Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Mess

So yesterday afternoon after we got home from dropping off the boat Dave and Brian started working on my diningroom floor- this is the BIG project that's got to get done before Katie's graduation party in 2 weeks.
Here's the old floor(above) which is about 35 years old. In this corner of the room its in good shape as this is the end that doesn't get much use, but along the busy end-its all ripping and peeling back. Plus, we've been in our house for 21 years now and its time to get what we want!
Here's a not so bright pile of things I moved out of the diningroom-drawers from the desk, cookbooks out of a cabinet...luckily if all goes as planned (maybe...hopefully...) this stuff should be able to be put away tonight or tomorrow morning.
Dave starting to peel back the old vinyl.
More of the mess. Emptied out hutch-all the materials on the table and the bar in the kitchen, furniture moved out of place...
The working end-no more vinyl on this floor, the boxes of my new laminate wood floor sitting there. The old cookstove you can see behind the table and chair weighed a TON to move- its solid casst iron with paint-love that stove- it came out of Dave's grandparents cottage when his parents turned it into their year round home and didn't want it anymore.
So hopefully today, at least this half of the room should have floor and we can move back some of the furniture...then onto the other half of the room AND the kitchen.

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