Friday, May 10, 2024


      Hi everyone. Happy Friday. Another week is winding down. We had a couple of gorgeous days early in the week, but mostly it's been another one on the cloudy and even wet side at my house. When I was teaching we used to love cloudy wet Mays because it made the kids not be as antsy like they would be in the beautiful weather. However, now that I'm retired and want to be out in the garden, I'm wishing for some nicer weather. 😏 grin

      Last Saturday I was able to get some yard work in, and while I was out there I noticed Dad bluebird was checking out a few of the birdhouses I have. I especially hoped he'd pick out the bluebird house we put up a couple of years ago. Later in the day I was inside when I noticed that Dad was sitting near that birdhouse for a long time. 

Then I noticed Mom.

I took these photos with a 400x zoom through a window since I didn't want to be outside and scare off the birds since that would interfere with Mom's work. I'm excited my bluebird house finally has some interest.

I'm joining Nicole's Friday Face Off  and Gillena's Friday Lunch Break.

Have a great start to your weekend.


  1. Eastern Bluebird is a species that has benefitted immensely from human assistance and it would be wonderful if they would raise a family in your nest box. Along the bluebird trail with which I am involved, we already have birds sitting on eggs. Many boxes are already occupied by Tree Swallows too. If you can provide a few mealworms for the bluebirds that would be very helpful. Good luck. Be sure to keep us posted. All the best - David

  2. The most beautiful couple of birds is a lovely bird house. Thank you, Erika, for sharing these photos. You made me day!!!

  3. ...they are my favorites, but I rarely see them.

  4. Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday at Lunch Bteak

    Have a great weekend Erika


  5. Lovel photos, so happy that Family Bluebird has moved in at last! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  6. That is so cool! I saw one bluebird later Winter/Spring. Put the meal worms out, but no bluebirds since then. Sad face.

  7. OMGosh! Great photos. I really love this bird house. Thank you for sharing with FfO and have a nice weekend.

  8. Great way to get a photo without spooking off the little guests. LOVE THAT!

  9. That´s so great! To your new tenants! Have a great day! Hugs

  10. I really liked the photos for 400X they are perfect, the bird house is great and the little birds are so cute too.
    It must be extremely relaxing to watch them!
    Thank you!

  11. How wonderful to have nesting bluebirds in that sweet little birdhouse!

  12. How wonderful to see and read that your bluebird house has new residents, Erika. And, the photos turned out well enough for us to see everything that was going on with the parents setting up house!

  13. Wow, gorgeous photos of the birds! LOVE seeing them!

  14. How fantastic! What a lovely set of photographs you managed to take and how thrilled you must have been to watch the antics of dad bluebird. I hope we get to see more as time goes on.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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