Thursday, May 2, 2024

Second on the Second

 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday. I wasn't going to post today, but I want to join Bleubeard and Elizabeth for their Second on the Second challenge.

     The hubby and I are off to Boston today because he has his annual transplant appointment. For those of you who didn't know me back in 2017, my husband had a kidney transplant. He came down with a rare autoimmune disease that wiped out both of his kidneys in 2015, and he had been on dialysis while going through the process to  have a transplant.  The actual 7 year surgery anniversary is next Thursday, but for Second on the Second I thought I'd re-share my post from May 12, 2017.  I had just come home from the hospital after being his donor which is what my post for that day is about. Here's  a quick journal page I had made just before that.

 I'll finish off my post with some photos from my garden yesterday. We've been in a rainy spell for much of this week.

The daffodils were very droopy from the rain.

My weeping cherry tree is just starting to bloom.

Some of my Japanese ferns are starting to come up,

as is my bleeding heart

and lastly, my peonies are getting tall and even getting some leaves.

The weeds are also growing, and it looks like I need to get out and do some cleaning. 😏
Have a great day!


  1. Great that everything worked well, Erika. You are now truly bound by more than the vows of marriage. May his good health continue. All the best - David

  2. You were very brave to donate your kidney, well done again! It was a huge decision to make. Your garden looks lovely with the raindrops on the flowers and blossoms. Have a great day in Boston! Hugs, Valerie

  3. sure got a soaking!

  4. You're a hero. Beautiful photos. The close=up of the daff reminds me of Georgia O'Keeffe. It's supposed to be a gorgeous day today though right now it doesn't look like it. Hopefully, the sun will burn through. I hope you can get outside to your garden.

  5. I remember that time in your life well. I hope his appointment goes well and you can have a little fun in Beantown before you head home!

  6. Erika so glad you were a match for your husband and that the transplant was succcessful. Lovely page. -Christine

  7. You did a great job, donating!!!
    And photographing, too! Hugs! To love!!! To regained health.

  8. That's true love :-))) The page is beautiful!

  9. Seven years is a wonderful milestone! Congrats to you both!
    Love that weeping cherry tree and blossoms, so cool.
    The sunflowers Honey planted are now taller than I am but no flowers yet. I'm like, are these beanstalks or something? lol The stalks are very thick, none of our rain has beaten them down yet. Our back yard wildflower area is a sea of pink buttercups this year, something different every year, thanks to the birds and bugs. And our baby radishes are sure delish, just wish Honey would pick more lettuce than he does as I eat it right up. XOX

  10. I wasn't aware of this... so pleased your were able to do this and the transplant was successful. I hope his appointment goes well.

    All the best Jan

    PS I enjoyed your photographs.

  11. Beautiful flowers, and a beautiful story. It’s good to know that the results have been so lasting and successful.
    best, mae at

  12. I remember that page and I remember your surgery. This is a perfect second look on the 2nd. Lots of great memories from that.

    The drops of water on the flowers makes them look almost surreal. Just stunning.

  13. An incredible true story Erika, love really does shine through. Your kindness and strength is amazing as you share an extra special bond between you and your life partner Hubby. Love your brave snoopy page xx
    Sending Hugs and thank you for sharing again Tracey xx

  14. You are a hero, Erika. Your husband is really luck to have you by his side.Beautiful journal page and lovely photos of daffodils. I LOVE your cherry tree. Kisses, my friend.

  15. Wow, what a fabulous thing to do, donate your kidney to your husband - how courageous and how loving.
    Great snoopy picture - says it all!
    You must have a good camera to get some beautiful photos of the rain on the flowers. Those daffodils look fab (just done daffs for tomorrow in my journal) with the rain on them and your weeping cherry is fantastic. I love those photos. Blew me away!
    Hugs, Neet xx


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