Saturday, July 31, 2010

An Early Start

So to make up for yesterday's slow start and sleep in- I got up extra early today. BRRR. It was in the low 50's and this house was CHILLY. But made a great walking morning. Anyhow, got up early to see if CHF had any last minute put ups on their web site, as last week's letter said they would, and they did, so I got a couple of items I wanted but didn't want to pay full price for. Few things I wished for weren't up...but they are only rubber stamps and they'll be something else...from someone else, some other time.  After all, they are just rubber stamps. Its not like I haven't bought anything I wanted from them.
So today I show you some cards I've made recently. The bottom card is for Katie is take to a wedding shower she's going to tonight for her boyfriend's older sister. Then there's a cute birthday card and just a hello card.  Almost all the stamps are from CHF, and most are Kim Hughes stamps, which have been my recent favorites because they're so great to color with those Copic markers I've been buying.
So yesterday I was a GOOD doobie and stayed home and bleached down the walls of my screen porch to get some of the dark mildewy looking spots off the wood-it looks SOOOOOO good right now. I also put away the tent from the camping trip 2 1/2 weeks ago and I ran the self cleaning cycle on my oven.  Am trying to get a few things done for the BIG graduation party coming up 2 weeks from tomorrow- so I'm not in a mad fool mode the last few days before the party getting the house squared away. Of course, Dave needs to start the diningroom/kitchen floor-our linoleum is SOOO ripped and torn and this is the perfect excuse to have him get it DONE!
Today we need to bring the boat down to Salisbury, MA to get the engine started overheating last weekend, so I'm riding down with Dave. Then he's going to buy the flooring;YAHOO! Its just going to be some of that laminate pop together flooring- not my top choice board width 9I want it wide) but this is more affordable with college tuition bills right now and it will look 100% BETTER than what's there now. Can't wait!

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