Monday, May 6, 2024

T Stands for This and That

 Hi everyone. And a happy T day to everyone who stops by Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog  blog for our weekly drink share.

     Last week was a busy one. I took a couple of beach walks, tackled a few indoor and outdoor chores, made some homemade macaroni and cheese, received my  new box of honeybees and went with my husband down to Boston for his transplant appointment.  Along with a few other things.

     The drive into Boston was NOT fun, and we were stuck in a lot of slow traffic. Some of it had to do road construction, and some it had to do with an accident, and some of it had to do with traffic lights not working. If you've driven in Boston, it is not known for  easy driving, as are many other cities. The other day some of you asked if we were able to do anything else in the city besides his appointment, but since the drive in took extra long, once the appointment was done we decided to skip out of town before we hit the later in the day traffic crunch.

AH, this beach was  so much more relaxing, even if it was a little chilly.

      And here are the bees in their shipping container. The can on the top holds a bit of sugar water for them to feed on  while they are in transit. It goes all the way down into the container, but in this photo I was pulling it out here to release the bees.

       The day they arrived was wet and really chilly so I waited a day to release them. I've got my fingers crossed enough of them are alive and have been able start getting established in the hive. They were pretty lethargic when I installed them, but the queen was pretty feisty.

The shadow in this next photo isn't very good, but I peeked in to see how the new hive was doing. I have 2 different feeding sources in this photo, and the one they are really all over is the pollen protein patties. You're supposed to give the bees a few days to adjust, so this week I'll be doing more of a look than than I did for this photo.

Another fun thing that happened last week was I had some HAPPY MAIL.❤ The card was even perfect for T day.
Thank you Elle for thinking of me. 

I need a drink to share for T, and since the good weather is on the way (or ishere when it isn't raining), it was time for POP's to open last Saturday. Hurrah! That is always a reason to go out to eat, and this year we went for a late lunch in the mid-afternoon rather than waiting for dinner.  We were already number 172 on our slip, so the early lunch crowd must have been pretty good. (Assuming they started the new season with #1.)

Here's  our drinks, which we brought from home. We shared a fisherman's platter which came with fries and coleslaw. It also had fried fish, fried scallops, fried clams and fried shrimp. It's a good thing we had worked all morning in the yard and that we didn't plan on anything for dinner. 😏

    That's all for me this week. Some of you mentioned you would like the yellow cake recipe from last week, so I'll include that below. I can't believe how long this cake stayed moist in my cake holder. It was fresh tasting for over a week, but our weather was still pretty cool.

Have a great T day and week ahead.

Fluffy yellow cake from America's Test Kitchen recipe
bake at 350 degrees F for 20-25 minutes
(sorry, there is no metric in this cookbook)

1. In a bowl mix together:

2 1/2 cups/10 ounces of cake flour
1 1/4 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
3/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups sugar

2. In a second bowl whisk together:

 1 cup buttermilk at room temperature
10 Tbsp of melted unsalted butter
3 Tbsp of veggie oil
2 tsp vanilla
6 egg yolks

3. Using a clean mixing bowl, with a mixer or by hand whip: 3 egg whites with a pinch of cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Then add 1/4 c of sugar and white until firm peaks form. This should take 2-3 minutes.

4. With your mixer or by hand:  take the flour mix from step 1 and gradually add the the liquid mix from step 2. Mix until no lumps remain. 

5. Then using a spatula: gradually  and gently stir in the stiff egg whites until there is no egg white visible..

6. Have two  greased and floured  9 inch cake pans (I used 9 inch, but I think the cake would have been taller in 8 inch pans) ready: Add half of the batter to each pan. Gently tap them  a couple of times on the counter, and then bake in the 350 degree F oven until an inserted toothpick comes out clean. Baking should take 20-25 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes before removing from the pan and then wait until they are completely cool before frosting.  Frost with your favorite frosting. 


  1. Hi Erika, sounds like it's been busy for you. ugh driving into large cities is no fun at all-we avoid that if at all possible now-I don't drive in traffic like that.
    I was thinking about your favorite summer spot to eat at and wonder if they would be opening soon or waiting for memorial weekend.
    Good luck with your new bees, hoping they settle in for you.
    and hoping all went well for your husbands appt.
    thanks for the recipe too-sounds delicious
    Happy T hugs Kathy

  2. ...I drove in Boston once, once and done!

