Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Views on a morning walk

Some views taken with my iPhone on my last couple of morning walks with Harley. He loves his morning walks-that's for sure. Me too. Makes me feels GOOD all day.
So yesterday was a BUSY day. Met a friend for lunch and then visited Silver Lake in Shapleigh, Maine where another friend is vacationing for the week. Was fun. Today will need to move my furniture and try to put some things away here...the obstacle course doesn't work for me and you can only deal with it so long before you bump into things or can't get to something or can't do something you want- but beyond my complaining-the floor looks SPECTACULAR!. I love it!
Hopefully I can finish reading the Help too. That's really a GOOD book which I never would have read if it wasn't a book club book. I am itching to read some of my other books too...this summer has not been a big reading summer at all.
Addendum-at 5 p.m.
OK, did a lot but this place still looks a MESS. Right now its bugging me because I'm ready to take a break, but its not done. Was thinking of going to my mom's tomorrow but now feel like I should stay home and finish up this cleaning. But should visit my mom...wish I didn't commit to some things like Thursday, but I could change the schedule...hmmm. Having a slightly stressed moment here and trying to work my way out of it. Sometimes I just forget that there is still time...I don't have to be done with a chore when I think I should be done with it.

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