Sunday, July 11, 2010

Friday, Saturday, Today, Tomorrow

Photo trip today. First of all, some colorful shoes we saw while shopping Friday in TJMaxx.
Although a poor quality photo, I made a new bathroom curtain yesterday morning and put my bathroom supplies in baskets I found for 50% off at Michael's on Friday.
Dave finally hung my IKEA seperate pieces in the kitchen- my wall isn't large so instead of spreading them out we made them into this little cabinet- love it!

Cherries hanging on a tree in a parkinglot near West Marine in Portsmouth from our outing later yesterday.

And if you watch Samantha Brown on the Travel Channel at all, she talks about Flo's Hotdogs in York, ME. Well, I never had a Flo's before and they have a stand at the Kittery Trading Post, which was open. So I had a Flo's special- mayo, celery salt and her onion relish. Tasty.
Then we came home around 8ish after grocery shopping and getting Katie a fishing pole and getting me things for my camping trip and drove up the driveway to see this gorgeous rainbow.
Anyhow, today I checked my email and found I sold my first piece of jewelry on Etsy! I'm very excited.
Who knows what else is on the agenda today but
tomorrow I leave for my 2 day girls camping trip. So if I don't get a chance to post, will fill in all the details later when I get home!

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