Saturday, May 11, 2024

Weekend Art

 Hi everyone, Happy weekend to you. And to all of you mother's, Happy Mother's Day (a day early) to you. 

Today I have some art for a couple of challenges to share with you.

Let me start with Pinky's challenge at Tag Tuesday. Her theme is Birds, and I've had this tag done, but am only just squeezing it in before the challenge ends in a couple of days.

     I inked my tag in blue, and added some Art by Marlene bird images. The little birds were all stacked and I added them to the back of this big bird. However, to add some zing to the big bird, I created a wing and added an actual tail feather. The tweet quote is a die cut.

     I had a poem by Emily Dickinson  about hope and feathers, and I thought my tag would also make a great central image for a journal page. I would have posted my tag earlier if it hadn't been for finding time to make this page. I think they should be posted together.

I am linking my page up to Valerie's and my Poetry challenge at Art Journal Journey.

     To make my tag into a journal page, I attached it slightly off-center to fit the words of my poem. Then I added some die cut feathers as well as a couple of actual feathers along the bottom. I also added a few little confetti pieces too. 

I am also linking this page up to Gillena's Sunday Smiles.

      I hope if you are a mother of any kind, you have a wonderful day tomorrow. My daughter is  coming today to visit for the weekend, and it will be great to see her. ❤ However, I had a big mess in her room that I had to stop all the other things I was doing and clean up.  I'm glad it's all cleaned; which means that her coming home has a second positive (besides getting to see her). BUT, and I just have to write this, grin,  it would have been less work for me last week if she didn't come home. 😉

And to everyone, have a great weekend. 


  1. Happy Mother's Day! Enjoy the time with your daughter!

  2. Unique portrayal of birds to be sure, Erika, but very appealing. I’m about to leave and join three friends to go birding, but I’ll be surprised if we see anything like this. So will they! All the best- David

  3. Love your tag!!!! To a great Saturday, hugs

  4. ...have a great Mother's Day!

  5. What a unique and beautiful bird page! I love the design and colour.

  6. That bird looks like it has a attitude or personality all of its own! Hope you have a great mother's day!

  7. Emily was not a mother and didn't have the joy of celebrating mother's day with all the grandchildren. I will raise a cup of tea in her honour.

  8. I like your whimsical approach to the quote. A mother's work is never done. Enjoy the day with your daughter. Did you get to see the aurora last night?

  9. Happy Mother's Day, Erika! Have a great time with your daughter!

  10. Thank you for posting the WHOLE poem in your lovely project — so often one sees only the first line. Have a great Mother’s Day.
    best, mae at

  11. That bird is super fun! I love that you've added the feather to him and this happens to be one of my favorite quotes!!

  12. Lovely tag and page. Your bird is really fun! And I love the poem from Emily Dickinson! Thanks for 2 !lovely entries for Tag Tuesday and our challenge at AJJ! Have a lovely Sunday with your daughter! Hugs!

  13. That tag is lovely.

    (Here in the UK we celebrated Mothers Day in March.)
    I wish you a Happy Mother's Day, enjoy time with your daughter.

    All the best Jan

  14. Beautiful tag and fits perfectly in your journal page. Hugs, my friend.

  15. I love the blue. Here's to a wonderful day with your daughter.

  16. I did serious of birds in atc. Now I'm working on cats.

  17. The journal page you created, the bird, the poem, is very beautiful!
    Good luck with your participation!
    Have a beautiful Mother's Day!

  18. happy mother's day! gorgeous tag! thanks for linking to tag tuesday. xo

  19. Happy mother's day! Ours is next week here in Sweden.

  20. Lovely lovely tag. Thanks for linking to SundaySmiles


  21. I'm way behind in commenting as Blogger has decided to limit the number I can do every day for some reason and I've had DT comments to make.
    I love the images and colors on your tag, plus the feathers are perfect.
    Hope you had a good visit on Mother's Day. I had a very nice visit on the phone, as our daughter had a softball game in the afternoon and couldn't miss to come here, as she is their pitcher and they won, yay.
    You are much nicer than me about a grown child's room, lol.
    Hope your week is good, xoxo

  22. Oh wow Erika this is absolutely gorgeous and soul provoking for sure!! Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day! I do love how you used the tag on your journal page. You are making me want to start one!! Thanks so much for playing along with my theme at Tag Tuesday!!

  23. What a fab tag and therefore a fab page. I love the figure of the bird and the tilny ones standing on his back. Beautiful colours used within this piece of art and the addition of the feathers is fabulous. I just love this Erika.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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