Monday, August 2, 2010

Thyme working on the floor

Yes, its a terrible title. But here's some photos of my GIANT thyme plant which is blooming and full of bees.
I love it- looks like a field of thyme,
And yes, for those you who know your herbs- this is one of my oregnao plants with the bee- these plants are blooming just as much, and are as full of bees too.

And though dark, you can see a lot of my floor got done yesterday. Just a few more boards and I can move my hutch back into place and move most of the rest of the furniture back and clean off my counters, table and livingroom piles. Then onto the rest of the floor. Hopefully Brian will be by this evening to do those few extra boards- and then tomorrow- we pick up the house.
Anyhow- am offtoday  to friends who vacationing on a lake just over in Maine-meeting up with another friend for lunch first...hopefully- it won't cloud in which it is threatening to do. Till later-

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