Monday, June 10, 2024

T Stands for Mornings at the Lake

 Hi everyone. Happy Monday night or Tuesday, depending when you stop by. It's time for T again over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog .

     Last week I worked my couple of mornings at the lake. The weather was gorgeous, and surprisingly I only had a 2 boats each day.  Of course school isn't out here yet, so mostly I just get fishermen. Some of the regulars and I are now familiar with each other and spend time having a good chat. My boss says that's what she likes about me working. Since I'm friendly and remember who's been by the boat ramp, I'm a good representative for all Lake Hosts. Some of the teenagers that do it just aren't chatty, but I don't know if I would have been that way as a teenager either.

       Here's a  just before 7 AM morning view from the boat ramp.

     I need to remember to bring my camera with me. There's an eagle or 2 that hang around that general area. Last week I watched this one just sitting on the top of a tree for awhile. It's not a great photo as I only had my phone and he/she was quite away off. 

Right at the boat ramp this  mama song sparrow  had a big baby in tow.

And once again I needed my big camera, but here was a new bird for me. My Merlin  app identified it as a blue-grey gnatcatcher. 

Once the morning clouds moved away, you can see it was a gorgeous day.

There was a very large line of geese that flew overhead.

And the crows are always around.

Here's a view from standing out on the boat dock, looking back to my chair.

And here's a view looking up while I sit.

And no, I wasn't bored. Just playing and taking a break from some heavy duty reading. 

One morning last week I saw a whole lot of large birds soaring. I'm guessing maybe vultures, but they're too small to see much wing detail. Like I said, I need to remember my camera.

And after all that, for my drink this week, you can see my mid-morning protein shake snack down on the ground in front of  my chair. 

That's all for me today. Have a super T day and week ahead. 



  1. What a lovely lake so to spend so much time at. And love your snaps of the birds. I saw a heron tonight walking home from work it was flying in the trees I think it was building a nest somewhere near by.

    Allie of

  2. ...a beautiful silvery morning moment.

  3. Such a lovely time of year! Glad you enjoyed your drink! -Christine

  4. Your job sounds like a really good one, Erika, and I remember that you did it last summer as well. When do you start in the morning and when are you finished? Chatting with people is always nice, I enjoy that as well. This seems to be the perfect summer job. Happy T day, hugs - Carola

  5. Great bird photos! And I love the colors on your chair.

  6. Those lake shots are just too surreal and beautiful. You are lucky having a lake at your neighbourhood.

  7. Very cool and clever architecture and living! I want!
    Oh. Friday I was too full for corn.

    Ohhh, what a wonderful lake-pic!!!
    When I was writing my T yesterday I thought... I´ve come a loooong way. As teenager I´d done my job without a word. And now? I just step up to people and get rewarded with friendliness!
    The birds are very cute!
    I would love to share your work! If I can have such a colorful chair, too!
    To a great T-Day and a wonderful week, hugs

  8. It’s a great job when you can get paid to sit by the lake with a good book! All the best - David

  9. Hi Erika, great to see your pics from the lace, it's a good place to hang out, read and watch the birds etc. I'm not joining in T this week, I am having a lot of medical exams today, I will be glad when they are finished. But I'm not complaining, they are very nice and I even got a nice dinner! Hugs, Valerie

  10. You had some wonderful sightings. I like your set-up with the chair -- you have quite a view! And perfect weather (which is more than I can say for us!)

  11. It sounds like you have the perfect job in the perfect place. The photos are beautiful!

  12. Very cool bird photos. The mama sparrow with her big baby made me laugh. That circle of wings looks like turkey vultures and the line of geese remind me of looking up at the night sky and seeing the Starlink satellites chug by. Gorgeous weather coming up. Enjoy!

  13. Gorgeous photos! My favorite vacation memory since my husband retired was renting a cabin by the lake in Minnesota! So relaxing!

  14. Sorry to be so late visiting. Both my arthritis and my lupus flared up last night.

    What a beautiful place to have a day job. I'm gkad you showed the boat ramp from the dock, I was able to understand it better, I see a porta-potty, too. I can see why you enjoy this job.

    That's a colorful chair. And I saw your protein shake after you pointed it out. Thanks for taking us with you to the boat dock and sharing your shake with us for T this Tuesday.

  15. What a lovely spot. So peaceful. Is that green thing on the left a portable toilet? I was wondering how you would last all those hours without a wee.
    Happy T-Day,

  16. Great photos of your working, do you scrapbook? Would make a great layout.
    And thank goodness that portapotty is right close by, lol. hope they keep it clean for ya.
    Well, we are getting high pressure Friday fomr the Northeast! Like, that never happens. But then starting Saturday, rains from that Mexico storm, so maybe that is sucking the high pressure into it's evil web. I am really not in the mood for any tropical storm nonsense! Good week, xoxo

  17. This sounds like a great part-time job, Erika, sitting by the lake, chatting with folks and getting in some reading -- all while enjoying the scenics and birdlife. What's NOT to like?

  18. Beautiful photographs of the lake.

    All the best Jan

  19. Even though the photos are only taken with your phone they evoke memories for you and giv e us a taste of a day at the lake.
    What a wonderful thing to be said about you - you are the ambassador of the lake but I agree, perhaps as a teen we wouldn't have the skill sets we have now to talk to strangers.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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