  3. We hardly go to downtown Toronto for similar reasons. -Christine

  4. Ugh, I never drive into Houston anymore precisely because of the congestion.
    So happy for you that your bees arrived in much better shape this year!
    And you got to eat at Pop's...that meal looks delicious.
    We had our usual steak dinner last night so tonight we had tacos and guacamole for Seis de Mayo, lol.

  5. I hate driving for a reason!
    Oh, the beach looks so wonderful! Imagine to be rich and have a house there!
    To your bees!!!
    And to POP's - looks so tiny! Like our Guido´s. Food made with love...
    I think in Germany there is no BYO. You are not allowed to bring your drink in.
    Have a great T-Day, hugs

  6. A lot has happened this week, driving, walks on the beach, cooking, the arrival of the bees.
    I hope this week is a relaxing one! Be well Erika and take care!

  7. I kno how much you love Pop's, so I'm sure you enjoyed everything! Bosten and many other towns are hard to drive in. Andreas drove me into town yesterday as I had an appointment, and it took 45 minutes, normally it would have been just 10. The tram lines are being repaired, so everbod has to travel by car.... Have fun with your bees, hope they all do well.. Hugs, Valerie

  8. Your photo of Boston traffic reminds me of L.A. during rush hour. It wasn't the traffic that I noticed when I was there. It was the rudeness/aloof attitude of the people. The beach seems a much happier place. Looks like Maddie agrees.

    So glad the bees arrived healthy. Let's hope they stay that way. That is quite an operation from a packing perspective. Nice of you to show how they came.

    What an adorable card from Elle. Was there a return address on yours? I got something in the mail today that MIGHT have been from her. Mine has cats on it (postage).

    Ah POPS! I'll have the shrimp and you can have everything else. Were the lobster rolls more expensive this year?

    One thing that surprised me on your diet coke label was a "recycle me" sign. We don't see that here in KS.

    Thanks for the cake recipe. 607943 bowls later, you get to add everything together and HOPE you have a dishwasher (which I don't)! Smile, Erika. It's a joke!!

    Thanks for sharing your trip to Boston, the beach, the bees, Pops, your diet coke, and the recipe with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  9. I do hope that everything is going well with the transplant. Uhhhhggg traffic and going to the city is awful, for us too. Lunch looks good though.

  10. Ugh, Boston and traffic gotta love them. Not. Was that Long Sands you and Maddie were walking along? 35 more days and Teague and I will be in Ofunquit. Today is a gorgeous day. I hope the bees are doing well. Lunch at Pop's looks great. Happy T Day

  11. Boston traffic I remember. Feel your pain.

  12. I've only driven in Boston a couple of times and both times I thought I was going to die. Insurance there must cost a fortune. I'm so glad the bees seem to have made it and hope by the end of the week you'll have the full knowledge. I love following your adventures with this. And Pops is back! (How much are lobster rolls this year?!)

    Thanks, too, for sharing the cake recipe. It looks like a good one.

  13. The beach must have been very relaxing! The sea water looks peaceful and still.

  14. You did have a busy week. Hope everything with your husband's transplant works out well. I love that beach view, not so much of that Boston traffic..LOL

  15. When I am trapped in traffic in Athens, it is not funny at all, so be sure that I completely feel you, Erika. I love your bees photos. The recipe seems interesting. I avoid sweets but if I decide to make the cake, I will let you know. Kisses,my friend.

  16. Never heard of your husband transplant before. It is good to see that he is OK.

  17. I never drove anywhere in America, always left it to DH, five lanes scared me! To be honest any driving did. Hope the appointment had good results.
    Similarly I hope your bees are ok, I look forward to hearing about this new batch in the future and the old ones too of course.
    That seafood had me, I love seafood but the other half doesn't so I don't get it much and over here we don't have it as good as you do. I miss my food in America - I now realise just what a highlight eating out was.
    Take care, Hugs, Neet xx


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