Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cooking up some lovin'

This week I've been kitchen domestic (though my house is a MESS-who cares?). It started with these very very YUMMY ginger cookies (the best, I swear- not because I made them either). The recipe is in the Black Dog Summer cookbook and my sister-in-law made them this weekend for a cookout and when I tried them-oh baby!
Then yesterday I dragged Katie and her boyfriend Brian raspberry picking before the big thunderstorms rolled in. Actually, I dragged Katie, Brian wanted to go.
Here they are up at Ridge Runners Farm. It was so relaxing to pick berries, and since it was cloudy, it wasn't hot either.  But anyhow, I babble on about useless details. So then in the evening right before the big storms I made some jam- TONS of jam
Don't they look YUMMY?
Raspberry jam is soooo easy- just mash the berries (I used 5 quarts) with a potato masher, add sugar (5 cups for mine) and then add some pectin (1 box powdered). Then boil and can.
Here's my final results-though I only wanted to make 4 or 5 pints I ended up with 10...but better that than not enough. Been wanting to make jam for quite awhile...I like being old fashioned and its that nuturing farming instinct I guess...get away from the rush and tumble of modern life.
And today, I am off to visit my mother in Massachusetts- who has never made jam by the way. So much for escaping modern life.

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