Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Wednesday Numbers

 Hi everyone. Happy middle of the week to you.

Today I have a journal page for Valerie's and my challenge at Art Journal Journey. This month our theme is poetry. The other day I was playing around with some number rubber stamps just because I felt like it, and when I finished my page, I was inspired to turn it into a rather silly poem.  Remember one, two, buckle my shoes?

I will admit it was fun to make the page and fun to write such nonsense too.

All the numbers are stamped. The big numbers are colored and decorated with markers. The background color is from using some assorted watercolor paints. 

And are you sick of Greece photos yet? Today, to keep with my number theme from my journal page, I have some "different"photos. These all contain numbers.

Like the label on some rice pudding I had for breakfast at an AirB&B we stayed at.

The costs of some street food at a vendor in Athens.

Opening hours of a monastery/nunnery that we visited in Meteora

A cool store sign; the stores been there since 1999 according to this sign.

More opening hours at the Byzantine Castle ruins in Trikala.

And a  sign for a Carnival celebration on March 17th, as well as the time it begins.

And here's the cost of a liter of gas as a gas station. Our rental was a diesel.

And the distance in kilometers to some locations.

This was a fun hand drawn sign. I'm not sure what all the smiles are about, but I like them.

The weather from a phone screen shot.

Prices on a  menu.

And the flight information on the seat screen while flying home. We were about half way through out flight.

Too bad but I didn't notice any number 42s for those of you who are Hitchhiker's (Guide to the  Galaxy fans. I hope you are having a great middle to your week.


  1. I love your funny page, Erika. And how beautiful photos from Greece! It is great that you visited monasteries and castles. And I am glad to see that you had good weather in Corfu (though I remember it rained while you were there). Big hugs, my friend. I am going now to see your previous posts.

  2. Great, fun poem!
    And no! I will never get sick of holiday-pics!!
    Fun signs, the smiley-one is my fav! Have a great day, hugs

  3. Your page is great Erika, love the idea with the numbers and rhymes, great fun! And the Greece photos definitely fit very well to the theme, well done on this lovely excursion into numbers! Hugs, Valerie

  4. One, two buckle my shoe;
    Three, four knock at the door;
    Five, six pick up sticks;
    Seven, eight lay them straight;
    Nine, ten a big fat hen;
    Eleven, twelve dig and delve.

  5. Whatever the reason for the sign with the smiles, the world can’t have too many smiles. All the best - David

  6. can be a numbers game.

  7. Beautiful different photos from Greece and a funny poem!
    I liked the post.
    I write such poems, similar when I want to teach the children something and I don't want them to forget it with the poems and songs they learn pleasantly and stay with them.

  8. good morning enjoyed your post with all the numbers-petty neat
    Hugs Kathy

  9. I like your modern take on One, two buckle my shoe. Stay safe and dry today with the thunderstorm rolling through this morning.

  10. All great photos, Erika -- and I'm not tired of Greece yet!

  11. I love your Greece photos. Have a beautiful day.

  12. I can imagine you having fun with that page. It was fun to look at and read and I am sure I would have thoroughly enjoyed making something like that myself. Love numbers but am no mathematician.
    i thought that was a great idea to link in some photos from Greece with the numbers in your journal. Good thinking!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  13. Such a fun concept with the play on numbers! Love the way you've added design and color to them too! Lovely photos!

  14. Love those street treats :-))That's a lovely number page.

  15. It's fun to see holiday pics, Erika, and enjoyed this different take on your trip to Greece. We're not sure when we will travel there so thanks for sharing your trip with all of us online.

  16. Lovely page and interesting photos!

  17. A great post.

    I do like the look of the street food in Athens.

    All the best Jan

  18. I love all the bright signs! So pretty. I love the sesame bakes too. Love me some sesame seeds!!!!!

  19. That's a really cool numbers page and fun poem!
    LOL, seeing all of those poppy seeds on those baked goods makes me think they don't drug test in Greece, heehee. Or if they do, they surely exclude that culinary item since it's used in a lot of greek/arab foods. Glad I went over there long before drug testing, I'd have failed I ate so much there.
    And I learned something new. Had NO IDEA it was so cold up in the air where jets fly. WOW! xoxo


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