6. the key chain made me laugh. I'd like to carry something like that. Beautiful photos. My favorite the lone poppy. I hope the weather gods are with us today and the sun comes out soon.

  7. It is so beautiful there. You are having a good time with all the silliness. We all need to do that, be silly once in awhile. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Very beautiful photos from Greece.
    I'm so glad you had a great time with your friends!
    Trikala is a beautiful town near Meteora (very impressive place)
    Have a nice day!

  9. Once again, thanks for the images from your trip!

  10. All of these are such fun! It tells me you are having a wonderful time -- and a beautiful one, too! Such good photo ops!

  11. Great pictures from Greece, I enjoyed them.

    Have a great weekend.

    All the best Jan

  12. So often in Europe beauty is combined with utilitarianism and these intricate walkways are a clear example of that. Modernity pales by comparison. All the best - David

  13. Wow! ~ Greece looks so beautiful ~ awesome photos from your trip ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Trikala is one of the most beautiful cities in Greece, but it is not touristic at all. I am glad you had a great time there with your friends. I am very happy to see your photos and I wish I were there with you. Kisses!!!

  15. Some great photos - particularly liked the keyfob, the umbrellas (thought they were fabulous), you being silly (great time with friends), the water and the poppy. But really just enjoyed them all.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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