Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lazy Morning

In the clouds, dark, I'm beat and feeling SOOOO lazy. Glad its not a boating day actually, not that I mind going but next week is a busy week for me and I want to get my house squared away and play with some stamps that I bought and that have arrived from Cornish Heritage Farms. They're going out of business, and I really like lots of their stamps, so I ordered a bunch and want to order some more too.  I'm trying to decide what I really want and not just an impulse thinking-you know, that I just I want them because they'll be gone in a couple of weeks.
So next week I'm off camping with some woman I work with for a couple of days, and then Friday my good friend from North Carolina arrives for a day and then Saturday we have my husband's aunt and uncle's 50th wedding anniversary party. I want to do a few things in my bathroom before my friend arrives Friday because its so close to being finished and having compnay motivates me to get it DONE. I've also got to pack up my camping supplies today so I'm not going crazy at the last minute.
Yesterday Katie and I ran errands ALL day but it was very successful and we had a blast. Got rid of a car load of bags to charity. Katie got  some computer supplies at Best Buy, managed to get to Sears Lands End shop and get me a bathingsuit (50% off too) that I really needed as my old one is about 10 years old, faded to the max and giving me a wedgie. Also got myself a Nalgene bottle for my sun tea and my camping trip (since I've been using Katie's for the last couple of months) and a few other things that were waiting to get done. I'm glad to unload all those bags of items out of my basement too...when I cleaned the attic out a couple of months ago I created a pyramid of its open space again. Yahoo!
So the top photos are just some taken around my yard or out on my walk... its summer and my yard is always one of my favorite places (well the grass is browning out right now as its been so dry but I LOVE my backyard). And since its summer, we have such yummy treats at the farm stands and grocery stores around here- including these bing cherries-YUMMY! Love them too. Have a great Saturday-whatever it is you're up to!

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