Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Book Pages

 Hi everyone. Happy Tuesday. 

     The last 2 weeks have flown right by, and it's already time for a new challenge at Try It on Tuesday. Thank you everyone who joined us for our last Emboss It challenge. And big thank you to Karen who was our guest designer for that challenge.

      Our new challenge for the next 2 weeks is :BOOK PAGES.  There are all kinds of ways to incorporate book pages into your challenge piece.  On my journal page I went with a pretty simple and basic way to use a book page.

     This is a page in a travel journal I'm almost done making. In March I visited Greece with some friends. I picked up a second hand book written in Greek (which I don't read, so hopefully this page is appropriate if you do read Greek) and I used that on my watercolor paper background. I added a stitched frame around the writing.  The 2 ancient figures are old stamps of mine; I think they are from Stampers Anonymous before that company went to mostly Ranger designers. I don't know who made the image at the top of the page. I bought it off of eBay or Etsy a long time ago also. The same is true for the word quote at the bottom of the page.  The vase is a die cut that I colored in, and the cats are stamped and fussy cut also. 

     Remember at Try It On Tuesday you have 2 weeks to join in to our book challenge, and we accept all types of art. Don't forget to check out the pieces from the other designers too. There should be a lot of inspiration for you.
     I am also linking this journal page up to Art Journal Journey. This month Matilde is hosting her theme is "What Makes You Happy".  Traveling and exploring new and even already visited places makes me happy. And making a travel journal when I get home is like extending the trip for a longer period of time. 😏

     I hope to see your book pages art at TIOT sometime in the next 2 weeks. 


  1. That looks nice..I love two black kitties there.

  2. Echoing Tom--it's all Greek to me :)

  3. Nice work and great new theme for you guys -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

  4. A great Greek themed page Erika, love how you've brought it all together.
    Avril xx

  5. I liked that you got a Greek book to tear up on your holiday. Matching it with the ancients makes a wonderful page.

  6. Wonderful page! Loving your greek inspired design and the book page pieces work beautifully 😊. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo

  7. That would be a good way to re-use old text books that'll just get scrapped otherwise.

  8. What a very cool book page with the Greek print! It's perfect for your travel journal and the images are fabulous along with that cool frame with the stitching! Thanks for having me join the challenge with you!

  9. Art Journal Journey is important. I used to love the monthly History Blogs summaries, but I suppose it took too much effort to present.

  10. I was at my Greek doctor yesterday, but he speaks a pretty good German.
    Your page reminds me how I was lost in Cairo as I could not read a thing at the train station and ran after our taxi-driver who helped us out SO big! He even took us to his home!
    Thank you for the memories! Hugs

  11. Love the Greek text page, wonder what it says😀and I like the addition of the cats too,think they were worshipped in ancient Egypt? Our two certainly think they should be😀 Fab page Erika

    Joan x

  12. Oh ... that is so good :)

    All the best Jan

  13. I love how you used a traditionally classical layout for your elements, that addes to the ancient Greek-ness of your page. My comment on your lake post asking if you scrapbooked was dumb after I thought about it. Of course you do, you make scrapbook journals of your trips. I think it would be very relaxing to look at a Lake Journal in chronilogical season order, beginning of summer to end cuz I know you, you have taken lots of photos. XOX

  14. Love the page you created and the Greek language background, your travel pages must give you wonderful memories when you look at them.
    I hope Maddie's insulin levels are under control, don't you just wish our family pets could tell us how they feel.
    I've enjoyed my catch up and it sounds like you are realy enjoying working by the lake. Suoer photos as well.

  15. Love how you extend your holidays by making a travel journal and what a great idea to buy books in places where the alphabet is different. Why did I never think of that when `I travelled?
    I too have a selection of Greek figures but never seem to use them these days - love how you incorporated them into your work today and I adore the cats. They look perfect standing down there.
    `Hugs, Neet xx

  16. I love this. I remember those Stampers Anonymous stamps. I always admired them. I even own one, but not one you used. This is a super entry and ideal for Matilde's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

  17. This page refers wonderfully to traveling and exploring new places 😍 Thank you for your entry to my challenge at AJJ ❤


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